9年级上册期末英语作文3篇 九年级上学期期中英语作文

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1、9年级上册期末英语作文3篇 九年级上学期期中英语作文下面是小编分享的9年级上册期末英语作文3篇 九年级上学期期中英语作文,以供借鉴。9年级上册期末英语作文1Can you imagine the world full of crying and shouting, under the control of power, covered with darkness However, its not just a joke I make, It is the veritable describe of a world without happiness and laugh. So, just be

2、 happy, spread sunshine all over the world.你能想象整个世界都充斥着哭喊,被权力控制,充斥着黑暗但是,这并不是我要开的玩笑,是一个名副其实的没有高兴和欢笑的世界。所以,做一个高兴的人,把阳光撒向全世界。If compare our life to a pie, our all emotions to all sorts of stuffing, what do you want to make the most part of the pie if you control the process of making the pie of life Ob

3、viously, the majority of people will add happiness to the pie as many as possible. Do you know why Its just because happiness stands for sweet in most peoples mind, including me.如果把我们的生活比作一个派,我们所有的情绪就是各种馅,如果你可以掌控生活馅饼的制作过程,你想把这个饼弄成什么样呢显然,大多数人都会尽可能地多加高兴进陷里面。你知道为什么吗这只是因为在大多数人的心目中,包括我,幸福代表着甜蜜。Dont consi

4、der it just as a comparison. It is the reflection of what you want. Happiness is a flower living in the sunshine and it is not difficult to reach for it. We have a variety of emotions like blues, anger, fear, enthusiasm, happiness and all of them would naturally appear when something affects our fee

5、lings. So, if we can change our attitudes towards things in the world, we can surely adjust our emotion in a good state. It means that we can choose to be happy if we want, as long as we can comment on everything in a positive way.不要把它当做是比照。那只是反映了你所想要的东西。高兴是阳光下的花儿,而且接触它并不困难。我们有各种各样的情感,如,郁闷,愤恨,恐惧,高兴,

6、而且在有东西影响我们情感时,所有的这些情感都会很自然地出现。所以,如果我们可以改变我们对这个世界上的事物的态度,当然我们可以把我们的情绪调整在良好的状态中。这意味着如果我们想的话我们可以选择做一个高兴的人只要我们用积极的方式看待事物。You may have ever heard about that kind of story that a patient recovering from a serious disease because of his optimism. Thats not a wonder. We can also own happiness, can feel the

7、power of it, and the key to happiness is just in our own hands.你可能已经听说过这类的故事了,一个病人因为乐观从重病中恢复了。这不是奇迹。我们也可以拥有高兴,可以感受到它的力量,而高兴的关键就在我们自己的手中。If we can be happy, why not choose to be Lets try together to create a world filled up with smiling faces and sunshine.如果我们可以高兴,为什么不选择成为高兴的人呢让我们一起努力来创立一个充斥微笑和阳光的世界吧

8、。9年级上册期末英语作文2Children Should Be LovedMost of us own a simple and good life. City born and city bred, we sometimes imagine the idyllic pastoral scene such as the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living. In face, everything has its pros and cons. Th

9、e other side of picture is that leftover children have become a heavy topic nowadays, because most parents of these children consider that to feed their children well and to let them grow up health and safe in body are the most important task.However, as a matter of fact, in addition to provide the

10、basic needs for their children, parents should pay more attention to their childrens psychological needs and their education.For one thing, parents who cannot accompany their children often need to pay more attention to their childrens psychological needs.Therefore, it seems to me that government ca

11、n set up a parents school for these children on holidays and organize hand-in-hand activity to call on more people to help them. We can also raise money to donate to these children. As the song says:If everyone gives their love, the world will be better. Its very important for us to pay more attenti

12、on to these children if we want to build a harmonious society.For another, education of leftover children is also quite important. As the saying goes, “knowledge can change our fate, education is an effective way to change the future of those children. In order to make those leftover children grow u

13、p in health, therefore, we need to show more concern about their psychological needs and their education.In my view, leftover children should be encouraged to live with or near their parents, which is very helpful for them to be loved and concerned, they also can have a simple and good life.9年级上册期末英

14、语作文3Some of the elements in the love story have changed over time. In the ancient world and during the Middle Ages, love stories did not have happy endings, and they focused on love outside of social and economic status. This was an innovation at that time, because most marriages were arranged and t

15、he partners were of the same social class. Beginning in the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, love stories began to have happy endings, because marriage was coming to be rooted in feelings of truelove and couples came together by personal choice.Modern love stories are influenced by Hollywood, a

16、nd often feature pre-marital and extra-marital sexual relationships, and single parents with children. Over the years, a conventional format was followed. As entertainment and moral values changed, however, the distinction between convention and innovation became blurred.The conventional love story formula has several elements:The couple wants to be together. Often it is love at first sight.


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