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1、1. 校园暴力这一现象屡屡出现在报端,你认为出现这些事件的原因是什么?对此可以采取哪些应对措施呢?2. 在线教育越来越流行,你觉得出现这种现象的原因是什么?你有什么看法?3. 如今越来越多的父母给小孩子买手机,民众普遍认为有利有弊,你对此有什么看法?4. 随着国家的二孩政策公布,也许在不久,独生子女就成了少数群体,也有父母认为多一个孩子,生活压力会比只生一个大很多,对于这个问题,你是如何看待的?5. 近几年来,手机直播在年轻人中非常盛行,你对此有什么看法?6. 有些大学生在上大学期间过度消费,请你从家庭教育、生活水平、兴趣爱好、校园爱情等方面阐述该现象产生的原因,并说说自己的看法。7. 近年来

2、,大学里出现很多大学生纷纷转专业的现象,有人说,这样他们可以学到自己喜欢的专业,也有人说会有一些困难和不良后果。你怎么看?8. 我们谈到大学生时,很多人认为他们不会很努力,但是我们也会看到图书馆和自习室里坐满了学习的学生,你身边的大学生是什么样的,说一说。9. 校园作弊是一个非常严重的问题,很多人为了得高分,得奖学金,不惜一切代价,通过作弊来实现,你怎么看待这样的行为和现象?10. 信用对每个人来说非常重要,得不到信任,就得不到别人的帮助和合作的机会,然而今天,我们就面临着诚信危机,对此,谈谈 你的观点。1. My View on Campus ViolenceIt is shocking t

3、o notice that extreme violence has occurred with frequency on campus in recent years. Several months ago,a university student hacked some of his classmates to death with a knife. Recently,a college student from a prestigious university stabbed a professor,who was preparing for his lecture,to death.T

4、hese tragedies seem to be unimaginable when college students are regarded as the elite of the society. Some people claim that the higher education has not attached due importance to moral education of the college students. Others believe that college students are fragile in their internal minds. The

5、se opinions do make sense when we take the overloaded pressure imposed on college students into consideration.In my opinion,it is more important to take measures to avoid such occurrences. Psychological aid is a solution. Those criminals on the campus may have the experience of being humiliated or f

6、acing a lot of pressure. Only through psychological consultation can they outlet their negative feelings and hence avoid extreme actions.2. Online EducationSurfing online is no longer something strange in our life. Except for searching information and communicating with friends, another online activ

7、ity has become popular recently. That is online education.Why could the public accept online education within such a short period of time? Among other reasons, the quick development of the Internet should be an essential one, which makes all our dreams of attending class in the distance possible. An

8、other underlying reason is the quick development of both society and technology. Today, modern science and technology is developing with lightening speed. To catch up with this development we all feel an urgent and strong desire to study. However, due to the great pace of modern society, many people

9、 are too busy to study full time at school. Online education just comes to their aid.As far as Im concerned, I appreciate this new form of education. Its indeed a helpful complement to the traditional educational means. It provides different learners with more flexible and versatile ways of learning

10、. Most of all, with online education, we can seek our jobs and at the same time study and absorb the latest knowledge.3. Giving Children Cell PhonesMore and more children are showing up at school each September with cell phones. Many parents buy their children a cell phone because it is a nice safet

11、y measure. It gives those working parents a little sense of control and security to know when their children are off campus and on their way home.But having a cell phone might be a problem. Parents may find themselves facing a frightening bill at the end of the month. The reason: chatting on the pho

12、ne and playing cell phone games can soon become the favorite pastime of preteens and teenagers. Worse still, cell phones in schools can lead to classroom distractions, text-message cheating and inappropriate photographs.Knowing their children can always be reached is reassuring for parents. But befo

13、re buying their child a cell phone, I think parents should decide if the child is really capable of managing his or her own phone. Besides, parental control must be exercised in the use of the phone. For example, they should set limits on how long the child is allowed to stay on the phone.4. My View

14、 onTwo-child PolicyMy father used to talk to me about his five siblings. He used to say that I was unfortunate that I had none. And I used to envy him and wonder how nice it would be to have a houseful of brothers and sisters. I also used to wonder what would happen to me if I were to lose my parent

15、s. Frankly speaking, I do not have to share anything with anybody. I own all my parents love. I can ask for anything I want. I always wear new clothes and eat the best food. Since my parents spend all their money on me, I can study at the best university of the country.Lucky as I am, I now and then

16、feel very lonely and I have nobody to complain about my loneliness. How I long for a quarrel with my brothers and sisters! Of course I have classmates and friends, but they are different. Sometimes I feel so pessimistic that after my parents leave the world, I will have no blood relatives left to share with me the fond memories of my parents. Furthermore, I am likely to become selfish while I realize the


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