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1、七年级英语上册第一次月考测试题(A卷)、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)()1 Good morni ng.OKA. Hello, Good B. Good morning C Good after noon D.()2. . M-A-P.A. Is it a map ? B. What s this? C. Spell it, please.()3. How are you ?,thank you.A. How are you B. Good after noon C. I am fine()4. , Eric ! Hi, Bob!A. Hi B. OKC. Tha nks()5. What

2、 this?A. am B. are C. is D. be()6. What s this in En glish ?It s.A. an orange B. a orange C. orange D. the orange()7. What colorit?A. is B. are C. am D. be()8. -What s this?-a key.A. He s B. This s C. It sD. That)9. Hefine. I am fine, too.A. a B. is C. am D. are10下列名字中不是女孩名的是A.Hele nB.Ci ndyC.EricD.

3、Alice11.下列字母中书写体占上中下三格的是:A. bB.C. gD.k12.What s this?A. This is MB. I m cC. Its FD. It13所有的大写字母都占A 上两格B.下两格C.中间一格D.上中下三格)14. This isEn glish book.book is yellow.A. a, A B. an, A C. an, The D. the, The)15. -1 m fine, thanks. And you?A. Tha nksB. Im OK C. Good morningD. Thank you.完型填空。(10分)A: Hello, H

4、elen !B:_ , Mike!A: How 2 you?B: Fine, 3. And you ?A: I m4 , too. What5_ this in English?B: It s6 orange.A:7 it, please.B: O-R-A-N-G-E.A: What 8 is it?B: It_s9A:10 you very much.()1. A. OK()2. A. am()3. A. Thank()4. A. fine()5. A. am()6. A. the()7. A. spell()8. A. red()9. A. an orange()10. A. Thank、

5、阅读理解。(20 分)B. WellB. areB. thanks youB. goodB. isB. anB. can spellB. greenB. orangeB. ThanksC. HelloC. isC. ThanksC. badC. areC. aC. How spellC. colorC. orangesC. ThankingD. GoodD. doD. thanksD. helloD. /D. twoD. SpellD. yellowD. a orangeD. To thankA Good afternoon, Cindy !B: Good afternoon, Bill !A

6、: Is this your jacket, Cindy?is AliceB: No, it isn / t. It/ s my sister,s. My jacket is red. Oh, my sister (妹妹)A: Oh, is this green pen is Alices?B: Yes, it is. My pen is blue.A: Whats that, Cindy?teacher.B: It is a map. It,s Miss Brown,s. Oh, Brown is my geography (地理)()1.Cindy和Bill的对话发生在 .A. eveni

7、ng B. morning C. afternoon D. at home()2.Alice is Cindy / s.A. English teacher B. geography teacher C. sister()3.Cindy/ s jacket is.A. redB. green C. blue D.yellow()4.Miss Brown is Cindy/ steacherA. Chinese B. English C. geography D.China()5 . pen is green.A. Alice/ s B. Cindy/ s C. Bill / s D.TomBG

8、race:Hello,boys and girls!Dale:Hello,Grace.How are you?Grace:I m OK,thank you.How are you,Eric?Eric: I m fine.Bi但是)Cindy is not fine.Helen: Kate,what color is your new bike?Kate: It s red and blackit.Igsood?Helen: Very nice!Bob: Good morning!Helen: Good morning!What s this?Bob: It s my new MP3.It s

9、blue.()6.are fine.A.Dale and Grace B.Grace and Eric C.Kate and Cindy( )7.Kate s bike is .()8.MP3 is blue.A.Helen s B.Kate s C.Bobs()9.Bob says说)” to Helen.A.blackB.red C.red and black.A.How are you? B.Hello! C.Good morni ng( )10.Helen thinks(认为)Kate s bike isA.not good B.very good C.not fine四、 从括号中选

10、出适当的单词填空。(5分)1. Howyou? (am, is ,are)2. Whatthis in English? (am, is ,are)3. What color is the pen? Itred. (am, is ,are)4. What s this? It sorang,ea n )5. What s this? It sacketan )五、连词成句(10分)1) . morning, Bob, good2) . that, in, what, is, En glish3) . is, and, jacket, white, the, black4) .you,are,h

11、ow5) .a n,is,it,egg六.从U栏中找出I栏的正确解释,将其字母代号写在提前括号内(10分)I栏U栏()1 kg.A.世贸组织()2. NBA.B.不明飞行物()3. TVC.千克()4. PD.中国中央电视台()5. CCTVE.(美国)全国篮球协会()6. UFOF.光盘()7. CDG英国广播公司()8. HBH.(铅笔芯)硬黑()9. BBCI.电视()10. WTO丄停车场七翻译下列词组(5分)1. 一个橙子2用英语3. 什么颜色4. 一把尺子5. 件茄克衫八、根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词。(10分。每空一分)1这是什么?它是一件夹克衫this? It s a2.埃里克,你好吗?How,Eric?3请你用英语拼它。it in En glish.4你的尺子什么颜色?紫色is yourIt s九、字母部分(20分)1请按照字母顺序默写出26个字母的大小写。(15 分)十、写作(15 分)早晨艾丽斯遇见鲍勃,互相问好,艾丽斯指着一个橙子问鲍勃,橙子用英语怎么说,如何拼写并且问橙子是什么颜色。请就此情景用英语编写一段对话少八句)


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