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1、冀教版英语四年级下册复习学案Unit 1 一、四会单词1.你_ 2.老师_ 3.你的_ 4.姓名_ 5.朋友_ 6.学生_ 7.他的_ 8.她的_ 9.铅笔_ 10.钢笔_11.蜡笔 _ 12.椅子_ 13.黑板_ 14.她_ 15.他_ 16.书包_ 17.谁的_ 18.尺子_ 19.什么_ 20.你好_ 21.课桌_ 22.两者中间_ 23.后面_ 24.前面 _二、短语1 欢迎到 _ 2 见到你很高兴_ 3 这是 _ 4 这些是_ 5 在课桌上_6 在椅子下 _ 7 在书包里_8 多少_ 9 让我们数一数_10 从30到40_ 11 在什么前面_12 在树后面_ 13 读书_ 14 在操

2、场上_ 15 玩游戏 _ 三、重点句子A 问答 (1-3回答问题,4-6用所给词完整回答)1.How are you ?_-2.How old are you ?_-3.What is your name ?_4.What is this ?(pencil)_.5.What are these ? (rulers)_.6.How many books are there in a week ? _B 汉译英1.他正在读书 。_.2.这是谁的铅笔啊?_.3.他的名字是丹尼_.4.她的名字是Kim._.四 代词练习 主格Iweyouyouhesheitthey宾格形容词性物主代词A.填表B.选词填

3、空1 You can call _MR.Wood. (me, my )2 _is my friend ._name is Li Ming. (he, his)3 _is a girl._favourite colour is red.(her, she )4 _ am a student . _school is very big. (my, I)5 _like the same color. _favorite color is brown. (their, they)五圈出划线部分发音不同的词。1. A. meat B. read C. head D. sea 2. A .bread B.

4、 sweater C. head D. eat 3. A .book B. zoo C. school D. moon 4. A. cook B. book C. look D. too 六按照顺序书写出数字1.请写出1-20 _2 请写出整十到一百( 2 一、四会词汇1. 一月_ 2. 二月_ 3. 三月_ 4. 四月_ 5. 五月_ 6. 六月_ 7. 七月_ 8. 八月_ 9. 九月_ 10. 十月_ 11. 十一月_ 12. 十二月_ 13.月份_ 14.雨,下雨_ 15. 太阳_ 16. 热的_ 17. 雪;下雪

5、_ 18. 冷的;寒冷的_ 19. 怎样;如何_ 20.天气_ 21. 阳光充足的_ 22. 暖和的_23. 多云的 _ 24. 多风的_ 25. 凉的,凉爽的_二、短语1. 一年中的月份_ 2. 在九月_ 3. 第四个月 _ 4. 8月19日_ 5. 1月1日_ 6. 你最喜欢的月份_三、句子1.汉译英 (1)我喜欢雨和雪。_ (2) 雪是是白色和寒冷的。_ (3) 我的生日在12月。_2. 连词成句(1) red the dress is third girl in the (.) _(2) twelve there months of the are year (.) _(3) in B

6、aoding how the is weather (?) _3.写出相应的问句或答语(1)Whats your favourite month? _(2)_ My birthday is February 15.(3)When is Childrens Day? _(4)When is Teachers Day? _(5)When is International Workers Day? _(6)When is the Spring Festival? _(7)When is National Day? _(8)When is New Years Day? _四、语法练习1.写出相应的序数

7、词或形容词one _ two _ three _ four _ five _six _ seven _ eight _ nine_ twelve _snow_ cloud _ rain_ sun_ wind _2.用所给单词的适当形式填空(1)Danny is the _. Danny has _ crayons. (two)(2)December is the _ month of the year. There are _ months of the year. (twelve) (3) Look! There are _ books. The _ book is Li Mings. (three) (4) There is _ in _ days. (snow) (5) Its _ today. The _ is cool. (rain) (6) The _ is hot. Its _ today. (sun) (7) There are many _ in the sky. (cloud)五、选出划线部分发音不同的一项1. ( ) A. first B. birthday C. third D. doctor2. ( ) A. fur B. dirty



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