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1、1. Telll mee soometthinng aabouut yyourrsellf.My nnamee issXXXXXX. I comme ffromm Beeijiing.2. Telll mee soometthinng aabouut yyourr hoomettownn.My hhomeetowwn iis BBeijjingg . Its aa mooderrn aand bigg ciity. Haave youu beeen theere?Wellcomme tto BBeijjingg! YYou cann goo too thhe GGreaat wwalll, S

2、Summmer pallacee, TTiann ann meen ssquaare(thiis iis bbigggestt sqquarre oof wworlld) andd Foorbiiddeen CCityy. YYou cann goo shhopppingg inn WaangFFuJiing Strreett annd QQiann meen RRoadd. AAlsoo thheree arre aa loot oof ffamoous uniiverrsittiess, ssuchh ass Peekinng uunivverssityy, QQingghuaa unni

3、veersiity andd Beeijiing Forreiggn LLangguagge uunivverssityy annd sso oon. Theere is onlly oone intternnatiionaal aairpportt inn BeeiJiing, CaapittalAAirpportt . Theere aree 3 runnwayys iin tthe Airrporrt nnow. annd ttherre wwilll bee fiive runnwayys iin tthe futturee. TTherre aare somme llargge tt

4、ermminaal bbuilldinngs. BeeiJiing willl bbecoome thee avviattionn ceenteer iin tthe worrld.It iis aa biig eevennt iin cchinna.OOlymmpicc Gaamess wiill be helld iin AAuguust thiis yyearr. CChinnesee arre vveryy haappyy thhen I sshouuld worrk vveryy haard.manyy peeoplle wwantt too goo too chhinaa too

5、seee tthe Olyympiic ggamees ,theey sshouuld comme hheree byy aiir ,so it is a bbig chaancee foor tthe chiina civvil aviiatiion.3. Whatts thee weeathher likke ttherre?No, I doont llikee itt.in sspriing theere aree saandsstorrms, inn wiinteer iit iis ttoo colld aand strrongg wiind ,inn suummeer iit ii

6、s vveryy hoot ,auttumnn iss juust ok .4. Whicch ccomppanyy doo yoou wworkk foor?Air Chiina.5. How lonng hhavee yoou bbeenn woorkiing theere?I haave beeen wworkkingg thheree foor 220 yyearrs.6. How manny hhourrs hhavee yoou fflowwn?I haave floown aboout 17,0000 hhourrs.7. Whatt arre aadvaantaagess of

7、f beeingg a pillot?I thhinkk thhe jjob is welll-ppaidd. IIt iis vveryy chhalllenggingg. II caan vvisiit mmanyy pllacees. Soo I enjjoy my jobb veery mucch.8. If yyou diddntt beecomme aa piilott, wwhatt joob wwoulld yyou be doiing noww? WWhy?I waant to be a ddocttor,beccausse mmy mmothher is a ddoctto

8、r ,shhe wwantts mme tto bbe aa dooctoor.wwe ccan serrvicce tthe pattiennts andd saave thee siick9. Whatt kiind of airrcraaft do youu flly?I flly BB7477-4000。10. Do yyou flyy/haave youu fllownn anny ootheer aairccrafft?I haave floown chuujiaao-66.illlionn28 andd B7707-2000.B7477-4000 iis llargger and

9、d moore advvancced 11. Whatt arre yyourr maain rouutess?My mmainn rooutees aare intternnatiionaalrooutees,ssomeetimmes I ffly dommesttic rouuts succh BBeijjingg too shhangghaii.12. Do yyou flyy buusy rouutess liike Shaanghhai to Beiijinng?Yes, I do. Beecauuse Beiijinng iis tthe cappitaal oof cchinna

10、 aand shaanghhai is thee moost impporttantt ciity in ourr coounttry. Soo thhe rroutte iis vveryy buusy.13. Do yyou agrree witth RRVSMM? WWhy/Why nott?RVSMM iss Reeducce VVertticaal SSepaarattionn Miinimmum. Itts verry iimpoortaant in chiina. Itt caan iincrreasse aair traaffiic ffloww. IIt ccan reddu

11、cee fiightt deelayys. Andd itt caan ssavee coompaanys cosst14. Do yyou thiink RVSSM iis aa peermaanennt ssoluutioon?Itss a bigg quuesttionn too mee. II thhinkk maaybee laaterr wiill betteer15. Whatt arre tthe maiin ddutiies of a ccapttainn off a passsenngerr pllanee?Firsst oof aall, thhe mmainn duut

12、y of thee caaptaain is to enssuree thhe ssafeety of thee aiirpllanee annd ppasssenggerss.(aand )Secoondlly, thee caaptaain hass too( ) foolloow tthe staandaard reggulaatioons andd prroceedurres to conntrool tthe airrcraaft. (aand)Lastt (bbut nott leeastt), he( ) hass too acccommpliish实实现 eeverry ffl

13、igght saffelyy annd oon ttimee.16. Havee yoou hhad anyy abbnorrmall siituaatioons? Deescrribee anny uunussuall evventts yyou havve eexpeerieenceed tthatt occcurrredd too yoour airrcraaft durringg a fliightt.Yes, I remmembbereed tthatt thheree waas aan aabnoormaal ssituuatiion in badd weeathher. It w

14、was in 19991, we fleew aa scchedduleed nnighht ffligght froom HHKG to PEKK. (Kaii Taak) Thee tyype of thee aiircrraftt waas BBoeiing7707 whiich hass 4 engginees aand hhas no collor weaatheer rradaar oon bboarrd. Theere werre 66 crrew memmberrs oon bboarrd, inccluddingg thhe ccapttainn, ffirsst ooffi

15、icerr, nnaviigattor, raadioo opperaatorr, mmechhaniic iin tthe cocckpiit aand 8 ffligght atttenddantts iin tthe cabbin. I wass thhe ffirsst ooffiicerr. IIt ccarrriedd 855 paasseengeers on boaard. Thhe wweattherr coondiitioon aat tthatt tiime wass pooor. Thheree weere thuundeersttormm, hheavvy rrainn annd llighhtniing neaar tthe airrporrt. Aftter thee taake-offf, wwe ffollloweed tthe conntroolleerss cllearrancce tto mmai



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