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1、Unit 6Exercise I1. Spelling1. enjoyable 2. irresistible 3. browse 4. vaguely5. indulgent 6. illustrate 7. beckon 8. inevitable9. approach 10. account 11. variety 12. unaware2. DictationMany students who call themselves bad readers nevertheless do read some things successfully. They may read novels o

2、r they may read the sports page every day. But a textbook is a different matter. A textbook gives them a lot of trouble. Why is that? One reason is lack of interest. Another is that they are often unfamiliar with the subject about which they are reading. But a third reason is that they try to read a

3、 textbook as if it were a novel or a sports story or a problem to be solved by Ann Landers. They respond to the textbook inappropriately.How you read something depends on the authors purpose in writing. There are basically four purposes for writing. Some authors write to tell a story; others write t

4、o create an image in your mind; some write to inform or teach; and still others write to convince you of a particular viewpoint. Each of these four purposes requires a different response as you read. If you respond differently to different types of writing, you will find that your reading will be mu

5、ch easier.3. Listening ComprehensionA. True (T) or False (F)?For false statements, write the facts.1. The man was on his way to a country village when he heard a strange noise coming from behind his car.FThe man was on his way from a country village to London.2. He examined the back of the car caref

6、ully, but found nothing wrong.FHe examined the wheels carefully, but found nothing wrong.3. When he turned his head, he found many bees following his car. T4. He soon knew that a queen been and her followers had hidden in his car.FHe soon knew that a queen bee had hidden in his car.5. The man was ve

7、ry surprised when a policeman arrived.FThe man telephoned the police and explained what had happened. But no policemen arrived on the scene.6. The bee-keeper was very happy because he had been able to help the motorist.F The bee-keeper was very happy because he had received an unexpected gift a big

8、box full of bees from the motorist.B. Arrange the following sentences according to the order of happening. 1. A bee-keeper finally helped the man to solve the problem. 2. He soon found thousands of bees near his car. 3. He arrived at a hotel in London where he had a drink. 4. The man stopped his car

9、 when he heard a strange noise. 5. He drove as quickly as he could to get rid of the bees. 6. As he couldnt find anything wrong with his car, he went on his way. 7. A customer hurried in to tell him that his car was covered with bees.The correct order of the sentences: 4 6 2 5 3 7 1Script:An Unwelco

10、me PassengerHidden passengers travelling in ships, trains, or even cars can be a terrible nuisance especially when they are insects. In this respect, there is a great difference between human beings and insects. The former make every possible effort to avoid discovery, while the latter quickly draw

11、attention to themselves.We can only sympathize with the unfortunate man who had to stop his car soon after setting out from a country village to drive to London. Hearing a strange noise from the back of the car, he naturally got out to have a look. He examined the wheels carefully but as he found no

12、thing wrong, he continued his way. The noise began almost immediately and now it was louder than ever. Quickly turning his head, the man saw what appeared to be a great black cloud following the car. When he stopped at a village further on, he was told that a queen bee must be hidden in his car as t

13、here were thousands of bees nearby.On learning this, the man realized that the only way to escape would be to drive away as quickly as possible. After an hours hard driving, he arrived in London where he parked his car outside a hotel and went in to have a drink. It was not long before a customer wh

14、o had seen him arrive hurried in to inform him that his car was covered with bees. The poor motorist telephoned the police and explained what had happened. The police decided that the best way to deal with the situation would be to call a bee-keeper. In a short time, the bee-keeper arrived. He found

15、 the unwelcome passenger hidden near the wheels at the back of the car. Very grateful to the motorist for this unexpected gift, the keeper took the queen and her thousands of followers home in a large box. Equally grateful, the motorist drove away in peace, at last free from the “black cloud” which had hung over his car.4. TranslationA. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English.1. 看到敌机飞近,他们飞奔开去,寻找可以躲避炸弹的掩蔽处。Seeing the enemy planes approaching, they dashed off to look for a shelter from the bombs.(这里的“飞近”可以用“approach”表示;“掩蔽处”可以用“shelter”表示。)2



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