高二英语人教版必修5课时作业:Unit 2 The United Kingdom 3 Word版含解析

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1、 精品资料Unit 2The United Kingdom课时作业(三)Section Warming Up & Reading.用所给词的适当形式填空1The master ordered the dinner_(serve)at once.2We saw the thief_(catch)by the police.3With the problem_(settle),he felt quite released.4The teacher had the lazy boy_(stand)outside the classroom the whole morning.5Keep your m

2、outh_(shut)and your eyes open.6Dont leave the water_(run)while you brush your teeth.7He had his leg_(break)in the match yesterday.8They managed to make themselves_(understand)in very simple English.9The painting comes from his private_(collect)10In the exhibition,this painting_(attract)many people.答

3、案:1.served2.caught3.settled4.standing5shut6.running7.broken8.understood9collections10.attracts/attracted.完形填空There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world.But_1_a few of them are very_2_.English is one of these.Many,many people use it,not only in England and the US.A.,but in other parts of

4、the world.About 200,000,000 people speak it as their own language.It is difficult,to say how many people are learning it as a_3_language.Many millions are_4_to do so.Is it easy or difficult to learn English?Different people may have different_5_.Have you ever_6_the ads of this kind in the newspapers

5、 or magazines?“Learn English in six months,or your_7_back.”“Easy and funny?Our records and tapes_8_you master your English in a month._9_the first day your_10_will be excellent.Just send.”Of course,it never_11_quite like this.The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue.We should_

6、12_that we all learned our own language well when we were _13_.If we could learn English in the same way,it would not seem so difficult._14_what a small child does.He listens to what people say.He tries what he hears.When he is using the language,talking in it,and_15_in it all the time,just imagine

7、how much_16_that gets!So it is_17_to say that learning English is easy,because a good command of English_18_upon a lot of practice.And practice needs great effort and_19_much time.Good teachers,records,tapes,books,and dictionaries will_20_.But they cannot do the students work for him.1A.notBquiteCon


9、nedBknewCseemedDfelt12A.knowBrememberCunderstandDthink13A.studentsBchildrenCbabiesDgrownups14A.ImagineBMindCDoDThink of15A.usingBthinkingCtryingDpracticing16A.timeBmoneyClanguageDpractice17A.hardBeasyCfunnyDsilly18A.demandsBtriesChasDtakes19A.usesBtakesCgetsDcosts20A.doBworkChelpDmaster语篇解读:在世界上的1 5

10、00多种语言中,英语是使用最为广泛的。那么,如何学习英语呢?1C解析:only意为“仅仅、只有”。句意:世界上约有一千五百种语言,但只有几种是最重要的。2B解析:important意为“重要的”,根据下文提到的像英语被广泛使用,说明了这几种语言是重要的。故不宜选其他形容词。3B解析:as a foreign language(外语)与前句中的as their own language相对应。4C解析:are trying to do soare trying to learn English意为“在尽力学习英语”。5D解析:answer意为“答案”,指回答前面问题的答案。句意:学习英语容易还是

11、困难?不同的人有不同的答案。6C解析:notice意为“注意到”,根据不同的动词意义,只有notice切合句意。指注意到这些广告。7C解析:这些广告的目的是为了收钱,故选money。or your money back意为:否则退钱。8B解析:help sb.do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”。而make/let sb.do sth.意为“使/让某人做某事”。allow不合该句句型。9A解析:from the first day意为“从第一天起”。10D解析:由于是指学习英语语言,应该是先学习发音,故选pronunciation(发音)。11A解析:happen意为“发生”,这里指上面广告中

12、提到的“快速学好英语这件事情是决不会发生的。”12B解析:remember意为“记得”。13B解析:children与后面的a small child相对应,指小孩学说母语好。14D解析:think of意为“想一想”。15B解析:think意为“思考”,此句意:用母语谈话,思考。16D解析:practice意为“练习”。这里说明了孩子学说好母语是因为进行上述大量的练习的结果。17A解析:句意:说学习英语容易就难说了。18A解析:demand“需要”,句意:掌握好英语需要大量练习。19B解析:take意为“花费(时间)”。此句意:而练习需要付出极大的努力和花费大量的时间。20C解析:这里是说:

13、好教师、录音、磁带、书和词典将对学习英语有帮助。但这些都不能代替学生的学习。.阅读理解Did anyone find the names of“the British Isles”,“Great Britain”,“the United kingdom”,“England”and“the British Commonwealth”which have the same meaning?Strictly speaking,these names all refer to something different.None of them are exactly the same as any of

14、 the others.The British Isles refer to the main islands and several thousand small ones as well,which you can see on the map.Great Britain,or Britain,refers to the larger of the two main islands.But the word“Britain”is often used as a short form for the United Kingdom or you call it the UK.Now as for England,it refers simply to the largest of the three countries on the island of Great Britain.The United Kingdom is the name of the state and the official name of the country,which many people popularly refer to England.Finally,the British Commonwealth is the usual name



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