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1、英语(新标准)(三年级起始用)第一册课题: Module 3 Classroom Unit 1 Point to the door.英语(新标准)(三年级起始用)第一册课题: Module 3 Classroom Unit 1 Point to the door.一、 Teaching aims:(一)Knowledge aims1. 能听懂,会说,会读单词:door, window, blackboard, bird, the, please.2.能听懂,会说,会读句型:Stand up /Sit down/ Point to,并口头运用这类语句发指令,同时能根据指令做动作。 (二)Abil

2、ity aims:Help the students can understand the orders “Stand up /Sit down/ Point to,”and can do the actions .(三)Emotion aims:1.激发学生的英语兴趣。2.提高学生的自信心和小组合作精神。二、Important points: 运用句型“point to.”发出指令。三、Difficult points:1. The correct pronounciations of the words:blackboard/please/bird /the /window/ door.2

3、. 使学生能够透彻理解Stand up.Sit down.和Point to三个指令性短语的意思,并在老师的帮助下灵活运用,指认身边的实物及图片。四、Teaching Tools:CAI, word cards, tape,CD -ROM.,bird model.五、Teaching ways: TPR,任务型教学方法学法,循序渐进法,直观教学法,游戏法Teaching process:I 、Warming up1T:Sing a song Hello ,helloFirst stand up ,please.You did a good job.Now sit down,please.( S

4、tand up,Sit down. 从开学的第一节课就开始训练,大部分学生能理解.)2Free talk:Ask the individual student using the sentences that we have learnt “Hello,xxx.Good morning/afternoon!/How are you?(真实的对话,最能检查学生对所学知识的学习、掌握和运用情况)II、Presentation and practice1提前将一小鸟的模型放在窗前,教师指着小鸟说Today lets know a new friend.Look its coming. 教师模仿鸟的声

5、音:Hello ,Im a bird. My name is Tweet-tweet.(Learn the new word “bird”.) T:Say hello to Tweet-tweet.Ss: Hello, Tweet-tweet.T:Hello,boys and girls.(教师扮演小鸟,模仿鸟的语气向孩子们问好,创设真实的语境,激发学生学习兴趣,以及灵活运用语言能力。)2T: I will write “bird” on the blackboard. (Learn the new word “blackboard”.) Read the new word one by on

6、e.3Point to the door and say this is a door. Learn the new word “door.” 4 The same methods to learn “window”. T: Where are the blackboard,window, door and bird?引导学生说出在教室里,由此引出这一模块”Classroom”的主题。5Tweet-tweet will send some orders,listen carefully(由小鸟发出指令,可以更好激发学生的积极性)-Stand up,please /Sit down,please

7、./ Point to说的时候尽可能慢些,让学生听清楚“ please, point , stand up ,sit down”,教师教新授单词,并要求学生边说边做出相应的动作,帮助学生理解。Then check the reading up and correct the pronounciations.6Now lets say a chant . Ok? And When you chant it, you can do the actions. Chant it : Up , up , up , stand up!Door , door , door, point to the doo

8、r!Bird , bird , bird , point to the bird.Window , window , window , point to the window!Blackboard , blackboard , blackboard , point to the blackboard!Down , down , down , sit down!(将所学知识编成Chant即激发学生学习积极性,活跃课堂气氛,又分散了教学难点。)7T: lets do the actions.I say you do.Lets see who is the winners.( 将door,windo

9、w等相关教学卡片贴在教室四周的墙上,结合教室内的实物,由老师发出指令:“Stand up / Sit down. Point to the door / window /”,由学生做出相应的动作。反复多次练习,以强化记忆,指认活动练习时,反应又对又快的奖励粘贴) 8Practise in pairs. One sends the orders,one does the actions. Then change. 9Lets have a match.(一名小老师到前面发指令,每组选出一名同学到前做动作)由易到难,循序渐进,进一步检查学生的听、说.、做能力。III、Leading in the

10、text. Have the students open their books at page 10. Look at the pictures carefully and think: Who are they? What are they doing? What can you see from the picture?Let students answer.(充分利用书中的插图)(老师和她的学生们.他们在上课)我们也在上课.这一节课,我们就来学习他们是怎样上课的.看谁学得最好.并能扮演Ms Smart 给同学们上课.1 Listen to the tape and point to t

11、he sentences. .2Now lets listen and repeat.(链接CD-ROM) Finger point.3Work in groups.Read the text in three minutes.4Act the dialogue.IV. Extension1. Game. Guess words.邀请一个学生上前,通过模仿动作表演教室中的物品door, window ,blackboard,bird,请其他学生猜测该学生所要表现的是什么物品。(运用游戏巩固知识,让学生在不知不觉中掌握所学内容,从而突破重、难点。) 2让学生设计心中最理想的教室:先画,小组内成员

12、自己介绍,教师在班上进行巡视指导,接着每组再派最优秀的一名学生进行介绍,说的内容越多的小组得分越多。最后教师小结,呈现学生在活动中出现的新词。V. Summary Read the words and sentences on the blackboard.VI. Homework1Listen and read the dialogue five times.2Say the orders to your friends.VII. Blackboard designMODULE 3 ClassroomUNIT 1 Point to the door Sit down ! Stand up ! door.(贴图片)window. (贴图片)Point to the blackboard. (贴图片)bird. (贴图片)



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