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1、语法填空中提示词为动词的解题技巧教学目标1. 知道动词的分类,能够区分句子中的谓语和非谓语,能判断语法填空中所给出的动词 在句子中充当谓语还是非谓语;2. 学会联系上下文的语境判断并正确使用谓语动词的时态、语态,并注意主谓一致;3. 识记三种非谓语结构的功能和各自的时态和语态结构,理解它们在含义、结构和用法 上的区别;4. 学会结合语境使用正确的非谓语形式。难点预知1. 谓语动词的各种时态和语态的区分及使用,非谓语动词的区分和各种时态和语态结构2. 如何判断填入的动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词;3. 如何联系上下文填入正确时态和语态结构和谓语或非谓语动词;课堂练习请做下面一组题,思考是如何一步一

2、步做出来的,并将解题的思维过程说出来。在做完这一组题后,总结一下这类题的解题方法。Task 1.1.1 was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was sett ing whe n my car(break) dow nnear a remote and poor village. (2007 广东) broke2. Jack(work) in the lab whe n the power cut occurred. (2016 北京)was work ing3. In the last few years, China(make )

3、great achievements in environmental protection. (2015 北京)has made4. Ever since 1990, the Gree ns(live)a peaceful life in this village. have lived5. Whe n I(choose)to take part in the sport, I felt very surprised because i had n ever done this before.was chose n6. At prese nt, a big farm(build )n ear

4、 our city to solve the problem of the daily vegetable supply.isbeing built7. Where men con trol the household, less money ( spe nd) on healthcare and food,which resultsin poorer health for childre n.is spe nt /will be spe nt8.It is the first time that she(wit ness)such a heavy snow storm. has wit ne

5、ssed9.It is three years since he(graduate)from Harvard Un iversity. graduated注意1.以上括号中所填的动词为谓语动词还是非谓语动词,判断的原因是什么? 此时,还要根据语境确定该动词的 和。1. People stepped on your feet or(push) you with their elbows( 肘部),hurrying ahead to get to abargain.(广东省 20XX 年)pushed2.1 (read)half of the English novel, and Ill try

6、to finish it at the weekend. (2016 北京)have read3.She(phone)someone, so I nodded to her and went away. (2014 四川)was phoning4. But the dog, after sniffing around for a bit,(lie) dow n and bega n to compla in about how difficult it,was to find one bone in such a big field. lay5. Hop ing he would not be

7、 see n. Bob rushed in,(pick) up his book and rushed out. picked6. When I first met Bryan I did nt like him, but I(chan ge) my mind. (2013 课标 I) have cha nged注意2:以上括号中所填的动词为谓语动词还是非谓语动词,判断的原因是什么?句中已经出现了谓语动词,但需要填空的动词与之是并列关系,考的是谓语动词,必须考虑时态语态。陷阱1:句子中含有从句或同位语时,要从整个句子的结构入手。例 :The experiment they had devote

8、d themselves to(succeed) at last.succeeded例 :Some studies show that the industry of raising large farm animals(lead) to water andair pollutio n, land damage and climate cha nge. leads例:But this type of housing, which (call) co-housing, is gaining popularity in theUn ited States. is called例:But this

9、type of housing, (call) co-housing, is gaining popularity in the UnitedStates.called例 :The boy, who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home,(reply) in a way that shocked his father.replied陷阱2:句子本身是状语从句,要看清楚引导词后面有没有主语。例:In Indonesia, where Obama lived as a child, hundreds of stude

10、nts at his former elementary school erupted in cheers whe n he(declare) winner, pouri ng into the courtyard wherethey hugged -was declared例 :Gen erally speak ing, when(take) accord ing to the direct ions, the drug has noside effect.take n陷阱3:考祈使句,要通过语感去判断。例子 : (give) blood if you can and many lives

11、will be saved. GIVE例子.(knock) at the door before you enter my room. (2012 北京)Knock1. The famous musicia n, as well as his students,(in vite)to perform at the ope ning cere mony of the2012 Taipei Flower Expo. (2013 福建) was in vited2. My mom suggests that we(eat)out for a change this weekend. (2013 陕西

12、)eat3.She in sisted we(keep) pace with society. keep4.1 will be lost in deep(thin k)about Chin ese educati on and pare nti ng style. thought5. European(settle)bega n in 1840 whe n the British arrived. settleme nt6. My father has made a full(recover) from the operati on. recovery7.1 found him an hon

13、est and(rely )ma n. reliable注意3:提示词为动词的几种其它的填写情况?Task 1模拟训练(1) His fear of failure (keep) him from classrooms games that other children played with joyousaba ndon. kept(2) That was defi nitely not a attractive idea so I politely decli ned her in vitati on,(close) mybook and walked away. closed(3) Th

14、e n ext time you(offer) help, no matter what that offer may be, do not tur n it dow n!are offered(4) (leave) it with me and I ll see wLedVeDan do.(5) (get) to the tower buildi ng, where you can see the whole city. Get(6) The new mach in e, if(use) properly, will work for at least ten years. usedTask

15、 2:1. He spit it out,(say) it was awful. say ing2. (found) in the early 20th cen tury, the school keeps on in spiri ng childre ns love of art. (2013 安徽)Founded3. (make ) it easier to get in touch with us, youd better keep this card at hand. (2016 北京)to make4. The witness (question)by the police just now gave very different descriptions of thefight .questi oned5. The airport (complete)next year will help promote tourism in this area. (2013 四川)to becompleted6.1 no ticed a man(sit) at the front. sitt ing7. The old couple often take a walk after sup



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