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1、北碚区双主共学卓越课堂征文赛善教乐学 构建和谐课堂“Is this your skirt?对话教学”课堂实录天府镇教管中心 唐海燕 小学英语 案例 13983687060教学是一门艺术,它的美离不开课堂中教师和学生的完美结合。教师善教,学生乐学,是我们构建和谐课堂,提高学习效率,增强学习效果的最为有效的策略。结合我区“双主共学”卓越课堂建设,本节课针对学生实际,充分利用各种教学资源,采用听、说、唱、玩、演的方式,以活动为核心,灵活执教,让学生在老师的“善教”中“乐学” 。整节课课堂气氛活跃,学生学得轻松,不管是哪个层次的学生都能轻松、愉快掌握所学知识。Step1. Warm-up 1、Gree

2、tingT: Hello! Boys and girls!Ss: Hello! Miss Tang!T: Nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you!T: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. How are you?T: Im fine, thank you. Sit down please!2、介绍评价方式T: This class wellhave two groups. This is Group A. This is Group B. Lets have a match. If you are the winner, yo

3、u can get a blue dress、a yellow Tshirt 、a green skirt、a red shirt、a brown jacket or white sweater for your group. Ok?Ss: Yes.T: Lets go!3、Lets chant.T: At first, lets chant. Boys and girls, clap your hands!(课件出示)Ss:Where where where, where is my T-shirt?What what what , what colour is it?Who who who

4、, who are you?T:Who are you?S: Im.T:Nice to meet you? Can you read this word? S: T-shirt, shirt, skirt, dress, sweater, jacket.T:Please read together.Ss: T-shirt, shirt, skirt, dress, sweater, jacket.【设计意图:上课开始,师生互致简单的问候,消除了学生的紧张情绪。然后一首简单的chant活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习热情,同时也为下面的where is my T-shirt? What colour

5、 is it? Whose is it? 教学做铺垫。教师以一种平等、友好的组织者的身份来组织教学,学生轻松自如地参与课堂活动,营造出积极主动的英语学习氛围。】Step2、Presentation1. 学习Is this your skirt?Yes,it is.Is that your T-shirt?No,its not.(1)呈现Isthisyourskirt? Yes,itis.T:Look!There is a basket. Do you want to know whats in the basket?Ss: Yes.T:Let me see. Oh, so many cloth

6、es! Whats this?S1: Its T-shirt.T: What colour is it?S1: Yellow.T: IsthisyourT-shirt? (拿衣服问个别学生)S1: Yes, it is.T: Isthisyour skirt? (拿衣服问个别学生)S2: Yes,it is.T: Isthisyour skirt? Yes, it is.(板书教读三遍)Ss: Isthisyour skirt? Yes,it is.(学生跟读)T: Isthisyour skirt? Skirt读升调,Yes,it is. it is连读。黑板上标注。T: Can you r

7、ead it? Lets try! Group A Group B.(分小组读)T: Boys! Girls! (分男女读)T: Isthisyour skirt? (拿衣服问个别学生)S3:Yes,it is.T: Isthisyour skirt? (拿衣服问个别学生)S4:Yes, it is.T: OK! Now, lets chant. Boys and girls, clap your hands!Ss:Is this your skirt?Is this your skirt?Yes, Yes, Yes.Yes, It is.【设计意图:利用猜猜篮子里有什么,复习旧知,巩固了原有

8、的重点单词与句型。在现实情境中,通过问答法很自然的呈现主要句型,易于学生理解。运用有节奏感的chant操练所学的内容,降低了句型的难度。使之在乐中学、学中乐、嬉中趣、趣中获,这将营造生动有趣的课堂氛围,学生参与意识强、思维活跃,学习效果会事半功倍。】(2)呈现Is that your T-shirt?No,its not.老师挂一件课前准备的自己儿子的小T-shirt在黑板上,指着T-shirt问学生T: Is that your T-shirt? (指着挂起的衣服问学生)S1: No, its not.T: Is that your T-shirt? (指着挂起的衣服问学生)S2: No,

9、its not.T: Is that your T-shirt? No, its not. (板书教读三遍)Ss: Is that your T-shirt? No, its not.T: Now, I ask and you answer. And then, you ask and I answer.T: OK! Lets drive a train. Train train,go,go,go. One by one.(学生开火车问,并回答)T: Is that your T-shirt? (指着挂起的衣服问学生)S3: No, its not.T: Is that your T-shir

10、t? (指着挂起的衣服问学生)S4: No, its not.T: OK! Now, lets chant. Boys and girls, clap your hands!Ss: Is that your T-shirt?Is that your T-shirt?No No NoNo,its not.【设计意图:利用实物引出句型,同样采用了一首chant促使学生大胆地开口。老师准备的自己儿子的小T-shirt,也为后面Whoseis it?的学习埋下了伏笔。】(3)操练:a、Playagame:谁是小侦探?T:Lets Playagame: Whereismydress?Ss: OK!T:

11、Look, where is my skirt? Use the two sentences:“Whatcolourisit?Is this you skirt?” ask me. (课件出示各种短裙)S1: Whatcolourisit?T: Blue.S1: Is this your skirt?(指着NO1)T:老师做否定的手势。Ss: No,its not.S2: Is this your skirt?(指着NO3)T:老师做肯定的手势Ss: Yes, It is.T: You are so clever. This T-shirt for you! (及时对猜出来的小组评价)T: L

12、ook, where is my dress? Use the two sentences:“Whatcolourisit?Is that you dress?” ask me.(课件出示各种连衣裙)S1: Whatcolourisit?T: Blue.S1: Is that your dress?(指着NO5)T:老师做否定的手势。Ss: No,its not.S2: Is that your dress?(指着NO1)T:老师做肯定的手势Ss: Yes, It is.T: Wonderful! This T-shirt for you!(及时对猜出来的小组评价)【设计意图:游戏教学法富于趣

13、味性,符合小学生年龄特点,在玩中学,乐中学,行之有效。“谁是小侦探?”这个游戏能激发学生的兴趣以及好胜心理。通过这个游戏让学生熟练掌握句型,并能运用所学的句型进行提问并回答。】b、Lets sing.教师播放 “两只老虎”的曲调,引导学生用下面所学的句型进行演唱:T: OK! Can you sing? Lets sing together.Ss: Isthisyourskirt?Isthisyour skirt?Yes,itis.Yes,itis.Whatcolourisit?Whatcolourisit?Itsblue.Itsblue.IsthatyourT-shirt?Isthatyou

14、rT-shirt?No, its not. No, its not.Whatcolourisit?Whatcolourisit?Itsblue.Itsblue.T: So good. This T-shirt for you!(及时评价) Once more.学生再次拍手演唱。【设计意图:这首歌是本节课的一个小高潮,在进行了前面的小侦探游戏以后,再让学生唱上一首改编的歌曲,将学生的学习兴趣进一步激发,与前面的句型教学“动”“静”结合。营造出生动活泼的乐学气氛】2.学习Whoseis it?Its my T-shirt. Whoseis this? Itsyourbaby brothers.老师

15、指着一直挂起的T-shirt,疑问的表情问T: Whoseis it? 同时呈现课件,教读。Ss:Whoseis it?T: Its my babys.(出示老师宝贝的图片)T:表示是谁的就在人物的后面加上s。T:课件出示:Whose is this? S:Its baby brothers!T: Its your baby brothers!老师刻意强调baby brothers.并且教读。T: Whoseis it? 老师拿出一件学生的衣服。S1:Its my T-shirt. 引导这件衣服的主人说一说,教读。T: Whoseis it? 拿着T恤问全班同学。Ss:Its *s T-shirt.T: Whoseis it? 老师再拿出一件学生的衣服。S2:Its my T-shirt. 引导这件衣服的主人说


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