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1、2022年考博英语-中国海洋大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题The patient is recovering soon. His disease is ( )treatment with drugs.问题1选项A.responsive toB.responsible forC.subject toD.exposed to【答案】A【解析】句意:患者很快就开始恢复了。他的病对药物治疗有反应。考查短语辨析。be responsive to 对有反应; be responsible for 对负责; be subject to受支配,常遭受; be exposed to暴

2、露于,面临。根据前半句意“患者很快就开始恢复了”可知A符合句意。2. 单选题The lamp would not work because of a ( )in the switch.问题1选项A.defectB.blotC.foulD.shortcoming【答案】A【解析】句意:由于开关有问题,所以台灯不亮。考查名词辨析。Defect 缺陷,不足; blot 污点; foul 犯规; shortcoming 缺点,短处,多形容人。故A符合句意。3. 翻译题在圣诞节这一天,许多美国人去做礼拜或是走亲访友。他们会吃一顿特别的大餐。在圣诞节这一天,无论美国人走到哪里,他们都会互相祝福“圣诞快乐”

3、。在美国,音乐是庆祝圣诞节的重要方式。美国人喜欢各种各样的圣诞歌曲。【答案】On the day of Christmas, many Americans go to church or visit their relatives and friends. They always have a special dinner. On that day, wherever Americans go, they always wish each other Merry Christmas. Music is often an important way to celebrate Christmas

4、in the United States. Americans enjoy all kinds of Christmas songs.4. 单选题( ) no loss of energy by friction, the motion would continue definitely once it started.问题1选项A.There wereB.Were thereC.There wasD.If there is【答案】B【解析】句意:如果没有由于摩擦而使能量丧失,运动将无限期地继续下去。语法题。考查虚拟语气。根据句意推测此处属于与现在事实相反的条件句,故用虚拟语气: 条件从句的谓

5、语动词为were或动词过去式,主句部分为 would/should/might/could+动词原形,故B正确。5. 单选题The theory of evolution by natural selection ( )important single scientific innovation in the nineteenth century.问题1选项A.certainly the mostB.was certainly the mostC.will certainly be the mostD.was the most certain【答案】B【解析】句意:自然选择进化论当然是十九世纪

6、最重要的独特科学创新。语法题。考查形容词最高级。分析句子结构可知, The theory of evolution by natural selection为主语, important single scientific innovation为表语,句子缺少系动词。排除A项。句子指明“十九世纪”,故应用过去式,排除C。副词certainly修饰形容词most的最高级。故选B。6. 单选题Her face gave her ( )when she told a lie.问题1选项A.offB.upC.outD.away【答案】D【解析】句意:当她撒谎吋,她的面容出卖了她。考查短语辨析。Give

7、off释放,放出,发出(气体、热量、气味等); give up放弃,戒除,认输; give out分发,散发,公开,宣布(消息等); give away错失(优势),泄露(秘密),使露出真面目。因此D符合句意。7. 单选题While some business executives repeated their objections to the new smoking restrictions, others said they wanted more time to ( )the impact of todays decision.问题1选项A.attestB.obtainC.affect

8、D.weigh【答案】D【解析】句意:一些企业经管人员对新的吸烟限制条件表示反对,另外一部分人表示需要更多的时间去权衡如今决定的影响。考查动词辨析。Attest证明,证实; obtain获得; affect影响,感染,感动; weigh权衡,考虑,称重量。故D符合句意。8. 单选题This hotel ( )$50 for a single room with bath.问题1选项A.claimsB.chargesC.demandsD.prices【答案】B【解析】意:这家酒店带浴室的单间要价50美元。考查动词辨析。四个选项均为对应动词的三单形式。Claim要求,请求,主张; charge 要

9、价,向前冲; demand要求,查询,需要; price给定价,估价。B符合句意。9. 单选题He seemed too old for her, ( )like a father ( )a husband.问题1选项A.more.thanB.not so.asC.most.thanD.rather.than【答案】A【解析】句意:对她来说,他似乎有点太老了,相比丈夫,他更像她的父亲。考查固定搭配。由前半句句意“他似乎有点太老了”推测后面句意为: 相比丈夫,他更像她的父亲。more .than. 相比,更是。故选A。10. 单选题When British voters go to the po

10、lls during General Elections to decide who will govern them, they usually have a choice of at least three candidates who will each represent one of the three main political parties in Britain today.The Labor Party is the party of the left, the Tory or Conservative Party represents the right and betw

11、een the two, with politics and opinions of its own. is the smaller Liberal Party.Britain is divided into over 600 political units known as “constituencies,each with its own candidates who stand for Parliament hoping to be elected (or re-elected) with large majorities. The cities and large towns are

12、themselves divided into constituencies and they also choose the Members of Parliament (MPs) who will represent their views in the Houses of Parliament at Westminster. Here, in the House, the government of the day led by its Prime Minister and his Cabinet - a team of specially selected ministers carr

13、ies out its duties of governing the country. Various proposals are put forward for debate and discussion and these may, eventually, become part of the law of the land. The government in office has to face the criticism of the other parties which are in opposition. This is the sort of democratic proc

14、ess that the majority of British people seem to favor. Her Majestys Government is watched over by Her Majestys Opposition, and thus a certain balance of power is maintained. Decisions are made by a majority vote and this, of course, is where the other parties, the Liberals, the National and Regional

15、 parties (such as the Scottish or Welsh National Party), and other independent parties can exercise their influence. Some issues may be decided on a mere handful of votes.1.According to the passage, the Liberal Party could be described as ( ).2.A constituency is( ).3.How can the other parties exercise their influence in Parliam



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