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1、14 名词辨义1近义名词(1)custom,habit,tradition误:Social habits vary greatly from countuy to country正:Social customscustom意为“风俗、习惯”,一般指社会而言,有时也指个人。customs指“关税”,the customs指“海关”。aIt is the custom with/of certain foreigners to do sobHow long will it take us to pass the customshabit意为“习惯”,仅指个人而言:be in the/a habit

2、 of(有的习惯),break sb/oneself of the habit of(使某人去掉的习惯),fall/getinto the/a habit of(沾染的习惯),get out of a habit(戒除某种习惯),out of habit(出于习惯);tradition指“传统”,多年以来形成的习俗:bytradition(根据传统或口传)。cYoull not be afraid of snakes if you understand their habitsdWe must keep up the fine tradition of plain living and har

3、dwork(2)dress,suit,costume,clothing,clothes,cloth误:My brotner never wears readymade dresses正:suits/clothesdress指“女装”,不过dress表示“a style or choice of clothing”(服装的型式或选择)时,也可用以指男性的服装;suit指“男装”,尤指“成套的衣服(如制服)”。aHe doesnt care much about dressbHis dress was somewhat conservativecMy uncle bought a new suit

4、 a week agocostume指“戏服”或“化装用的衣服”;clothing和clothes都可以指“衣服”,但注意clothing是不可数名词,clothes是可数复数名词,clothes前不加a,也不可加数字,但可以用few,a few,many等词修饰。cloth则指“布、衣料”,是不可数名词。dA coat is an article of clothingeYour clothes are a perfect fit男子穿大礼服是in full dress,晚礼服是evening dress。只可说anarticle/a piece of clothing(一件衣服),a su

5、it of clothes(一套衣服),不可以说an article of clothes,a suit of clothing。(3)skin,complexion,leather误:Look at her rosy cheeks,she has a lovely skin正:complexionskin意为“皮、皮肤”,be in sbs skin(处于某人的地位);complex-ion意为“肤色、面色、气色”;leather表示“皮革”,不可指人或动物。aHe wears his sweater next to the skinbI wouldnt be in your skincSh

6、e has a high complexion after two years exercisedThis suit is made of leather(4)scene,scenery误:Taxis and buses were part of the street scenry正:scenescene是可数名词,指“风景、布景、场面、景象”,既可指动的场面,也可指不动的风景,a change of scene(改换环境),behind the scenes(在后台、在幕后),come on the scene(出现);scenery是不可数名词,一般指“自然风景”。aThe picture

7、 presents the bleak,bare,greyish scene of a FebruarymorningbThe seat of the puppet government was the scene of angry demonstrationscIn the industrial area,there is no scenery to speak of(5)sample,example误:The nurse took an example of my blood正:a samplesample意为“抽样(化验等用)、货样”,be up to sample(货物符合样品规格);

8、example意为“例子、例句或榜样”,beyond example(没有先例),for example(例如),without example(没有先例),set/give a goodexample to sb(为某人树立了好榜样),make an example of sb(惩一儆百)。This is an example of early Chinese architecture(6)country,state,nation误:Some parts of the state are much warmer than others正:country这三个词都可指国家,但含义不同。coun

9、try指国家时,着重指“国土”,也可指具有某种地理特点的区域或地区。the country意为“(总称)国民、选民、乡下、农村”; nation着重指“民族、人民”; state着重指“政体”。aChina is a great socialist countrybIt was unknown/strange country to mecThe Chinese nation struggled for the independence and liberationunder the leader of CPCdChina is a socialist state(7)produce,produ

10、ct误:Our car is a produce of that factory正:productproduce是不可数名词,它仅指“农产品”; product是可数名词,既可指“农产品”,也可指“工业产品”。aIll bring you some produce when I come backbThey sell a lot of industrial and agricultural products tocustomers(8)error,mistake误:He repented the mistakes of his youth正:errorsmistake和error常可互相换用,

11、但是,error可指道德方面的过失,而mistake则不能。另外,在下列固定搭配中,两词不可换用:anerror of judgement,in errors,by mistake,and no mistake(的确)。I took hisumbrella by mistake(9)weather,climate误:Whats the climate like today正:weatherweather意为“天气”,指某地每天的晴雨寒暖等变化,be/feel under the weather(不舒服、有点小病;微醉),in all weathers(无论天气如何、风雨无阻),keep the

12、 weather意为“占上风、操大权”;climate意为“气候”,指某地一年的一般天气状况,包括气温、降雨量等,有时也指政治气候。aWeather permitting,Ill comebJust a bit under the weather,nothing to fret aboutcKunming has a mild climatedWe must pay attention to the climate of opinion(10)environment,surrounding误:My environment,is not beautiful正:My surroundings ar

13、e这两词都可指“环境”,但其含义不相同。environment是集合名词,没有复数形式,常指“给人思想、感情等造成影响的事物或情况”;surrounding常以复数形式出现,多指自然环境。aHe told a story of mans struggle with his environmentbThe guest house stands in picturesque surroundings(11)salary,wage误:The presidents wages 200000 a year正:salary is这两词都指“工资”,但其含义不同。salary通常指“每月或每年支付给政府官员

14、、专业人员、技术员、银行职员、公司经理等的工资”;wage常指“付给体力劳动者、仆人、店员、办事员等的工资”,常以复数形式出现:He works at a wage of 12 a month(12)laugh,laughter误:MrsKnight gave a loud laughter正:laugh这两词都意为“笑声”,但laugh是可数名词,其前可加a,也可用复数形式。laughter是不可数名词。aHe broke into a laugh once he got her meaningbWhen he heard the thing,he burst into laughter(1

15、3)glance,glimpse 误:He gave her an admiring glimpse正:glancea glance=a brief look,意为“匆匆地看一眼”,它常和take,give等动词连用,表示行为。a glimpse=a brief sight,意为“匆匆看到的景象”,它常和get,catch等动词连用,表示结果。He got a glimpse of her in the street(14)brim,edge误:The glass was full to the edge正:brimbrim指“杯、碗等的边或帽沿”;edge指“床、广场、水泊、海洋、道路等的边缘或刀刃”。(15)gymnasium,stadium误:Important football matches are played at Welmbely Gymnasi-um正:Stadiumgymnasium指“(有运动器械的)体育馆”;stadium指“(有看台的)体育场”。(16)floor,storey误:A building with 100 floors is a



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