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1、“学 程 导 航”预习导学案 9A Unit 3 Reading(2) ( 时间:30分钟 )Name_一、 自主预习1. 听录音,看音标,熟读Reading中P45所出现的单词,尤其是下列四会单词 plenty, allow, strict, achieve, task, either2.阅读课文,试译下列短语:(将下列短语在书上找出并划出) be crazy about my love of football plenty of friends stay out late three hours or more allow me to play outside be strict with

2、 sbmake our lives more interesting have my parents support advise me how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies熟读上面的短语3通过预习,了解课文的主题思想(1)What problem does Simon have?(2)Whats his hobby?(3)When does Simon play football?(3)How do his parents think about it?(4)Does he agree with his p

3、arents?(5)Do you think his parents are strict with him?3进一步了解并掌握如何表达自己的情感以及如何写出自己的烦恼二、 合作预习1.大声朗读书本P45,并与同桌比一下谁读得好,译得准。2. 通过预习,理解P46 B 5-8个英文释义“学 程 导 航”课 时 教 学 计 划教学内容Fun with English 9A Unit 3 Reading (2)共几课时8课型阅读新授第几课时3教学目标1.继续学习如何表达自己的烦恼以及如何表达情感2.继续学习如何向别人寻求建议3.灵活运用Simon信中的重要词汇及短语; plenty, allow,

4、 strict, achieve, task, either教学重难点重点:理解文意难点:熟练掌握本课中所出现的四会词,及重要短语 教学资源预习导学案、多媒体、录音机预习设计见“预习导学案” 主备人:三厂初中 王健红 学程预设导学策略调整与反思课前准备1 播放一首英文歌曲2 呈现本课的生词准备好名单,红笔,导学案,笔记等。一、预习检测 检查学生预习情况(单词读音,预习案的完成情况)二、预习展示1. 根据多媒体画面,通过问答形式复习Millies problem2.要求复述Millies problem同时可呈现课文要点,帮助学生复述课文Milliea lot of homework, have

5、 no choice, stay up late, feel tired, refuse, accept, important, hand it in, volleyball and ping-pomg, doubt, a holiday, some suggestions3.通过听录音,了解Simon的个人情况(教师可以把Reading改成Simon的自我介绍或介绍好友Simon的形式第一遍:听录音,回答问题(1) Whats Simons hobby?(2) Does he often stay up late to play football?(3) Are his parents st

6、rict with him?第二遍:播放的同时用多媒体或投影仪呈现以下问题,True or false(1)Millie and Simon are both Grade 9 students.(2)They both like football.(3)They both spend much time on their homework.(4)They both feel stressed about their study.(5)They both think study is more important than sports. Questions:(1).Why does Danie

7、l think he is crazy about football? (2).What has become Simons problem?(3).When does Simon play football?(4).How does Simon feel from time to time?(5).Can you list some advantages of playing football?(6).How do his parents think about it?(7).Does Simon agree with his parents?(8).What does Simon thin

8、k of spending some time on the hobbies?3 Read the passage again4 Try to remember those important phrases5 完成P46 C右边一列6 口译下列短语(1)对痴迷(2)留在外面很晚(3)三小时或更多(4)对某人要求严格(5)获得学业和爱好之间的平衡三、拓展延伸、合作交流1Simon has such a problem. If you were Sigmund Friend, what will you say to him?(Discuss)2阅读并完成P47 D的第二封回信,3Do you

9、agree with him?三、 巩固与总结 Simon is also a _student.He is _ _ football.He loves _ football ,_ about football and_ football.He always plays football with his friends at school or in the park_ school.He often plays for _ hours or more and stays out _.But his parents were very _. They ask him to come home

10、 _ 6 p.m.So he feels _ and _ from time to time . He wants to have his parents_.But he doesnt know what to do .He wants the youth worker to _ him how to _ between his schoolwork and his hobbies.四、课堂检测看一看“谁做得好”五、作业布置见作业设计提醒学生做好课前准备,表扬预习作业做得好的学生。 这是对基础好的学生提的要求。基础差或不扎实的同学可以参考左列中的提示来复述基础好的不看书听录音,基础差的可以边听

11、边看听录音,判断正误第二遍快速阅读,鼓励学生努力了解书信的大意,让他们画出不理解的词汇,教师逐一解释第三遍仔细阅读,让学生进一步把握文章的主题,后回答问题在回答问题,理解课文的同时呈现P44的单词及重要短语熟读、记忆独立完成,然后小组讨论,教师适当加以点拨。检查学生掌握情况学生讨论假设自己就是Sigmund Friend, 会给Simon提什么样的建议呢?学生小组讨论,给他提建议,最后派一位总结一下自己组的建议。阅读、完成练习。请几位学生朗读各段落,校对答案对学生进行情感交流,了解学生的态度再次阅读Reading 的第二部分,然后不看书,复述课文。作业设计1. 订正导学案和的课堂检测中的错误。 2. 熟读P45 Reading,能流利地复述课文3. 要求用自己的语言学着描述好友的问题(可长可短,根据各自的能力而定)鼓励学生认真完成作业,并对在完成过程中有困难的内容作记号。



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