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1、大连理工大学21春ACAD船舶工程应用离线作业1辅导答案1. 救生艇为从弃船时起能维持遇险人员生命的艇,是船舶的主要救生工具。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A2. 在AutoCAD中,绘制点调用Divide命令。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A3. 如果周围水域布满油污,但未燃烧,人员应尽量抬高头部,避免油污接触到眼睛、鼻腔及口腔。如果周围水域布满油污,但未燃烧,人员应尽量抬高头部,避免油污接触到眼睛、鼻腔及口腔。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:4. Where will you find the requirements for the signals that must be sou

2、nded by a mobile offsWhere will you find the requirements for the signals that must be sounded by a mobile offshore drilling unit that is being towed through an area of restricted visibility?A.COLREGSB.MMS RulesC.SOLAS ConventionD.Coast Pilot正确答案:A5. 保存图形文件的快捷键为Ctrl+P键。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B6. Which fact

3、or(s) might indicate that a towline should be removed from service?A.Visible damWhich factor(s) might indicate that a towline should be removed from service?A.Visible damage to the towline,including fishhooksB.Measurements showing a decrease in diameterC.A surface condition of corrosion and discolor

4、ationD.All of the above正确答案:D7. 在内陆地区,绝对湿度a和相对湿度f的日变化规律是: Aa和f白天大,夜间小 B白天a大f小,夜间a小f大 Ca和在内陆地区,绝对湿度a和相对湿度f的日变化规律是:Aa和f白天大,夜间小B白天a大f小,夜间a小f大Ca和f白天小,夜间大D白天a小f大,夜间a大f小B8. 样条曲线不能用explode命令分解,也不能用pedit命令编辑。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B9. Functions aboard a tanker or tank barge such as connecting,disconnecting,and top

5、ping off mFunctions aboard a tanker or tank barge such as connecting,disconnecting,and topping off must be supervised by _.A.any certificated tankermanB.the Master of the vesselC.the officer of the watchD.the person designated as person in charge正确答案:D10. AutoCAD中调整文字比例采用scale命令。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B11.

6、 The danger,the sacrifice or expenditure to which is the subject of general average,must beThe danger,the sacrifice or expenditure to which is the subject of general average,must be in fact _.A.a real oneB.an imagined oneC.a reasonable fearD.a rational one正确答案:A12. AutoCAD软件中设置系统环境时,“选项”对话框共有几项?( )A

7、.8B.9C.10D.11参考答案:B13. 浓度及发生时间不受气温日变化影响的雾是: A辐射雾和锋面雾 B沿海平流雾和蒸气雾 C锋面雾和蒸气雾 D浓度及发生时间不受气温日变化影响的雾是:A.辐射雾和锋面雾B.沿海平流雾和蒸气雾C.锋面雾和蒸气雾D.海上平流雾和锋面雾D14. 从高空温压场分析,当地面冷高压前部为冷平流,后部为暖平流时,冷高压将如何变化? A一边向前移动一边减弱从高空温压场分析,当地面冷高压前部为冷平流,后部为暖平流时,冷高压将如何变化?A一边向前移动一边减弱B静止不动但强度加强C一边向前移动一边发展D静止不动但强度减弱C15. 调用区域填充命令可以选择绘图-曲面下拉菜单中的三

8、维填充命令。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B16. 在各种雾中,水平范围最广、持续时间最长的雾是: A辐射雾 B蒸发雾 C锋面雾 D平流雾在各种雾中,水平范围最广、持续时间最长的雾是:A.辐射雾B.蒸发雾C.锋面雾D.平流雾D17. Please collect all the shore-passes and hand them back _ meA.forB.withC.toD.ofPlease collect all the shore-passes and hand them back _ meA.forB.withC.toD.of正确答案:C18. 船舶机舱舱底的易燃液体起火,产生

9、大面积火灾并正不断扩大,应先用手提灭火器灭火。船舶机舱舱底的易燃液体起火,产生大面积火灾并正不断扩大,应先用手提灭火器灭火。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:19. 下列不属于起重机设备优点的是( )A.装卸效率高B.操作简单C.占用甲板面积小D.自动化程度高参考答案:D20. AutoCAD软件中,船体制图尺寸标注规定尺寸线间距不得小于6mm。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A21. 紧急逃生呼吸器应存放在便于取用之处,( )检查瓶头阀的压力示值。A.每周B.每月C.每季紧急逃生呼吸器应存放在便于取用之处,( )检查瓶头阀的压力示值。A.每周B.每月C.每季正确答案:B22. 保护人类赖以生

10、存和发展的海洋环境是每个船员的社会责任。保护人类赖以生存和发展的海洋环境是每个船员的社会责任。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:23. It is not necessary to declare _ in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.A.fever accompanied bIt is not necessary to declare _ in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.A.fever accompanied by prostration or persisting for several daysB.fever attended w

11、ith glandular swellingC.acute skin rashD.glycosuria正确答案:D24. 产生锋面雾的蒸发过程是: A云滴、雨滴在冷气团中蒸发 B云滴、雨滴在暖气团中蒸发 C暖水面在冷空气中产生锋面雾的蒸发过程是:A云滴、雨滴在冷气团中蒸发B云滴、雨滴在暖气团中蒸发C暖水面在冷空气中蒸发D冷水面在暖空气中蒸发A25. 在AutoCAD中,拉长某对象时,采用下列中的哪一命令?( )A.stretchB.scaleC.lengthenD.extend参考答案:C26. In the case of new crude oil tankers,the addition

12、al ballast permitted shall be carried inIn the case of new crude oil tankers,the additional ballast permitted shall be carried in cargo tanks only if such tanks have been _ before departure from an oil unloading port or terminal.A.inertedB.crude oil washedC.dilutedD.cleaned正确答案:B27. The granting of

13、radio pratique _ the vessel only as far as the Port Officer of HealthThe granting of radio pratique _ the vessel only as far as the Port Officer of Health is concernedA.clearB.clearsC.clearingD.is cleared正确答案:B28. What is considered a Serious Marine Incident?A.an allision that results in $500 damage

14、 toWhat is considered a Serious Marine Incident?A.an allision that results in $500 damage to a boat dockB.an injury to a crewmember,passenger,or other person which requires professional medical treatment beyond first aidC.grounding of a vessel on a sandbar that does not result in injuries and/or any damage to the vesselD.None of the above正确答案:B29. 在船舶甲板上进行热工工作,会导致舱内货物受热自燃。在船舶甲板上进行热工工作,会导致舱内货物受热自燃。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:30. AutoCAD软件中,执行fill命令可以控制填充图案


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