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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Unit 6 Its raining单元过关测试 笔试部分(100分) A卷(60分)I.单项选择。(15分)1. the weather?Cloudy.A.WhatsB.HowsC.How2.Whatre Sarah and Mary doing right now? reading.A.ShesB.WereC.Theyre3.Its too outside.You had better wear your coat.A.hotB.coolC.cold4.Who TV now?A.are seeingB.is lookingC.is watch

2、ing5.What the students ?A.is;doingB.does;doC.are;doing6.The are playing football in the rain.A.manB.childrenC.child7.Katy,with her sister Sandy, visit her Aunt Peggy.A.are going toB.is going toC.are going8.People often call Jim.A.himB.heC.his9._ is that T shirt?Thirty yuan.A.What B.How muchC.How D.H

3、ow many10.Dont forget _ a letter _ your sister and tell her about it. A.to write;withB.write;toC.writing;fromD.to write;to11.What is your sisters personality?_.A.She is prettyB.She is generousC.She looks like my motherD.She is tall12.There is _ on show in the movie theater.A.an interesting filmsB.a

4、interesting filmC.interesting filmsD.an interesting film13.Her father _ bald,but her mother _ long,black hair.A.is;isB.is;hasC.has;isD.has;has14.What does Merry look like?_.A.She looked like her motherB.She is outgoingC.She had brown hair and black eyesD.She looks like a movie star15.There are a lot

5、 of students in the classroom.Some are reading and some are _.A.writeB.writtingC.writtenD.writingII.完形填空(10分)Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective (有效的)?We all know that Chinese students usually study hard for long hours.This is very good,but it doesnt 1 a lot.If you wan

6、t to study effectively,you must have enough sleep,enough food,enough rest and 2 .Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places.Its good for your 3 .When you return to your studies,your mind will be refreshed (清醒)and youll 4 more and study better.Here takes English

7、 learning as an example.First you make a lot of progress (进步)and you feel 5 .Then your languages study seems to stay the same and you may 6 it.This can last for days or even weeks, 7 you neednt lose hope.At some point your language study will 8 take another big jump.Youll see that you really have be

8、en learning all the time.If you get enough sleep,food,rest and exercise,studying English can be very effective and 9 .Dont drop it along the way.Learn slowly and youre sure to get 10 result.l.A.spendB.keepC.help D.look2.A.homeworkB.exercise C.housework D.time3.A.studyB.healthC.sleepD.life4.A.hearB.a

9、skC.thinkD.learn5.A.surprisedB.worried C.happyD.strange6.A.forget B.missC.leaveD.drop7.A.andB.yetC.or D.till8.A.againB.notC.never D.always9.A.useful B.helpful C.interestingD.important10.A.a badB.a good C.an unhappyD.an unknownIII.阅读理解。(30分)(A)Mr.Wu:Good morning,Bruce.Sit down,please.May I ask you so

10、me questions?Bruce:Certainly.What do you want to know?Mr.Wu:First,when were you born,Bruce?Bruce:On June 22,1990.Mr.Wu:Secondly,where were you born?Bruce:In Sydney,Australia.Mr.Wu:Where was your father born?Bruce:He was born in Sydney,too.Mr.Wu:When was he born?Bruce:Sorry,I dont know.But I know hes

11、 about forty years old.Mr.Wu:I see.What does your father do?Bruce:Hes a doctor.He works in a hospital here.Mr.Wu:Is your mother working in China,too?Bruce:No,she works in Sydney.Shes coming to China soon.Mr.Wu:Oh,thats very good.I have no more questions.Thank you,Bruce.Bruce:Youre welcome,Mr.Wu.Good

12、-bye.Mr.Wu:Good-bye.1.When was Bruce Born?A.On July 22.B.In 1990. C.In July. D.On June 23.2.Where was Bruce born?A.In China. B.In Australia. C.In America. D.In England.3.When was Bruces father born?A.In 1964. B.In 1954. C.In 1967. D.In 1957.4.What does his father do?A.Hes a worker.B.Hes a teacher.C.

13、Hes a doctor.D.It doesnt tell us.5.Where is Bruces mother working now?A.In China. B.In Australia. C.In America. D.In England.(B)One day,Sam plays football in the street.Now he kicks the ball so hard that the ball broke one window of a house nearby and fell in.A lady comes to the window angrily at on

14、ce.The lady:What are you doing here?Sam:Im sorry,Madam.I didnt mean to.The lady:Now the window is broken.I wont give you the ball.Sam (comes to a new idea suddenly):I could ask my father to fix it.After a few minutes,a man,with tools in his hands,comes with Sam.The lady let Sam take the ball away.Soon the man finishes fix


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