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1、英语四级词汇词组总复习 01 表示开始 begin, start, commence, get down to 着手,set off/out 出发,动身 set about 开始做,着手处理, take to 开始从事、喜欢,take up开始从事02 表示发生、出现、出席、发明、发现的词 happen, occur, take place, come true, come into being, come in to view/existence, appear, attend, be present, turn up, show up, spring up(涌现),come off, di

2、scover, find, detect, notice, catch sight of, invent, devise, come out, break out03 表示建筑、构建的词 build, construct, establish, create, found, set up, architecture04 表示由组成,由构成,组成的词 整+ be made up of +个,整+ be composed of +个,整+ consists of +个, 个+ constitute+整,个+ make up +整05 表示增加、增长、扩大的词 increase, add to, g

3、o up, enhance, enlarge, expand, extend, raise, be on the rise, be rocketing06 表示减少,削减、压缩的词 abridge, compress, reduce, subtract, relieve, decrease, cut down, cut out(删去)07 表示在进行中 in process, under operation, under way08 表示继续、持续、坚持的词 carry on, go on (with), go ahead, continue, continual, continuous, k

4、eep on doing, keep up doing, hold on, hang on , keep to , insist, cling to, adhere to, stick to, persist, carry through, on an end09 表示前进、进步、开往方向 progress, proceed, process, make for, make progress, advance, go ahead, make ones way to, be bound for10 表示打断、介入、打扰、干涉的词 interrupt, interfere, intervene,

5、cut in, disturb, bother11 表示遭受、经历、忍受、忍耐的词 encounter, suffer, bear, stand, endure, experience, persist, undergo, tolerate, go through, live through12 表示停止、结束、完成的词 close, stop, end, finish, complete, terminate , be over, expire, drop, be over, bring sth to an end, put an end to, die out, cut off, brea

6、k off, go out(熄灭), put out, leave off (停止,中断),wind up, wipe out(消灭)13 表示取消、延期的词 cancel, call off, defer, postpone, put off, hold up(延迟)14 表示损坏、破坏、摧毁、废除的词 go wrong, break down(抛锚),damage, destroy, destruct, undo, upset, kill, get rid of, do away with, overthrow, smash, shatter, crush, crash, clash, r

7、uin, submerge, break through(突围), break up15 表示消失、缺席的词 disappear, be absent from, vanish, die down便弱,逐渐消失, die out灭绝,消失, wear off 逐渐减少,逐渐消失16 表示撤退、放弃、后退、抛弃、屈服、失败、逃脱的词 retreat, withdraw, back off/ down , suffer a setback, abandon, reject, throw away, discard, give up, drop out, give in, surrender, yi

8、eld, lick sbs boots , fail, fall through, come to nothing, make nothing of, in vain, be unsuccessful, not succeed, escape, flee, slip away, break away from,get away with/ get off (逃脱惩罚), let sb off 17 表示阻挡、阻拦、禁止的词 prevent sb form doing, stop sb from doing, prohibit doing, hold sb back from, forbid s

9、b to do, ban sth, deny doing/sth, keep sb back18 表示镇压、压迫、压抑 oppress压迫、压抑, suppress镇压, repress镇压, depress使沮丧,使萧条, put down镇压19 表示释放、解散、驱散、摆脱 set free, release, give off(气体), discharge, dismiss, expel, dispel, shake off20 表示胜过、优于、超过、过多的词 gain/have an advantage over, defeat, excel(as,at,in), surpass,ex

10、ceed, be well above, go beyond, get the better of sb(占的上风) , get the best of(战胜), in excess, profuse, excessive21 表示支持、赞成、喜欢、同意的词 support, sustain, maintain, back sb up, behind sb , agree, in favor of, assent,consent, fall in with(同意,依从),like, love, be fond of, prefer A to B, feel like doing, would rather(宁愿), stand up for ones rights(支持,维护,捍卫)22 表示提议、建议的词 suggest, make a suggestion, propose, make a proposal, recommend, put/bring forward23 表示决定、下决心的词 decide, make a decision, determine, b



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