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1、初二英语上册第9单元教案Unit 9 What do you think of game shows?一、教学目标1、知识目标:学习本单元的词汇和句型结构1)词汇:think of, soap, soap opera, situation, sitcom, nothing, ha, listing, mind, How about?, super, host, agree, clip, hair clip, key ring, belt, wallet, fashion, opinion, idea, colorful2)句型结构:What do you think of soap opera

2、s?I cant stand them.I dont, either.I love “Tell it like it is!”I do ,too.2、能力目标:1) 学会陈述自己的看法和意见。2) 学会谈论自己的喜好。3) 谈论流行文化,了解各类电影和电视节目的名称。4) 了解一些日常生活用品,描述对其喜好程度。3、策略目标:利用不同媒体获取相关的学习资源,通过合作、探究的方式学习;学会正确评价自己的学习行为和学习效果。4、情感目标:学会客观地评价事物;正确表达自己的意见;正确认识流行文化。二、教学重、难点1、重点:学习及掌握陈述自己的看法、意见及喜好的词汇和基本句型。2、难点:正确运用Wha

3、t do you think of ? 及I like/love/dont like/cant stand等句型结构来表达对客观事物的评价。三、教学建议:1、课时及内容建议本单元建议用5个课时完成第一课时section A 1a-1c第二课时section A 2a-2c(grammar focus)第三课时section A 3a-4第四课时section B 1a-2c第五课时section B 3a-4四、教学步骤步骤1 就同学身边有的物品询问同学的看法。如:What do you think of this pencil-case?What do you think of this s

4、chool bag?What do you think of his hairsty le?What do you think of her T-shirt?步骤2 活动:实物展示,让学生自由评价这些物品。展示的实物至少应该包括1a中所出现的物品,如:皮带(belt),太阳镜(sunglasses),表(watch),发卡(hair clip),钥匙环(key ring),围巾(scarf),钱夹(wallet)等。教学生词,让学生自由交谈对所陈列的物品的意见,并形成对话。步骤3 听录音,完成练习(2a)。步骤4 听录音,完成练习(2b)。步骤5 听后活动:谈论Carol和paul对所列出来的

5、物品的意见和看法。What does Carol think of the watch?What does paul think of the sunglasses? Etc.步骤6 活动:通过图片展示各式各样的能吸引学生兴趣的物品(或接近学生生活实际的物品)。如:高级轿车(cars),牛仔裤(jeans),耐克运动鞋(sports shoes),肯得基快餐店(KFC)等。引导学生对这些物品发表自己的观点,并谈论父母对此的看法。注意引导学生正确对待高消费和不健康的生活方式。第五课时(Section B 3a-4)步骤1 就当前社会或学校里比较流行的活动或物品表达自己的观点,教学本堂课中要学习的

6、新词:fashion, opinion, the coolest thing等。引导学生发表自己的观点,或转述他人的意见。What do you think of Jays new songs? (或其他某位歌星)What do you think of Jackys new movie? (或其他某位影星)What do you think of the T-shirt?在评价学生的回答时,巩固本堂课中要学习的新词:fashion, opinion, the coolest thing等。步骤2 初读文章Whats Cool?,回答问题。Who wrote this article?What

7、 was the coolest thing?步骤3 细节阅读。读文章Whats Cool?,回答问题。What did Maria ask the students about?How many things did she show to the students?Who answered the questions?Did all the students agree with each other?Why did Maria think the coolest thing was the belt?检查学生的理解情况,并对部分语言点进行讲解。步骤4 写作练习。根据要求完成一封写给Mar

8、ia的信。(3b)订正答案时,讲解部分词的用法。如enjoy doing sth.这一结构。步骤5 活动:我做小记者。在同学中展开对校园文化的调查,如调查同学对校园环境的意见,对体育课的看法,对本班教室的看法等,并将结果和调查所得出的结论写成报道。五、课堂练习:I、选择填空。1. This is Jays new CDs. What do you think _ them?A. at B. of C. on2. I dont mind _. How about you?A. sport show B. sports show C. sports shows3. ?Yesterday, I wa

9、tched a movie Harry Potter. I dont love it. How about you?-_.A. I do, too. B. I dont, too. C. I dont, either.4. ?How does Tony think of soap operas?-He doesnt mind _.A. them B. they C. it5. Thanks for _ me study English yesterday;A. help B. helps C. helping6. ?What do you think of the movie King of

10、the Ring?-I _ it very much, because it is very interesting and exciting.A. like B. dont like C. cant stand7. We are watching a _. The soccer players are running fast.A. game show B. sports show C. sitcom8. What do think of these _?A. scarf B. scarves C. scarfs9. Tom studies at our school. He is a _

11、boy.A. fifteen-year-old B. fifteen-years-old C. fifteen year old10. ?Do you like to watch Hero? -Yes, I enjoy _ action movies.A. watch B. to watch C. watchingII、根据首字母提示,完成句子。11. Tom doesnt like exercise, and he doesnt like s_ shows.12. ?What does your best friend think of the song?-He cant s_ it because it is too long and fast.13. Her hair is too long, so she wants to buy a hair c_.14. Today is very sunny, so my mom goes out with a pair of s_.15. The movie Spiderman is very exciting and we all e _ it very much.附: 参考答案:I、1-5 BCCAC 6-10 ABBACII、1. sports 2. stand 3. cli p 4. sunglasses 5. Enj


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