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1、襄阳二十四中英语导学案年级: 高二 学科:英语选修五 课题: M5 Unit2 课型:Reading1 使用时间: 2014. 9. 设计者:曾秀群、学科负责人:曾秀群 科室负责人: 组名: 组员名: 语言应用课学习目标:1.知识目标:自主学习,熟记文中重点词组与长难句型 2.能力目标:合作探究,学会分析重点句型。 3.情感目标:积极进取,摘取硕果。英国概况 国名: 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 国歌:上帝保佑女王 god save the queen(如在位的是男性君主,国歌改为god save the king) 国花:玫瑰花 国鸟:红胸鸽 国石:钻石 .自研课导学 一从文中找出并翻译成英语

2、1 弄清楚这个问题_2威尔士与英格兰联合起来。_3 提起英格兰_4 英国由四个国家构成。_5 分离出去并建立了自己的政府_6 在一些方面共同合作_7 为了方便_8 它被划分为三个地区。_9 发现大多数人居住在南部_10 很遗憾工业城市不能吸引游客_11 对词汇留下了影响_12 留心观察_13 使你的旅行令人愉快并且值得_14 这似乎是件怪事,他竟然在伦敦生活过。_15.值得赞扬的是_二核心单词1. convenience n.便利;方便联想拓展inconvenience n. 不方便 convenient adj. 便利的;适宜的conveniently adv. 便利地,方便地例如:We b

3、ought this house for its convenience.我们买下这所房子是为了方便。Please come at your convenience.请在你方便的时候来。【观察总结】常用结构:at ones convenience _for ones convenience(of) _ be convenient for sb./sth. _.(convenient 为其形容词形式,用做表语时,主语不能是人,常用于 It is convenient for sb. to do sth.这一句型。)即学即练(1)I keep my reference books near my

4、desk _.我把参考书放在书桌旁以便用着方便。(2)Come to my office _. 你方便时来我办公室一趟。(3)It was _ to have the doctor living near us. 有医生住在我们附近真是太方便了。(4)When would it _ you to start work? 你什么时候始方便开始工作呢?2. influence n. 影响,有影响的人(或事) vt. 影响,改变常用结构:have an influence on/upon/over. 对有影响under the influence of 受到的影响即学即练 用适当的词填空。 Poll

5、ution has a bad influence_ our life _ the influence of the new curriculum concepts,English teaching concept and methods also change. 3. clarify v. 澄清;阐明clarify ones position 澄清某人的立场clarify a situation/a problem澄清情况/问题即学即练说出下面两个句子的中文意思。 Could you clarify the first point,please?翻译_ I hope that what I

6、will say can clarify the situation.翻译_4. accomplish vt. 做成功;完成;实现派生:accomplishment n. 完成,成就即学即练:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 怕吃苦,就干不成大事。Those who fear hardships will not _ 我认为第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就。 I think that the first walk on the moon was quite an _. (3)他们已成功地完成了任务。They _ their task successfully. 5. worthwhile/wor

7、th adjworth: a. +n./pron.(代词)/V-ing 只作表语不作定语 worthwhile a. +to do sth./doing sth. 既可作表语又可作定语 1) It is worthwhile to visit /visiting Hangzhou which is a beautiful place. 2) Hangzhou is a beautiful place which is worth visiting.3) Thank you for your worthwhile suggestion.即学即练1) The book is _ reading.=

8、 It is _reading the book.2) Nursing is a very_ job.3) We had a long wait, but it was _ because we got the tickets.4) The exhibition is well_a visit.5)He thinks teaching foreign language is_.展示课导学:(一)重点词组1.consist of意为“由组成”,说明组成某一事物的部分。如:All electronic computers consist of five units although they ar

9、e of different kinds.电子计算机虽然种类不同,但它们都是由五个部件组成的。A week consists of seven days. 一星期由七天组成。 拓展 consist in . 在于consist with . 与一致;符合联想 be made up of . 由组成例句 Her charm does not consist only in her beauty. 她的魅力不仅在于她的美貌。The report consists with facts. 这篇报道符合事实。小试 用上述短语的适当形式填空。1. Happiness does not _ how muc

10、h money you have2. The delicious soup _ tomatoes, peas and meat. 3. As we all know, theory should _ practice.4.His job _ helping old people who live alone.他的工作包括帮助无人照顾的独居老人。5.The beauty of the plan _ its simplicity. 这个计划妙就妙在简明扼要2. divide.into 把分成比较:divide .into 是把一个整体分割为若干部分;而separate.from是把混杂在一起或连在

11、一起的东西分隔开。小试用divide或separate 的相关短语填空。 The apple was _ two halves. The Taiwan Strait_Taiwan Island_Fujian province. 3. to ones credit 为带来荣誉;值得赞扬的是;在名下小试译出划线部分。 Jack,to his credit,got the first prize in the competition. _ Miss Gao bought two new apartments to his sons credit. _4. break away (from) 突然逃掉或离开;断绝往来;挣脱(束缚);脱离;改掉(旧习惯);破除(旧做法)例如: The thief broke away from the policeman.小偷从警察那里逃脱了。He broke away from all his old friends.他同所有的老朋友断绝



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