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1、So+ 助动词+ 主语和So+主语+助动词专题练习) 1. -Would your younger brother go for a picnic this Sunday?-If I don t go , .A. so does heB. So will heC. Neither does heD. neither will he) 2. Tom has made great progress in the past two years., and .A. So he has ; so you haveB. So has he ; so you haveC. So has he ; so ha

2、ve youD. So he has ; so have you) 3. I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.A. So have I B. So I have C. So do I D. So I do () 4.?Jenny has finished her homework, .A. Neither has her brother B. So has her brother C. Nor have I. D. So I have() 5. -I have never been to America.? -.A. Nor have I.

3、B. So have I C. Neither I have D. So I have () 6. -I didnt see her this morningA. Nor did I. B. So did I C. So I did D. Neither I did() 7. -I?went?to?visit?the?Great?Wall?yesterday?afternoon.-Oh,?did?you?.A. So did I B. So?I?did? ?C.?Nor?did?I? ?D.?Neither?I?did () 8. If Joes wife wont go to the par

4、ty, .A. he will either B. neither will he C. he neither will D. either he will() 9. -My room gets very cold at night.A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mine D. So mine does() 10. -You seem to be an actor.? -. I have played many parts in a lot of films.A. So do I? B. So am I? C. So I do? D. So I

5、am() 11. -I cannot see the picture well from here.? - .NeitherA. Neither cant I? B. Neither I can? C. I can t neither? D.can I() 12. If you dont go, neither .A. shall I? B. do I? C. I do? D. I shall() 13. -In modem times, girls like beautiful clothes.? -Yes, and . After all, our life has greatlyimpr

6、oved.A. so do they, so do you? B. so they do, so you doC. so do they, so you do? D. so they do, so do you) 14. -You have an English class every day except Sunday.A. So we have B. So we do? C. So have we? D. So do we () 15. I wonder if your wife will go to the ball. If your wife , so mine.A. does, wi

7、ll? B. will, does? C. will, would? D. does, do () 16. -John won first prize in the contest.A. So he did ?B. So did heC. So he did, tooD. So did he, too() 17. -Did you enjoy the trip?-Im afraid not. And .A. my classmates dont eitherB. my classmates dont tooC. neither do my classmatesD. neither did my

8、 classmates ?() 18. It is a fine day today.A. So is it B. So it is C. So does it D. So it does ( ) 19. You promised to come with me, dad .Yes, , but now I have an important meeting.A. so have IB. So I haveC. so did ID. so I did() 20. Tom likes playing basketball very much. I see him playing it on th

9、e playground every day.A. So he doesB. So does heC. So he didD. So is he二、翻译下列句子。1. 他昨天没有完成工作 ,我也是 .He didnt finish the work yesterday, .2. 她会讲法语,她的丈夫也会。She can speak French and .3. 玛丽喜欢弹钢琴,简也是。Mary likes playing the piano. .4. 鲍勃不会开车 . 约翰也不会 . Bob cant drive a car. .5. 昨天我是骑自行车上学的,我姐姐也是这样的。I went to school by bike yesterday, .6. 他明天不会出席那个会议,怀特先生也不会。He wont attend the meeting tomorrow, .7. 如果你不支持那项计划,我也不支持。If you dont suppose the plan, .8. - I dont like this dress.我不喜欢这件连衣裙。- . 我也不喜欢。9. 杰克每天都锻炼 , 他父亲也这样 . Jack?takes exercise every day and? .10. They can sing and dance.他们能唱歌和跳舞。 . 他们的确如此。



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