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1、Unit 7课题7A Unit7 Integrated skills班级姓名学习 目标1 .知识目标:To listen for specific information about shopping.2 .技能目标:To learn how to use the expression of going shopping3 .情感目标: To learn how to use English in our daily life.重点 难点To talk about going shopping in fluent English.教学设计核心目标教学思路设计(通过哪些 师生活动来突出重点,突

2、破难点,最终达成学生掌 握方法核心目标)集备部分预习导学(5分钟)根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. A lot of children use their pmoney,to help children inneed.2. We would like to help the children in(贫穷的)areas.3. - Mum, the new jeans are too (大)for me. - OK, I ll changeit for you.4. The new kind of computer is too(贵的).I won t buy it.5. I d like

3、 to buy a(双)of shoes.学习研讨、 巩固拓展(30分 钟)教师活动学生活动自备部分Step 1PresentationAsk the Ss to look at the pictures and guess what each person buys with his/her pocket money. Listen to the tape, and ask the Ss to match the items with the people. Check the answers with the whole class.Step 2 Listening practice Li

4、sten to the tape, tell the Ss to find out how often Simon and children in poor areas in China buy these items. Listen again if necessary. Check the answers with the whole class.Step 3 ExercisesComplete the notes in the textbook. Then play the tape again and check the answers in groups. At last share

5、 the answers with the whole class.Pair workAsk and answer according to Part A1.Let Ss read the note together. Two minutes for students to recite the note in class.Step 4 Show timeClassify the class into groups. Have a discussion and find out what they can do for the Ss from poor areas in China. Each

6、 group will choose a student to tell us what they will do to help the poor students. Step 5 Practice Suppose you are the principal, Please write a letter back to Millie and Simon, and tell them our school will do sth for the Ss from poor areas in China.Step 6 Role read and role play Step 7 Make your

7、 own dialogues and act them out.Group workMake a survey and write a note.Pair workMake a new conversation about the activities.小组合作(5分钟)Group work Make a survey and write a note.Pair workMake a new conversation about the activities.教师巡回指 导,课后记 录发现的主 要问题当堂检测(5分钟)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. (many) of the books in

8、 the library are forchildren, only a few are for teachers.2. - Howmuch (be) the pair of trousers? -50yuan.3. The new T-shirt fits me very(good).4. We can use the money(buy) some books forthose children.板书设计收获质疑通过这节课的学习你有了哪些新的收获,还有存在哪些疑惑?教学反思bed【当堂 巩固】 一、选择 填空。()I.The boots under theA.is my B.is mine

9、 C.are my D.are mine ()2.There a pair of boots under the bed.A.is B.are C.has D.have小学+初中+高中()3.His shoes white. So this pair of shoes his. A.is / is B.are /are C.is / are D.are / is()4.The man with his friends in the pool every week.A.swim B.swims C. is swimming D.are swimming()5.She pays 200 yuan

10、the coat. (pay-for只作花钱,主语是 人不是物)A.atB.onC.forD.to()6.I spent 350 yuan the bike. (spend-on作“花钱 /时间”,主语是人不是物 )A.atB.onC.forD.to()7.This pair of boots me very well.A.fitB.fitsC.fittingD.fiting()8.Does this shirt fit you ?Please . A.tryB.try on C.try it on D.try on it()9.I like these shoes .Could I ? A.

11、try it onB.try on itC.try them onD.try on them()10.This coat is too expensive.Do you have a one ? A.cheapB.cheaperC.cheapestD.larger()11.If you want to donate some money , please call us 84672888.A.at B.in C.on D.by二、动词填空。1. Where Mike( run )at the moment ?2. He usually have a gla ss of water before

12、( have ) dinner.3. My mother often asks me ( do ) housework.4. The coat( not match ) my shoes.5. We don t have enough people( pick ) so many apples.6. The blind woman needs the dog( lead ) the way.7. Suzhou is a good place( live ) in for the old.8. He usually makes us( get ) up quite early.9. You sh

13、ould work hard( make ) our country stronger.10. Each of the boys( carry ) a bag of books at the moment.三、翻译下列句子,每空一词。1 .-“你要买什么?” - “我想买一双靴子。.”- Can I you ?” - I,d to a pair of .”2 .- “你穿多大尺寸的鞋?” - “25码。”-shoes do you wear ? ” - Size 25.”3 .我喜欢这些鞋。我能试穿一下,好吗?I like these shoes. Could I ? 4 .这条牛仔裤我穿很合

14、身。This pair of me very well.5 .这双靴子太贵了。你有更便宜的一双吗?This pair of is too .Do you have a pair ? 6 .-“这个短裙多少钱?” - “50元。.”- is the skirt ?” - It is 50 yuan. ”7 .那个夹克衫太大了。我不能穿。小学+初中+高中That is too.I can t it.8 .贫困地区的儿童没有足够的钱买文具。Children inareas don t haveto buy stationery.四、完型填空。Where do you like to go for s

15、hopping ? I like to go to the supermarket 1 I can getanything I need in everyday s life .There is a big 2 near my school. It is very easy to3 .It s near the bus stop and the taxi rank. I go shopping there quite often.The supermarket is quite 4 .There are six floors of shops in it .On the ground floor, There are some 5 including (包括)a KFC. People can



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