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1、共享知识 分享快乐出口业务合作协议书Export Busin ess Cooperati on Agreeme nt出代理方:XXXXX(以下简称甲方)Export Age nt: XXXXX (hereafter refer to as Party A)委托方: XXXXX (以下简称乙方)Con sig nor: XXXXX (hereafter refer to as Party B)为了发挥各自优势,共同做好出创汇工作,本着诚实、信用”的原则,甲、乙双方经过友好协 商达成 协议如下:To take full advantageof each Party and earn foreign

2、 exchange through exports mutually, in complianee with the principle of“ honesty and credit ” , Parfyhaaei(deaehed the following agreement afterfrien dly n egotiati ons:合作形式:I. MODE OF COOPERATION1. 乙方以其拥有的出客户和进货渠道以及资金与甲方进行出业务合作,乙方承诺其拥有的出口客户 和进货渠道没有侵犯第三者的权益,进行的出业务内容合法,无欺诈等行为,否则乙方承担最终的相关法 律责任;2. 合作期间

3、,甲方应对乙方的客户资料进行必要的保密,不得利用乙方的客户资源私自进行相关的 交易和3. 甲方负责报关、报验、制单结汇等工作共享知识 分享快乐1. Party B cooperates with Party A for export business with the export clients, capital and export business channel. Party B shall commit that the export clients and supplying channel it owned dose not violate the interests of a

4、third party, and its export business scope must be legal with no cheat. Otherwise, Party B shall undertake the relative legal obligations.2. Party A shall carry on strict confidentiality on client information of Party B and shall not use Party B client resources to carry out relative transaction and

5、 trade privately;3. Party A shall be responsible for customs clearanc,e inspection submission,foreign exchange documents and so on.二、 基本规定:II. BASIC STIPULATION(一 ) 甲方的权利和义务:1. 按照甲方的标准合同格式负责对外出口合同的签订 ;2. 按照甲方标准合同格式与有关的供货单位签订代理出口合同 ;3. 负责报关、报验、投保、结汇以及有关文件的申领 (应由乙方提供的文件除外 )等工作 ,要求及时、 准确4. 按照代理出口合同约定的付

6、款时间及时与供货单位结算货款 ;5. 甲方所需电动车辆等产品,均有甲方提供资源及产品;(I) . RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY A1. Party A shall be responsible for signing the export contract in accordance with Party form;2. Party A shall be responsible for singing the export agent service agreement with corresponding supplier in accordance wit

7、h Party A s standard contract form;3. Party A shall be responsible for clearance of goods, application for inspection, settlement and application for corresponding documents (except the document which shall be provided by Party B) and so on, which shall be finished accurately in time;4. Party A shal

8、l settle with corresponding supplier for the goods according to the date stipulated in the export agent service agreement in time;共享知识 分享快乐5. The resources and products, like electrical vehicles, which Party needs shall all be provided by Party A.(二) 乙方的权利和义务:1. 由乙方为甲方出资并代购所需产品 ;2. 按照出口合同的有关规定负责出口货物

9、的质量监督和把关工作,督促有关供货单位按时、按质交 货并对有关 供货方的质量承担担保连带责任 ;3. 及时向甲方提供与出口业务有关的文件或单据 ;(II) . RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY B1. Party B shall provide funds and purchase the needed products for Party A;2. Party B shall be responsible for the quality inspection and supervision of export goods and supervising corr

10、esponding supplier deliver goods in time with good quality and Party A also hold joint responsibility for the quality of goods supplied by corresponding supplier according to stipulation of the export contract;3. Party B shall provide documents or receipts related to export business to Party A.(三 )

11、业务操作的具体规定:1. 由乙方具体负责出口业务的磋商和成交工作,对外签订出口合同须以甲方名义并使用甲方的标准 出口合同格 式。2. 出口合同的卖方和 /或信用证的受益人是: * 有限公司 (ASDDFGHHJKLLLJJJ.) 注 :在 T/T 汇 款的情况下 ,应要求客户在汇款单上注明出口合同号码。3. 若乙方供货商的产品比起乙方提供的产品有质量优势(价格相同的情况下)或价格优势(质量相 同的情况 下) ;则应优先采用乙方提供的产品。4. 甲方应认真制作有关的出运、报关、报验和结汇单据,做到 “准确、完整、无误 ”同;时,应积极协 作乙方 及时申领和寄送有关文件 ;5. 合作期间,如为乙方

12、出资购买的货物,在货物已出运的情况下甲方应按照该笔代理合同的付款时 间付款给乙 方。 如每超出 1 个月未付, 甲方则按该此次合同交易总金额的 10%罚款赔偿给乙方, 直至 将该次合同交易 金额付给乙方为止。(III). SPECIFIC STIPULATIONS ON BUSINESS OPERATION越努力越幸运共享知识 分享快乐1. The detailed responsibility of Party B shall be for business negotiation and making deals. Party B signing contract with other p

13、arties shall be in the name of Party A in terms of in terms standard export contract of Party A.2. The seller and/or beneficiary of letter of credit of the export contract shall be: XXXXXX Ltd. (ASDDFGHHJKLLLJJJ.)3. In case of quality superiority (under the condition of same price) or price advantag

14、e (under the condition of same quality) of products provided by Party Bs supplier, PpaurtcyhaAssehPalal rty B sproducts in priority.4. Party A shall make relative receipts, such as shipment, declaration at the custom, application for inspection and settlement of exchange,“accurately and intactly wit

15、hout any mistake ”. Meanwhile, Party A shall assist Party B to apply and send corresponding documents in time;5. In case the goods was purchased by Party B, Party A shall pay the price of goods in accordance with time of payment stipulated in the agreement under the condition that the goods has been

16、 delivered. In case Party A do not pay the price for each overdue, Party A shall pay 10% of total transaction amount as penalty to Party B according to terms stipulated in the agreement until the payment is settled.(四 ) 利益结算与分配:1. 如此合同业务为乙方出资购买产品,出口客户也为乙方的客户,甲方将不得收取服务代理相关的 费用。2. 如此合同业务为乙方出资购买产品,出口客户也为甲方的客户,甲方将收取一定金额的服务代理 费用,费用 额度见每笔代理合同的附件协议。(IV) . PROF


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