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1、GATT1947英文The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade came into force on 1 January 1948. This booklet contains the complete text of the General Agreement together with all amendments which have become effective since its entry into force. The text is identical to that published, since 1969, as Volume

2、 IV in the series Basic Instruments and Selected Documents. A guide to the legal sources of the provisions of the Agreement is provided in an appendix. An Analytical Index, containing notes on the drafting, interpretation and application of the articles of the Agreement has been prepared and publish

3、ed by the secretariat. A second publication, complementary to this one, contains the text of the agreements reached as a result of the Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (1973-1979).The General Agreement is applied “provisionally“ by all contracting parties. The original contracting part

4、ies, and also those former territories of Belgium, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom which, after attaining independence, acceded to the General Agreement under Article XXVI:5(c), apply the GATT under the Protocol of Provisional Application, the text of which is reproduced in this volum

5、e. Chile applies the General Agreement under a Special Protocol of September 1948. The contracting parties which have acceded since 1948 apply the General Agreement under their respective Protocols of Accession.For the convenience of the reader, asterisks mark the portions of the text which should b

6、e read in conjunction with notes and supplementary provisions in Annex I to the Agreement. In accordance with Article XXXIV, Annexes A to I are an integral part of the Agreement. The Schedules of tariff concessions annexed to the General Agreement (not here reproduced) are also, in accordance with A

7、rticle II:7, an integral part of the Agreement.By the Decision of 23 March 1965, the CONTRACTING PARTIES changed the title of the head of the GATT secretariat from “Executive Secretary“ to “Director-General“. However, in the absence of an amendment to the General Agreement to take account of this ch

8、ange, the title “Executive Secretary“ has been retained in the text of Articles XVIII:12(e), XXIII:2 and XXVI:4, 5 and 6. The Decision of 23 March 1965 provides that the duties and powers conferred upon the Executive Secretary by the General Agreement “shall be exercised by the person holding the po

9、sition of Director-General, who shall, for this purpose, also hold the position of Executive Secretary“.TABLE OF CONTENTSPagePREFACE iiiTEXT OF THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADEPREAMBLE 1PART IArticle I General Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment 2Article II Schedules of Concessions 3PART IIArti

10、cle III National Treatment on Internal Taxation andRegulation 6Article IV Special Provisions relating to CinematographFilms 8Article V Freedom of Transit 8Article VI Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties 10Article VII Valuation for Customs Purposes 12Article VIII Fees and Formalities connected with

11、 Importationand Exportation 14Article IX Marks of Origin 15Article X Publication and Administration of TradeRegulations 16Article XI General Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions 17Article XII Restrictions to Safeguard the Balance of Pay-ments 18Article XIII Non-discriminatory Administration of Q

12、uantita-tive restrictions 21Article XIV Exceptions to the rule of Non-discrimination 23Article XV Exchange Arrangements 24Article XVI Subsidies 26Article XVII State Trading Enterprises 27Article XVIII Governmental Assistance to Economic Develop-ment 28Article XIX Emergency Action on Imports of Parti

13、cular Pro-ducts 36Article XX General Exceptions 37Article XXI Security Exceptions 38Article XXII Consultation 39Article XXIII Nullification of Impairment 39PART III PageArticle XXIV Territorial Application _ Frontier Traffic _ Cus-toms Unions and Free-trade Areas 41Article XXV Joint Action by the Co

14、ntracting Parties 44Article XXVI Acceptance. Entry into Force and Registration 45Article XXVII Withholding or Withdrawal of Concessions 46Article XXVIII Modification of Schedules 46Article XXVIII bis Tariff Negotiations 48Article XXIX The Relation of this Agreement to the HavanaCharter 49Article XXX

15、 Amendments 50Article XXXI Withdrawal 51Article XXXII Contracting Parties 51Article XXXIII Accession 51Article XXXIV Annexes 52Article XXXV Non-application of the Agreement between Partic-ular Contracing Parties 52PART IV TRADE AND DEVELOPMENTArticle XXXVI Principles and Objectives 53Article XXXVII Commitments



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