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1、Unit4 What can you do?学情分析:本课的教学内容与日常生活联系密切。学生对本课内容比较陌生,这是由于本单元的词组较难掌握。教师在教学中要注意结合实际,指导学生每天做适量的家务,并尽量用英文表述。在操练中采用多种形式进行巩固练习,帮助学生能熟练掌握。教学目标:认知目标:1、能够听、说、认读、单词sing, kung fu, dance和短语sing English songs , play the pipa, do kung fu, draw cartoons。2、能听懂并初步掌握句型What can you do? I can 做问答练习。能力目标:能够运用所学词组表达句型

2、I can 情感目标:帮助学生养成热爱劳动好习惯。教学内容:五年级上册Unit4 part A Lets learn教学方法:小组合作、游戏法、教学重点:1、单词sing English songs , play the pipa, do kung fu, draw cartoons。2、句型What can you do? I can 教学难点:“play +球、棋类运动”与“play +the+乐器”的区别。课前准备:课件、记分卡、单词卡Step1.Warm up Sing English songs.Free talk:T: Hello, everyone!Ss: Hello, Miss

3、 Li!T: Nice to see you again!Ss: Nice to see you too!T: How are you today?Ss: Im fine, thank you!T: are you ready for our class?Ss: Yes, were ready.T: thank you! Sit down, please. ( write unit4 What can you do? And lead them to read.) In this class, you will be divided into 2 teams, girls are Team G

4、, boys are Team B. If you are good, Ill give you score card.设计意图:使用记分卡鼓励参与竞争,培养竞争意识,调动学习积极性,创设英语学习的氛围。Step2. PreviewPlay PPT, learn new words and sentence structures.T: Watch the screen, do you know the man? Whats his name? Can he play the piano? What can he do? (lead Ss try to use He can ) Then sho

5、w the other pictures,and ask these questions: Who is she? Is she beautiful? What can she do? Help Ss answer.设计意图:利用名人效应吸引注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣,为 Lets Learn 的学习做好铺垫。同时利用图片引出play football和play the pipa ,并且通过课件演示对比、强调,突破本课难点:“play +球、棋类运动”与“play +the+乐器”的区别。Step3.PresentationPlay MCAI, Ss learn new words.T: Hi

6、, lets watch cartoons! Watch carefully! First, Ss look and read the words, then read them again. Practice by games, and post the words on the blackboard. Tell Ss if someone asks you do, you must answer in this way: I can Showing the sentences on the blackboard, and lead them to read. T: you know, Ro

7、bin can do many things, he can speak English and Chinese, he can cook, he can help you with your homeworkNow I want to know what you can do? S1:I can clean my classroom. S2:I can play basketball. Ss make the same dialogue with his partner.Step4.PractiseGame1, Do what I sayGame2, Guess what he doesChain practiceRead the sentences.设计意图:利用游戏激发兴趣,便于单词记忆和句型练习。 Step5.Homework1. Copy the words 3 times.2. Role play. Ask and answer with your partner.设计意图:巩固课堂知识,学会运用。


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