【精校版】人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matterSection B 3a selfcheck导学案

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《【精校版】人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matterSection B 3a selfcheck导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【精校版】人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matterSection B 3a selfcheck导学案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 1 Whats the matter(Section B 3a -selfcheck)学习目标:1.知识目标:询问某人的健康问题及遇到麻烦时的表达方法;情态助动词should用法。2.能力目标:培养学生询问某人患了何病?遇到何麻烦几种表达结构。3. 情感目标:学会关心他人,主动救助处于危险境地的人,在紧要关头,有勇气做出正确的决定。重、难点:掌握文中的重点词汇及相关短语并灵活运用。学会谈论健康问题,学会提出建议。独学准备:1.独学3a 完成3a活动accident or health problem; he/she should; he/she shoul

2、dnt 2.完成3b活动Whats the matter?/What happened? /Are you OK? No, I dont feel well. /I feel ./I have a ./Should I.? You should./You shouldnt. Feel down/got hit by ./cut myself/hurt my . 3.完成self check 4.重点句型回顾。激情激趣导入目标独立思考个体探究分享交流合作探究展示提升启发探究随堂笔记导学引航目的、方法、时间 独学指导内容、学法、时间互动策略内容、形式、时间展示方案内容、方式、时间重点摘记成果记录规

3、律总结Step 1. presentation1.Whas the matter (with sb)? 2.Whats wrong (with sb)? 3.Whats the trouble (with sb)? 4.What happened (to sb)? 5.Are you OK? 6.Is there anything wrong with sb? Step 2:Free talk (1)询问某人患病或遇到麻烦时的几种表达结构: 1.Whas the matter (with sb)? 2.Whats wrong (with sb)? 3.Whats the trouble (wi

4、th sb)? 4.What happened (to sb)? 5.Are you OK? 6.Is there anything wrong with sb? Step 3. (2)表达身体疼痛或不舒服时的几种表达结构: 1.sb have/has+病症 2.sb have/has a +headache/stomachache/backache/earache 3.sb have/has a+sore+发病部位(throat、back、eyes、leg) 4.sb hurt/cut+身体部位或反身代词 5、 sb have/has a pain in +身体部位(ones chest)

5、6.there is something wrong with ones +身体部位 7.某部位+hurts (badly)Step 4. Write a conversation 完成3bStep 5.Self check 1.Write different health problems next to the body parts. Head:_Back_ Throat:_Tooth:_Stomach:_Other problems:_ 2.Put these questions and answers in order to make a conversation.3.Write ad

6、vice for these people1.Problem:Alan cut himself. Advice: _2.Problem:Cindy has a headache. Advice: _3.Problem:My cousins have bad colds. Advice: _4.Problem:Jack hurt his back playing volleyball. Advice:_ 对学:对子检查独学完成情况。 群学:1. 组内互听对朋友和自己的对比描述,纠正发音,为展示做好准备。2. 组内交流,依次讨论以下任务:(1)教材(3a)(2)教材 (3b)(3)结合(self

7、check)的内容能用自己的语言复述自己的身体不适。3.Activity: 1.Whas the matter (with sb)? 2.Whats wrong (with sb)? 3.Whats the trouble (with sb)? 4.What happened (to sb)? 5.Are you OK? 6.Is there anything wrong with sb? 预展:针对展示方案, 组内积极思考,全员参与展示设计展示方式。方案一:展示共欣赏展示自己对朋友的欣赏方案二:内容共理解1. 完成教材(3a)2. 完成教材(3b)3. 完成教材(self check)方案三

8、:知识共解析1.对课文中的重点知识点进行解析。方案四:语法点总结(1)询问某人患病或遇到麻烦时的几种表达结构: 1.Whas the matter (with sb)? 2.Whats wrong (with sb)? 3.Whats the trouble (with sb)? 4.What happened (to sb)? 5.Are you OK? 6.Is there anything wrong with sb? Step 3. (2)表达身体疼痛或不舒服时的几种表达结构: 1.sb have/has+病症 2.sb have/has a +headache/stomachache

9、/backache/earache 3.sb have/has a+sore+发病部位(throat、back、eyes、leg) 4.sb hurt/cut+身体部位或反身代词 5、 sb have/has a pain in +身体部位(ones chest) 6.there is something wrong with ones +身体部位 7.某部位+hurts (badly)新学会的生词或短语1. 护士_2. 放弃_ 我的收获:_ 当堂测评 分层达标1. 写出下列单词: (1)事故 _ (2) 感觉 _ (3)事情 _ (4)病的 _ ( 5)感冒 _ (6)头痛 _ ( 7) 背

10、痛_ (8)牙痛 _ ( 9)胃痛 _ (10) 眼痛 _ (11)脚痛 _ ( 12)耳痛 _ (13)鼻出血 _ (14)晒伤的 _ (15)意外 _ 二为下列的人们写些建议 : 1.If someone cut himself:_ 2.If someone has a headache:_ 3.If someone has bad colds:_ 4.If someone hurt his back playing volley ball:_ 三用下面的提示编写护士与学生之间的对话: 1.Whats the matter?/what happened? Are you OK? 2.I dont feel well /I feel/I am feeling/I have a 3.fell down/got lit by/cut myself/hurt my/should I/? 4.You should/You shouldnt 课后反馈:


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