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1、八下Unit同步练习(1).根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词。 . T (重) rlos. 2. h truts wd (研究)in pace 3 hs ada ualy eats abu 10kio o (竹子)aday 4.How many pand teliing ite (遗留的) fet? 5. Th new (政府)reme rth farmer i.用括号内所给单词的合适形式填空。 . H ran alot of offe tkeepf () 2 The oman as mh owea ecause oer eis (il). 3. The ns causegrat (exct

2、). Ths eephantis the (hg) ofte thr. 5Wat a you rule on ir (proct)?. 从方框中选用合适的单词,并用其合适形式填空。ut, ld,oil, imotat, , itte 1. hee aremany flwers onhe hil isprn. Apan kepr istel th studts aot h o saing endanred animas 3 elepnt is but 35cm al.4 T cars peopledriv, e poluioteewill be 5 you otnoo yor vegeabls

3、h ch ? 根据句意及汉语提示完毕英语句子,每空一词。 1. (出生时), a baby hs no oth. 2 Anelephant cn (活到) to yes. 3. Pdas re (黑白相间) andtyre oce n lovely. . n th d ay,my pople (死于) hunger an didn livelong. h pandakepersr (照顾) os pandas . 根据汉语句子完毕英语句子,每空一词。 这个男人比那个男孩重许多倍。Thisman weig hatby. 2. 运动员们正在为学校运动会做准备。Th rs ar h cosports

4、meeing . 她太胖,不得不每10分钟就坐下来休息一次。She wasso ft that seha sit dw a rst 4. 这个小女孩花了大概一刻钟画这只猴子。The little girl out qurer the mok. 史密斯一家需要一种更大些的房子住。heSmisneeda lger hos .八下Ut7同步练习().根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。 1. e isthe Saar, tefaou ? 2. Chi is abou ,0,000 s ioetr insi. 3 v imortat for veryon o p the nviromet. 4. It s

5、nwehevly lastnigh oday hereis nontegrou. 5.e clr nrechig thtopo hemuntai in ed.根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词。 1. re is a m f Cina on th (墙) 2 What the (人口数量) ein?Do you kno? 3 Blac lkes th (古代的) hioryf China. 4. How (深的) o you thn he veris? . The lotegabeaue hey dntink bt he weaher (状况) there . 从方框中选用合适的单词,并用其合

6、适形式填空。torist, wide, mee,chive,ntre 1.il hidram ofbeing a dctor last t. 2. er rots of cmto Hangzhu for aain. Jny has a circ of find. 4 e tree is long. 5e grw u in te ourid, urouned(环绕) y th bet f .用括号内所给形容词的合适形式填空。 1 This bi as (intersting)sthatoe. Wich is (ig), hesn r e eat? 3. Qomolngma s (a)mountn

7、 nthe wrld. 4 Th weatein ujin s (am) than hin ilin in wintr. 5. Mis L ishe (popua) echeoal. . 根据句意及汉语提示完毕句子,每空一词。 1. Fh (吸入) xygen rog hei ills (鳃) 2 Whydo sonypletrytoclimb Qomolangm (虽然) itisngeous?3. You shuldnee (放弃)i help others . Will eychane hirmid fth ae (面对) ificles? umanan soetis estrone a

8、n the (大自然的力量) .根据汉语句子完毕英语句子,每空一词。 1. 世界上最长的河是什么河? rivrin thewrld? 汤姆比班里的其她同窗都跳得高。om us in he as.3.这个房间和那个房间同样大。is room s ht oe. 4 中国的人口比日本的多。Th poultio f Chnais ofaan . 爬山运动是世界上最危险的运动之一。outain clibng ioe o nthe word. 长城有多长? s the Greatall? 7. 里海有1025米深。The asnais,025 . 8. 这道数学题比那一道难得多。his math prob

9、lem s tht on. .可以随便问我有关今天比赛的事情。 tsk me anythng about oaygae.1. 据我所知,丽萨是她们家最小的孩子。 , Lsa s the youngest nhe hme八下it同步练习(3)用括号内所给单词的合适形式填空。 1 e sns ngli sngs (we) tha . 2 ats th (deep) sea inth orl?3hich is (ln), hi ulr o taon? 4. Thsivis (wie) n tt 5. e box is t (avy) othefive. 写出下列句子的同义句,每空一词。 . Kate is thrteen. L sthirteen, tooKaei Lly.2 arunaterthaI.I run ac. 3hee arebut 10 peithe all.Thr re 10 p in the hal. .ohntlrthan an



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