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1、毕 业 论 文基于机器视觉的开心果闭壳与开壳识别系别: 机 电 工 程 系专业: 机械设计及其自动化姓名: 学号: 指导老师: 完成日期:2012.04.10目 录第1章 引言3第2章 开心果硬件系统521 开心果及包装流程简介522开心果硬件系统设计图623开心果硬件系统工作原理7第3章 开心果软件系统NI VISION83.1 NI Vision简介83.2 利用NI Vision处理图象113.3 处理后图象效果分析12第4章 开心果软件系统LABVIEW应用134.1 Labview简介134.2 将图象NI视觉函数转换为VI程序144.3利用VI控件选板添加条件结构154.4利用工具

2、选板连接VI控件174.5开心果之Labview程序工作原理184.6开心果之Labview界面设计和程序框图20第5章 结束语21参考文献23致谢24第一章 引 言机器视觉系统是综合现代计算机、光学、电子技术的高科技系统。机器视觉技术通过计算机对系统摄取的图像进行处理,分析其中的信息,并做出相应的判断,进而发出对设备的控制指令。机器视觉系统的具体应用需求千差万别,视觉系统本身也可能有多种不同的形式,但都包括以下过程:图像采集 利用光源照射被观察的物体或环境,通过光学成像系统采集图像,通过相机和图像采集卡将光学图像转换为数字图像,这是机器视觉系统的前端和信息来源。图像处理和分析 计算机通过图像

3、处理软件对图像进行处理,分析获取其中的有用信息。如PCB 板的图像中是否存在线路断路、纺织品的图像中是否存在疵点、文档图像中存在哪些文字等。这是整个机器视觉系统的核心。判断和控制 图像处理获得的信息最终用于对对象(被测物体、环境)的判断,并形成对应的控制指令,发送给相应的机构。如摄取的零件图像中,计算零件的尺寸是否与标准一致,不一致则发出报警,做出标记或进行剔除。在整个过程中,被测对象的信息反映为图像信息,进而经过分析,从中得到特征描述信息,最后根据获得的特征进行判断和动作。最典型的机器视觉系统一般包括: 光源、光学成像系统、相机、图像采集卡、图像处理硬件平台、图像和视觉信息处理软件、通信模块

4、。总体上,一个成功的机器视觉系统需要重点解决图像采集(包括光源、光学成像、数字图像获取与传输)、图像处理分析几个环节的关键技术。在开心果成品包装过程中,利用人工筛选闭壳开心果效率过低,机器视觉技术的开发和逐渐成熟使自动高效识别开心果的开壳闭壳成为可能。本文通过机器视觉软件NI Vision实现对开心果的图象采集和图象处理,再借助虚拟仪器的开发平台Labview得到所需的各种图象信息,并显示识别结果。这一系统识别结果的准确率虽不是很高,但需要配备的硬件很少,且简单易用,可为开心果开壳闭壳识别系统的开发应用提供参考。 ForewordMachine vision system is integra

5、ted with modern computer, optics and high-tech electronics. Machine vision technique processes the uptaked images and analyses the information of images by means of computer, and make the appropriate decisions, then gives the equipment control instruction. Machine vision system have thousands of spe

6、cific application requirements, and the visual system itself may also have a variety of different forms, but includes the following process:Image acquisition Acquiring images by use of optical image system under the light ,then convert them to digital images with camera and image acquisition car.The

7、se are the front and sources of information of machine vision system. Image process and analysis The computer uses image process software to process images ,and then analyses it to obtain useful information. For example,using it to observe whether the images in the PCB plate are presenting in the ci

8、rcuit, the images of textile are existing defects and the document images are existing words and so on or not. These are the center of machine vision system.Judgment and control The informantion from images process will be used for object ( the object being measured, environment ) judgment eventuall

9、y, and also form the corresponding control instructions, senting to the corresponding machine. Such as the part images which have acqiured can take it to calculate the part size, then consistent with the standard.If the result is not same to the standard,the machine will make an alarm,and make a mak

10、e or elimination. In the whole process, the information from being measured object is reflected as image information, and then through analysis, obtaining the information of describing characters, finally making an judgment and action according to the characters obtained. The most typical machine vi

11、sion system generally includes: light source, optical imaging system, camera, image acquisition card, image processing hardware platform, image and vision information processing software, communication module.On the whole, a sucessful machine vision system needs to focus on resolving several key tec

12、hnology ,such as image collection ( including light source, optical imaging, digital image acquisition and transmission ), image process and analysis.In the process of packing pistachio, using manual work to screening the closed-shell pistachio is too low, but as the machine vision technology become

13、 more and more mature, the idea which recognizing the closed-shell pistachio automatically with hight-efficiency will become possible. This article through machine vision software NI Vision to collect pistachio image, and then processing, at last with the help of virtual instrument development platf

14、orm named Labview, requirring a variety of image information, and also displaying the recognition results. The accuracy rate of the results is not high, but the hardwares it needs is very little, additionally, it is easy to use it. What this article said would provide reference for the development a

15、nd application of the recognization system of the closed-shell pistachio. 第二章 硬件设计与实现开心果富含蛋白质、脂肪及多种矿物质等,是一种高营养的食品。刚采摘的开心果常有闭壳的出现,且果壳坚硬,从而造成消费者取食果仁十分不便,因此,开心果闭壳开壳自动识别系统的开发应用对提高开心果加工自动化水平和改善开心果品质有一定的现实意义。而开心果加工自动化的第一步需要解决的是开心果的硬件部分,对此,设计如下硬件系统:1.该系统利用圆振盘振动圆盘内的开心果,使其做圆周运动而逐步沿上图轨道运行(直线轨道为平振),轨道中心部分为空,宽度为开心果的宽度,目的在于使纵向运行至轨道的开心果重新落回圆盘中,保证运行到摄像头时所有开心果排列方向都为图示方向,以免影响拍摄效果。2.在直线轨道处安装有一位置传感器,当开心果运行至位置传感器处,会遮挡到传感器发出的红光,从而触发传动器,此时传感器会通知摄像头检测到有开心果进入拍摄区域,从而摄像头执行拍摄动作(在摄像头拍摄轨道范围下面粘有一黑色纸板,具体原因见下一章)。3.摄像头拍摄的图象将立即传到计算机进行识别处理,当发现有闭壳开心果,机械夹子会马上将该闭壳开心果夹至不良品盒,否则,



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