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1、激励培训计划提升销售业绩Launching Training Programs to Improve Sales Volume 论文摘要美亚琪商务咨询(北京)有限公司是美国国际集团(AIG)为与中国人民财产保险股份有限公司(以下称人保公司)在健康意外险方面进一步的合作而建立的全资子公司。公司正式成立于2004年5月,公司成立以来致力于向我们的合作伙伴-中国人民财产保险股份有限公司提供有关意外健康险(或称两险)方面的新产品开发、承保、销售、理赔等方面的咨询服务。在经与人保公司紧密合作两年后,我们发现尽管我们努力向人保公司分享AIG成熟保险市场的管理理念,积极推进两险新产品的开发、承保、销售、理赔

2、等方面的国际管理规范,但这些管理理念仍然不能很好的渗透到人保各地分公司;两险销售业绩、产品开发与理赔管理等方面的合作进展在与合作前相比都没有很大的提升。依据我公司领导前期在一些人保省公司实地考察获取的培训需求,公司领导层在今年的商务计划中明确指出我们公司各个部门要深入人保各地省公司,开展从市场营销到理赔监管方面的培训项目以便能深入的推广有效的两险管理理念;提高两险销售业绩同时降低理赔额,从而提升两险产品的利润。而我所在的培训发展部将参与与市场营销部一起合作进行为期6个月的,针对人保省公司销售队伍有关销售渠道方面的培训,旨在与进一步提升两险产品的销售业绩。 本论文依据公司领导层前期对人保省公司实

3、地考察报告结果,进行了SWOT分析及公司部门间的讨论的方法确定了本项目实施方法及目标。在项目执行期间,通过与不同人保省分公司提前沟通和提交建议书的方式及时了解当地需求而制定因地制宜的培训方案,并且在培训结束时邀请参训人员填写培训反馈表以便及时对我们培训项目进行评估。经过前期对实地考察报告的分析和制定可行的项目计划,以及在中后期根据培训反馈及时对培训课程的调整,此次有关销售渠道培训项目得以顺利完成并取得了预期效果。通过此阶段的培训,我们积累了很多宝贵经验包括对人保公司各省地区差异及架构有了进一步的了解, 而且两险业绩截至到八月份去年同期相比有大幅提高。通过我们此次的培训项目实施,我们接到了更多人

4、保不同省份公司的不同层次的培训需求,并且收集到大量的不同地区的业务信息,实践证明只有深入到人保各省公司进行因地制宜的持续的培训才能确保有效地向人保公司渗透我公司管理理念、提高两险销售业绩和业务质量,最终达到双赢。Abstract This paper presents a detailed report of a training project implemented to increase our partners (PICC P&C) Accident & Health insurance product sales volume. Our company (AIG Business C

5、onsulting Beijing) has been working closely with our partner PICC P&C on A&H (Accident & Health) insurance products for more than two years. During our corporation, we found out that it is very hard to penetrate our A&H management concept deep into PICC P&C provincial or city branches. Hence, the pr

6、oblem occurred which is the A&H products sales figure is far behind both companies target. It is hypothesized that a series of tailor made training programs will help agencies who are first line sales people from PICC P&C provincial and city branches sell more Accident & Health products. In order to

7、 increase the A&H sales volume and meanwhile enhance our credibility to our partner. A Distribution Channel Training Project was launched from March to August, 07. With the efforts of all of our team members, we achieved our goal successfully. By the end of August, the total A&H Health product sales

8、 figure is increased by 15% compared to the same period of last year. The result of the project demonstrated the tailor made training program is an effective approach for increasing sales volume.Table of ContentsPages1. Introduction 12 Summary of the Preliminary research2 2.1. Problem 2 2.2. Problem

9、 analysis2 2.2.1 Companys current situation2 2.2.2 Current market situation analysis3 2.2.3 SWOT analysis 33. Project Objective and Hypothesis43.1. Project Objective43.2. Project Hypothesis44. Project Rationale55. Project Design65.1. Planning activities65.1.1 Activities with time-scale65.1.2 People

10、involved and responsibilities75.2. Costing85.3. Risks analysis85.4. Management and control96.Project Implementation106.1. General introduction of time, place of project implementation106.2. The working steps of implementation116.3. Monitoring117.Project Findings and Discussion127.1.Results127.2.Disc

11、ussion128. Conclusion13Bibliography14Appendix 1: Training feedback form15Appendix 2: The project Flowchart17Launching Training Programs to Improve Sales Volume1. IntroductionWe have been worked closely with our partner PICC P&C to develop A&H products and launch the products on the market for more t

12、han two years. In this two years period our company strategy was focusing on product development, market research, provide training to PICC head office and provincial level management staff on A&H product management concept. As the sales of A&H products are far behind our target, we would like to ma

13、ke a six months training plan to PICC P&C first line sales people mainly focus on how to improve A&H products sales volume and at mean while to increase our credibility to our partner PICC P&C.Our goal for this project is to increase our partners total A&H products sales volume, at the same time to increase our credibility to our partner PICC P&C. The objective is to complete the series training program to our partners first line sales force and provincial management level staff. Its hypothesized that if we can complete our training program successfully to our partners sales



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