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1、2023年功夫熊猫:盖世传奇第一季01中英文版(材料) 【NO.1毒蝎之针Scorpions Sting.】 接下来请欣赏 And now.来自梦工厂的功夫熊猫:盖世传奇 Dreamworks Kung Fu Panda: Legends of 快滚开 Get off me. 阿宝五分 猴哥四分 Po, five.Monkey, four.Awesomene *请听功夫熊猫的传奇故事* *Hear the legends of the Kung Fu Panda* *他在面馆长大* *Raised in a noodle shop* *从未想当大侠* *Never seeking glory

2、or fame* *一朝登得凌绝顶* *He climbed a mountaintop* *神龙之名冠天下* *And earned the dragon warrior name* *功夫熊猫* *Kung Fu Panda* *师父慧眼识英杰* *Master Shifu saw the warrior bloom* *艺高胆大震奸邪* *And master the skills of bodacious and awesome* *功夫熊猫* *Kung Fu Panda* *他终日苦练* *He lives, and he trains* *和盖世五侠并肩作战* *And he f

3、ights with the Furious Five * *保护着 保护着山谷生灵* *Protect the valley somethin, somethin * *免遭涂炭* *Somethin, somethin alive* *功夫熊猫* *Kung Fu Panda* *盖世传奇* *Legends of awesomene* 漂亮 Sweet.【NO.1毒蝎之针Scorpions Sting.】 熊猫 该你了 Panda, youre next.十秒钟安全到达另一边 Ten seconds to get to the other side unscathed.迅捷如猫 Catl

4、ike reflexes.猴哥 Monkey! 我老猴加两分 Two points for Monkey.你输了 阿宝 Lights out, Po. 刚才这不算 You cant count that.当然算 Sure, I can. 师父 这也算一分 对吧 Shifu, that was a point, right? 我可没心思搀和你俩幼稚的计分游戏 熊猫 I dont care about your childish score-keeping, Panda.猴子 你刚才这招狡诈而阴险 Monkey, that was a deceitful, underhanded attack.干

5、得漂亮 Good work. 偷袭训练的关键 The point of sneak-attack training 在于出其不意 is to do the unexpected.啥 What? 看到了吧 出其不意 See? Unexpected. 虎妞 接下来是你和灵鹤 Tigre, you and Crane are next.师父 咱俩能暂时算平局吗 Master Shifu, can we take five 我好去拿火炭给我的嘴巴消消毒 so I can go sterilize my beak with hot coals? 啊哦 我觉得虎妞的感冒传染给我了 Uh-oh, I thi

6、nk I caught Tigre cold.我没 I dont have.感冒 a cold. 我也感冒了 Hey, I got a cold, too.我没有感冒 I do not have a cold.这样不好哦 哥们 Not cool, man. 好兄弟最喜欢这种打喷嚏的玩笑了 Friends love the sneezy trick.我真的没有感冒 I do not have a.cold.等一下 Wait. 没准儿你确实没感冒 Maybe you dont.1 【NO.1毒蝎之针Scorpions Sting.】 我知道了 I see.是河热病 Its river fever.

7、河热病有啥大不了的 Whats the big deal about river fever? 不就是打喷嚏犯困嘛 You get a little sneezy, a little snoozy.我自己还吐过几次 骗你是小狗 Ive personally barfed a couple of times; true story.然后第二天就好了 Then its all over the next day.咱小时候都得过嘛 We all had it as kids.我没得过 I didnt.哦天呐 Oh, man.成年人得河热病就麻烦大了 River fevers bad news if

8、you get it as an adult.你最后会变成这样 You wind up like this.这是 这是头猪吗 Is that a.a pig? 这病只有一种解药 Theres only one cure: 圣兰花泡的茶 Tea made from the sacred sun orchid.没错 圣兰花药效很强大 True.The sun orchid is powerful.但要想得到却非常危险 But getting one is dangerous.这花以前也在这里生长 It used to grow here, 但现在只有一个地方能找到它 but now its onl

9、y found in one place, 毒蝎谷 the valley of the scorpion.谁都不要为了我去冒险 No ones risking their lives for me.我会没事的 Ill be fine.没事 Fine? 你看这头猪 看这头猪 Look at the pig.Look at the pig! 你也许感觉没事 You may feel fine, 但肌肉痉挛随时都可能发 but the muscle spasms could start at any- 就像刚才这样 like that. 虎妞 如果你不能在日落前服下圣兰花 你会 Tigre, if

10、you dont get that orchid by sundown, youll.会怎么样 What? 我不忍说 I cant.会怎么样 What? 首先 你就再也不能习武了 Well, first, youll never do kung fu again.那还不如让我去死 Id rather die. 没错 然后你就会死 Yeah, thats second.看起来神龙大侠 Well, it looks like the dragon warriors 要去采那朵小兰花啦 gonna be picking up that orchid deal-y.我要去 Ill get it. 跟你

11、赌五十分 我会比你先采到花 50 points says I get there before you.这可不是儿戏 This is no game. 能从毒蝎谷活着回来的人寥寥无几 Few have ever returned from the valley alive.那些回来的人也变成了行尸走肉 And those few have come back shambling zombies, 心智被蝎刺的毒性毁得干干净净 their minds destroyed by the power of scorpion sting.很久以前 毒蝎还是位远近闻名的神医 Long ago, Scor

12、pion was a celebrated healer, 在草药方面颇有建树 an expert in medicinal plants.和平谷里的土地 The soil in the valley of peace 非常适合她的草药实验 was perfect for her experimental flowers.但当她发明了一种催眠灵药 But when she discovered a hypnotic elixir 并注入自己体内时 and stung herself with it, 她的身体和灵魂就扭曲了 it warped her body and her mind.她用她

13、的新手段来操纵别人 She used this new power to control others.她把村名们都变成了 She aaulted the valley 2 【NO.1毒蝎之针Scorpions Sting.】 红眼的梦游者 并以此袭击和平谷 by turning villagers into red-eyed drones.眼看着她就要占领全谷了 She nearly succeeded in taking over, 但乌龟师父有两样她没有的法宝 but Oogway had two things she didnt have: 村民们的忠诚和他的龟壳 The villag

14、ers loyalty and a shell.乌龟师父下令流放了毒蝎 Oogway exiled Scorpion, 但她偷走了长在这里的最后一朵圣兰花 but she stole the last sun orchid that grew here.她发誓此生定要 She has sworn eternal vengeance 找和平谷的所有人复仇 upon anyone from the valley of peace, 所以你需要格外地 which is why you need to be extremely.阿宝 Po? 你就别胡思乱想了 In case youre wondering, 我肯定比你先采到兰花 Ill be getting that orchid before you, 因为我有一样秘密武器 盖世神功 cause Ive got a secret weapon: awesomene.没门 Not a chance.我干啥事儿都比你快 Im faster than yo


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