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1、2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题问题1选项A.Jacks personality.B.Jacks appearance.C.Jacks career.D.Jacks age.【答案】D【解析】8. M: Jenny. I know you like Jack a lot. But what do you like about him?W: Hes gentle, patient and mature. I think hes my Mr. Right.M: Mature is a good word. Dont you think hes a li

2、ttle old for you? Hes almost twice as old as you are.Q: What is the man concerned about?【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:这个男人担心什么?由文中“But what do you like about him(但你喜欢他哪点呢)”和“Hes almost twice as old as you are.(他的年龄比你大一倍)”,推测可知D选项“Jacks age(杰克的年龄)”符合原文。A选项“杰克的性格”;B选项“杰克的外表”;C选项“杰克的事业”不符合原文。2. 单选题Before a dr

3、ug is approved and launched into the market, a significant amount of time and money is spent in an effort to select the most effective one from several drug( ).问题1选项A.adversariesB.candidatesC.volunteersD.manufacturers【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. adversaries 对手;敌人 B. candidates 候选人;候选者C. volunteers 志愿者 D. manuf

4、acturers 制造商【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】在一种药物被批准并投入市场之前,要花费大量的时间和金钱从多种药物中选择最有效的那种。由本句句意可知选择最有效的,是要从众多候选、待选的药物中进行选择,所以B选项“候选人,候选者”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不符合句意。【句意】在一种药物被批准并投入市场之前,要花大量的时间和金钱从几种候选药物中选择最有效的一种。3. 单选题2.问题1选项A.A broken finger.B.A terrible cough.C.Frontal headaches.D.Eye problem.【答案】C【解析】W: Its Mr. C

5、ong, isnt it?M: Thats right. I saw you six months ago with a broken finger.W: Yes, of course. And is that all healing well?M: Its fine.W: What can we do for you today?M: Well, Ive been having these headaches in the front, about my eyes. It started two months ago. They seem to come on quite suddenly,

6、 and I get dizzy spell as well.Q: What is the trouble in the man now?【解析】细节题。男士说:Ive been having these headaches in the front, about my eyes. 即今天来看病是因为头痛,大概是眼睛周围。4. 单选题2.问题1选项A.To take the medicine for a longer time.B.To discontinue the medication.C.To come to see her again.D.To switch to other medi

7、cations.【答案】C【解析】M: How long should I take them? W: The prescription is for 30 days. If youre still feeling depressed after 30 days. Id like you to come back in. Q: What does the woman advice the man to do if his problem continues? 【解析】细节题。女士说药量是30天,如果服药后患者还不好,建议回来复诊。5. 单选题1.问题1选项A.She is looking fo

8、r a gift.B.She needs a new purse.C.Shes going to give a birthday party.D.She wants to go shopping with her mom.【答案】A【解析】M: You said that you wanted to go shopping this evening. What do you want to get?W: I think Id like to get my mom a new purse for her birthday.Q: What does the woman mean?【解析】女士说:I

9、 think Id like to get my mom a new purse for her birthday (我想给我妈妈买个钱包作为她的生日礼物)。6. 单选题1.问题1选项A.A cough.B.Diarrhea.C.A fever.D.Vomiting.【答案】B【解析】M: Whats the matter with this little boy? W: He has a chesty cough all the time. His temperature is high. And he keeps telling me he wants to be sick. M: Doe

10、s he bring anything up? W: No, because he has been off his food for the past two days. He just brings up (呕吐) bile (胆汁). Q: Which of the following is not the boys symptom? 【解析】细节题。根据对话可知,小男孩咳嗽,发烧,并且恶心,呕吐。故选B。7. 单选题14.问题1选项A.She is absent-minded.B.She is in high spirits.C.She is indifferent.D.She is

11、compassionate.【答案】D【解析】W: Heres an extra blanket. Let me tuck you in. M: Youre so sweet. What is your name? W: My name is Alice. Ill be on shift during the day for the next few days. Q: What can be said of the woman? 【解析】细节题。对话中女士要给男士加一条毛毯,男士说:Youre so sweet,可知女士非常热心。8. 单选题 Scientists have long know

12、n a fairly reliable way to extend the life span in lab animals: reduce the amount of calories they eat by 10 to 40 percent. This strategy, known(51)caloric restriction, has been shown to increase the life span of various organisms and reduce their rate of cancer and other age-related ailments.(52)it

13、 can do the same in people has been an open suggests that in young and middle-aged adults, chronically restricting calorie(53)can affect their health. In this study, researchers looked at 143 healthy men and women who(54)in age from 21 to 50. They were instructed to(55)caloric restriction for two ye

14、ars. They could eat the foods they wanted(56)they cut back on the total amount of food that they ate to reduce the calories they consumed by 25 percent. Many did not(57)that goal. But the group saw many of their metabolic health markers improve(58)they were already in the normal range. Some of the b

15、enefits in the calorie-restricted group(59)from impressive weight loss, on average about 16 pounds during the study period. But the extent to which their metabolic health got better was greater than expected from weight loss alone,(60)that caloric restriction might have some unique biological effects on disease pathways.问题1选项A.asB.by


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