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1、一单项选择( )21. Jack is becoming heavier and heavier. Youre right. And his bag is always filled _ junk food. A. ofB. with C. in D. on ( )22. Why does your sister look unhappy? Because her pet cat died yesterday. Lets _. A. put her upB. cheer her up C. let her down D. give her up( )23. Tom not only helpe

2、d me with my English yesterday, but also _ me a better way to study English. A. tell B. tellsC. told D. telling ( )24. We will have a basketball game against Class 5. Good luck! By the way, Im a fan of your team.Thank you for _ our team. A. supporting B. coaching C. repairing D. chasing ( )25. Why a

3、re you going to work at the “Animal Helper” as a volunteer this summer? Because I like animals. I also think _ others _ great. A. help, is B. helping, is C. help, are D. helping, are( )26. Mom, can I go out to play?Oh, dear, you should finish your homework first. Dont _ doing your homework. A. pay a

4、ttention toB. put down C. concentrate onD. put off ( )27. Look! A _ woman is crossing the road. Lett go and help her. A. short B. blind C. rich D. tall( )28. My bike is broken. Can you help me _?Certainly. A. fix it up B. set it up C. put it up D. make it up ( )29. Mary looks _ because she lost her

5、favorite notebook. She neednt worry. She can buy a new one. She should make herself _. A. well; happy B. sad; happily C. well; happily D. sad; happy ( )30. Have you heard of a tsunami (海啸) and a terrible earthquake struck Japan on March 11, 2011? Yes. Thousands of people died and many more became _.

6、 A. honestB. homeless C. hungryD. disabled ( )31. What are you going to do after you graduate from university? I want to spend time _ what I like. A. to do B. doing C. do D. did ( )32. Could you tell me _ next, Mr Black?A. what I should do B. what should I do C. how should I do D. how I should do (

7、)33. Mom, please give me some money. Why? Have you _ the money I gave you yesterday?A. ran out B. ran out of C. run out of D. run out ( )34. The bus is so big that it can _ 100 passengers. A. bringB. fillC. Fetch D. carry ( )35. Would you like to go to the zoo with us? _, but my mother is ill. I hav

8、e to look after her.A. Yes, I wouldB. Youre welcome C. Of course notD. Id love to二补全对话A: Hi, Mike. B: Hi, Lucy.A: (36) B: I cleaned up our neighborhood with my brother.A: Em . Many people litter and it is dirty everywhere. (37) B: We usually put rubbish into different bags. (38) A: Well done! I shou

9、ld learn from you and do as you did.B: (39) Then it can remind others to keep our neighborhood clean.A: Good idea! (40) B: OK!A. What do you usually do with rubbish?B. How about putting up a notice with the words “Dont litter!” in our neighborhood?C. Youre welcome. D. You know some can be used again

10、.E. Lets do it now!F. What did you do yesterday?G. Who takes out the trash in your home?完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Sally was sitting in her bedroom and thinking. What could she do to help others 41 the summer holiday? She helped 42 the parks once a week and she would go on doing it. If she could fix up bikes,

11、 she 43 bikes for others. If there was a food bank, she would help give away food there. She planned to 44 a volunteer project. She thought for a long time, and at last she thought up a good way to help others. The next morning, she went to the square of the railway station with three stools (凳子) an

12、d a sign. The sign said: Pointing the 45 for free.There were five fruit hawkers (商贩) on the square. When they saw the sign, they told Sally it was 46 , because they also had signs on their goods (货物) shelves but nobody asked the way! Sally still borrowed a large 47 from her mother. She provided the

13、people who asked the way with water and stools to sit on for a rest. Many people came to ask for help. Sally was very happy 48 she was very tired when she came back home. She felt that being a 49 was great. The next day Jimmy came to join her. Five days later, eight classmates came to 50 her volunte

14、er activity. The fruit hawkers had to change their signs: Welcome to our town!( )42. A. pick upB. set up C. clean upD. look up( )43. A. would repair B. will repair C. had repaired D. was repairing( )44. A. joinB. startC. leaveD. return( )45. A. waterB. pleasureC. priceD. way( )46. A. useless B. endless C. useful D. helpful( )47. A. paper B. quilt C. umbrella D. fruit( )48. A. if B. when C. why D. though( )49. A. waiter B. volunteer C. student D. hawker( )50. A. take part in B. give up C. make plans for D. help out三阅读理解(每小题2分,共



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