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1、2023年旅游英语复习资料 1 Marco,a gifted linguist and master of four languages, became a favorite with the Khan and was appointed to high posts in his administration . 马可,一个懂四种语言的天才,成为可汗的宠臣并委以朝廷高官。 2It was only when prompted by Rustichello that Marco Polo dictated the story of his travels, known in his time a

2、s The Description of the World or The Travels of Marco Polo. 正式在Rustichello的激励下,马可波罗才口述了她的旅行故事,在当时被称为“世界见闻”或“马克波罗游记” Intercultural communication跨文化交际 1、Culture is a shared system of symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations, and normsof behaviour. 文化是人们共享的符号、信仰、态度、价值观、期望和行为准则。 2.我们旅行社提供各种旅游项

3、目,如散客旅游、团队全包旅游,以及文化旅游、区域旅游、骑自行车旅游和露营旅游等特色旅游。 Our Service provides all kings of tours, such as individual tour,group package tour ,specialized tours includingcultural tour ,biking tour and camping tour, etc.3.我的工作就是要是你们旅行顺利,保障你们的利益,尽力回答你们的问题,并担当你们的导游和翻译。 My job is to smooth your way, care for your we

4、lfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide and interpreter. 4.当代社会的民族文化不可能在自我封闭的状态喜爱得到发展。在我看来,不同的文化应该相互学习,取长补短。当然,在广泛的文化交流中,一个民族的文化必须保持本民族的鲜明的特色。我认为,文化交流不是让外来文化涂抹自己的文化,二是为了丰富各民族的文化。 In this modern world, the culture of any nation cannot develop in isolation.And I believe that dif

5、ferent cultures should learn from each others strengths to offset their own weaknees.Of course, the culture of a nation must withhold its own distinctive national characteristics in its extensive exchange with other cultures.Cultural exchange, I thinks, isby no means a proce of losing ones own cultu

6、re to a foreign culture, but a proce of enriching each others national cultures. Temple of Heaven天坛 Terra-cotta Warriors秦始皇兵马俑 The Three Gorges长江三峡 长城是中华民族勤劳和智慧的结晶,也是古老的中华文化的象征。 The Great Wall is the crystallization of the industry and wisdom of the Chinese people and also a symbol of ancient Chines

7、e culture. 我社安排的“丝绸之旅”,始于古城西安,止于新疆首府乌鲁木齐,期间我们还要游览兰州、敦煌以及吐鲁番。眼线您可以领略自然景观的美丽,线上古代艺术家的高超的工艺,品尝地方风味小吃,解释当地居民。这次游览一定会给您留下可与家人和朋友共享的美好回忆。 The Silk Road Tour-our travel agency offers-starts from the ancient city of Xian and ends at Urumqi, the capital city of Xinjiang.The tour will also cover Lanzhou, Dunh

8、uang and Turpan.All along the route, you will take pleasure in the charms of the natural landscape, appreciate the superior workmanship of ancient artists, enjoy local delicacies and meet local people.The trip will certainly leave you sweet memories that you will share with your family and friends.B

9、eijing Roast Duck北京烤鸭 The three eential factors, or key elements , by which Chinese cooking is judged , are known as color,aroma and taste. 评判中国烹饪优劣的三大要素是色 香 味 And much of Shandong cuisines history is as old as Confucious himself, making it the oldest existing major cuisine in China. 鲁菜的历史和孔子本人一样悠久,

10、使其成为中国现存的最古老的菜系。 川菜麻辣浓香,粤菜香脆清淡,京菜为重香浓,沪菜油多味甜。 Sichuan food is very spicy and hot ,Guangdong food is crisp and light, Beijing food is heavy and spicy , Shanghai food is oily and sweet. 说起中餐,人们都知道中餐烹饪以其“色、香、味、形”俱全著称于世。中国悠久的历史、广袤的疆土、好客的习俗,这些怒都孕育了中餐烹饪的独特艺术。中餐烹饪讲究原料的选配、食物的质地、佐料的调制、切菜的刀功、适时的烹饪,以及装盘艺术。最负盛名

11、的中餐菜系有南方的粤菜、北方的鲁菜、东部的淮扬菜和西部的川菜,素有“南淡北咸,冬甜西辣”之特点。 In terms of Chinese food , it is popularly recognized that Chinese cuisine is world-famous for its perfect combination of color, aroma, taste appearance . Chinas unique culinary art owns itself to the countrys long history, wast territory and hospitab

12、le tradition.Chinese cuisine gives emphasis to the selection of raw materials, the texture of food, the blending of seasonings ,slicing techniques, the perfect timing of cooking and the art of laying out the food on the plate.Among the best-known schools of Chinese culinary tradition are the Cantone

13、se cuisine of the south , the Shandong cuisine ofthe north , the Huai-Yang cuisine of the east and the Sichuan cuisine of the west .These four major varieties of Chinese food have been traditionally noted as the light flavor of the north, the sweet flavor of the east and spicy-hot flavor of the east

14、. 8 我要清汤、蘑菇牛肉排、法式炸土豆条,卷心菜、等一会再要甜食。 Ill take the consomme, the beefsteak with mushroom, French fried potatoes and cabbage.Ill order my sweet later. 9 Tea claics 茶经 A Major event of this time was the completion of Tea Claics, the cornerstone of Chinese tea culture , by Lu Yu ,Tea Sage of China. 当时的意见大

15、事就是被尊称为“茶圣”的陆羽写成了茶经,此书被看做是中国茶文化的惦记之作。 Green tea is the best drink for sultry summers as it is cool and fights off inflammation, or relieves fever. 在闷热的夏天,绿茶因其有凉性,能消炎降暑,是最好不过的饮料了。 茶文化是中国传统文化的组成部分,其内容十分丰富。 As a component of the traditional Chinese culture, tea culture has quite rich content. 11 UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization )联合国教科文组织 There are currently 851 World Heritage Sites located in 142 State Parties .Of these, 660 are cultural, 166 are natural and 25 are mixed properti



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