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1、九年级专题复习之名词复习【考点】1、名词的单复数;2、名词所有格;3、名词的修饰语;4、易用错的名词【重点知识讲解】一、名词的数:可数名词与不可数名词1.可数名词的复数形式:1)规则变化(请同学们自己复习并巩固)2)应注意的问题:a、以元音字母加 y结尾的,直接加-s;如:day, boy, play 等;b、以o结尾的,加-es, 如:hero, patato, tomato, 但zoo, radio, photo等则要在词尾加-s。.c、不规则变化(希望同学们能从中找出规律来!)man-men woman-women child-children foot-feetgoose-geese

2、tooth-teeth fish-fish sheep-sheep deer-deer Chinese-Chinese mouse-mice penny-pence d、有些名词只有复数形式。如;clothes, trousers, glasses, thanks, pants 等e、有些复合名词变成复数时,只将复合名词的主体名词变为复数,如: boy student-boy students banana tree -banana trees bus driver -bus drivers 等。但由man 和woman构成的合成名词,变复数时要将名词及man 或woman 都变成复数。如:m

3、an teacher-men teacher woman doctor -women doctorf、名词+man (woman)构成的复合名词其复数形式通常与简单名词一样,即把man(woman)改成men(women), 如:Englishman-Englishmen policewoman-policewomen 但:German-Germansg、有些名词形似复数,实际作单数用。如:maths, physics, politics等。h、有些名词形式上是单数形式,但意义上是复数。如:people, police等。 i、关于国人变复数有记忆口诀:中日不变英法变,其余 s 加后面。二、名

4、词的所有格:(一)名词所有格表示名词的所有关系,分为有生命名词的所有格和无生命名词的所有格。有生命的名词所有格的规则变化如下:1)单词名词的加s, 如Anns teacher, an hours work, the girls excuse2)以s/es结尾的复数名词所有格只加,如the students books 3)不以s/es结尾的复数名词所有格加s, 如the womens room, Childrens Day4)表示两人共有时,只在后一个名词后加s,如:Lucy and Lilys mother, 5)当两人不共有某人或某物时,两个名词都要使用所有格形式,后边所修饰的名词用复数形

5、式,如 Toms and Lilys mothers6)独立所有格,即以“s”所有格修饰的名词可以省略。所有格所修饰的名词在上下文中出现过,或表示某人的家或住宅,或表示教堂、学校等公共场所或表示公司、店铺等。如:at the doctors at the grocers7)在表示时间、距离、长度、重量、价格、世界、国家等名词的所有格要用s。如:a twenty minutes walk ten miles journey todays paper Chinas population (二) of 所有格 如果是无生命的,在表示所有关系时,就要用“名词+of +名词”这样的所有格来表示。如:th

6、e photo of my family the name of your school(三)双重所有格: 当名词前有两层所有格时,多使用双重所有格,结构是:把一个名词所有格放到of 短语里,这种结构用来突出局部,表示“其中之一”或“其中一部分”的意思。 eg. This is a picture of my friends 这是我朋友的一张照片(指很多照片中一张) I know some friends of my brothers .我认识我哥哥的一些朋友(朋友中的一部分) 注:a photo of me 我的一张照片(我的像) a photo of mine 我的一张照片(照片属于我,但

7、不是我的像)三、名词的修饰语1、可数名词的修饰语有:数词、不定冠词、(a) few、several、a great number of 、 many、hundreds of 等。2、不可数名词的修饰语:much,(a) little, a bit of 、a bottle of 、等。3、可数名词与不可数名词的共同修饰语:some、any、a lot of 、lots of、plenty of 等。四、易用错的名词:exercise, work , job, fun, news, advice, information, experience, orange, life, voice, sou

8、nd, noise等。【针对性练习】1.Look,Those three _are talking with the three _. A.Englishmen,Germen B.Englishmans ,Germans C.Englishmen, Germans D.Englishmans ,Germen2.Whats in the _?There are some _and _in them. A.photos,potatos,radios B.photos, potatoes, radios C.photoes, potatos, radios D.photos, potatoes, r

9、adioes3.There are _on the table. Would you like to drink some? A.two milk B.two bottles of milk C.two bottle of milk D.two bottles of milks4.There are about twenty _in the room.They are having a party there. A.people B.sheep C.worker D.farmer5._mothers couldnt go to the meeting.Because theyve gone t

10、o?S. A.Li Lei and Lucys B.Li Leis and Lucys C.Li Lei and Lucy D.Li Leis and Lucy6. It is over _from Shi Jiazhuang to Beijing. A.three hours drive B.three hours drive C.three hours drives D.three hours drive7.Please keep quiet. If you make a lot of _,you may disturb others. A.voice B.noise C.sound D.

11、singing8.Ive read _sports news about the F1 race today. A. two B.pieces C.two pieces D.two pieces of 9.Mrs Jenny gave us _on how to learn English well . A.some advices B.many advices C.some advice D.an advice10.It will be National Day in a few _. A.months time B.months time C.months time D.month tim

12、e11. Time is up.Now please hand in your test _,boys and girls. A.paper B.papers C.piece of paper D.pieces of paper12.This is _that all of us believe its very important. A.such useful information B.so useful an information C.so useful information D.such a useful information13. Can I help you? Id like

13、 _for my twin daughters. A.two pair of shoes B.two pairs of shoe C.two pair of shoe D.two pairs of shoes14.Jennys shoes were worn out.She wanted to buy a new _. A.shoe B.shoes C.one D.pair15.-Whose dictionaries are these? - They are the _. A. twins B. twin C. twins D. twins16.Miss Smith is a friend

14、of _. A.Marys mothers B.Marys mother C.mothers of Mary D.Mary mothers17.Ten years has passed. I found my parents had _. A.much white hair B.some white hair C.a little white hairs D.a few white hair18.It is a _to shake hands with a friend when people meet for the first time in many countries. A.habit B.custom C.practice D.idea19. Two _students in our school will go to the beach for the vacation. A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundred of D.hundreds of 20.Wu peng won the girls _race in the school _meeting last week. A.



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