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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Unit 1 单元重点测试词汇测试一、英汉互译。1. in front of the hospital _2. turn left at the post office _3. 挨着学校 _4. 直走 _5.在书店附近 _二、选择合适的单词补全句子。 Excuse next to Where There What6. _me.7. _ is a hospital in my city.8. Its _ the post office.9. _is the library?10._ a great museum!句型语法三、判断下列句子是升调“”还

2、是“”。11. It means go _.12. If you see it, you cant turn _ .13.Turn _ at the cinema . You can see it on the right. 14.Excuse me. Where is the _ _?15. Its next to the _ .四、单项选择。( ) 16. How can I _cinema?A. get to the B. get to C. get the( )17.Where did you buy the book? _.A. Twenty yuanB. In the bookst

3、ore C. OK.( ) 18.Turn right _ the hospital.A. at B.on C.in( ) 19.The restaurant is next to the park _ Dongfang Street.A. at B. on C. to ( ) 20.The hospital is _ the left.A. in B.with C.on 五、连词成句。21. science, get, museum, the, How, I, can, to (?)_22. at, hospital, Turn, the, right (.)_23. is, Where,

4、restaurant, the (?)_24. film, an, interesting, What (!)_25. behind, It, on, the, is, Dongfang, park, Street (.)_六、按要求完成句子。26. Is there a library near here?(做肯定回答)_27. The school is next to the museum.(对画线部分提问)_28. It is next to the school.(变为一般疑问句)29. Thanks.(答语)30. Go straight and you can see the P

5、alace Museum.(翻译成中文)七、选出每组中不同类的单词。( ) 31. A. bookstoreB. libraryC. waitD. museum( ) 32. A. ofB. forC. toD. very( ) 33. A. behindB. underC. onD. postcard( ) 34. A. zooB. parkC. schoolD. there( ) 35. A. isB. areC. nearD. am( ) 36. A. whereB. whoC. wowD. how同步阅读八、根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。Today is Xiao Mings elev

6、enth birthday. Mike and Li Peng are going to join his birthday party on foot. They want to buy a gift for Xiao Ming. But they dont know the way to the bookstore. They ask policeman. The policeman tells them how to go.Start from here. Go straight. Then turn right at the hospital. Walk east for three

7、minutes, and youll find the bookstore. Its next to the cinema.( ) 37.How old is Xiao Ming?A. 11.B. 12.C. 13()38. They should turnat the hospital.A. leftB. rightC. straight()39. Where do they want to go to buy a gift?A. In a supermarket.B. In a bookstoreC. In a hospital.()40. The bookstore isthe cine

8、ma.A. far fromB. east ofC. next to九、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Mike likes travelling around the country by car. One evening he was driving along the road and looking for a small hotel. He saw an old man. He stopped his car and said to the old man, “I want to go to the sun hotel.do you know it?”“Yes.” the old m

9、an said, “Ill show you the way.” He got into mikes car. They drove for about twelve miles. When they got to a small house, the old man said, “Stop here.” Mike stopped and looked the house. “But it isnt a hotel.” He said to the old man. The old man answered, “This is my house. And now Ill show you th

10、e way to the sun hotel. Turn around and go back nine miles. Then youll see the hotel on the left.”( ) 41. One evening looking for a hotel.( ) 42. The old man didnt know how to get the hotel.( ) 43. The old man is mikes friend.( ) 44. The old man got home at last.( ) 45. Mike will find the hotel at last.写作训练十、书面表达。(10分)Lucy 和她的朋友们要去一家意大利餐厅吃比萨饼。请你根据提示写出他们行走的路线。提示:他们从电影院前面一直走,到书店左转。他们到达了医院后面。然后他们右转再右转就到达餐厅了。_第一单元重点测试答案一、1.在医院前面2.到邮局左转3.next to the school 4.go/walk straight 5. near the bookstore二、6.



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