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1、(Directions:) Dictate the following proverbs and translate them into Chinese1. Where theres a will, theres a way. 有志者事竟成。 2. Rome wasnt built in a day. 伟业非一日之功/罗马非朝夕建成。3. God helps those who help themselves. 皇天不负有心人/自助者天助。4. You shall reap what you sow. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆/一分耕耘,一分收获。5. Constant dripping wears

2、 away the stone. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。 6. Much outcry, little outcome. 乱糟糟,没成效/嘈杂多,没成果。 OverviewWe all know that overcoming obstacles can be not only hard going, but also a great source of pride and satisfaction. This is all the more so for those who suffer from a handicap, as we shall see in this unit. We sha

3、ll be looking at how those with physical disabilities rise to the challenge they present, setting an example to us all in terms of courage and endurance. In doing so,they deserve not only our help and encouragement, but also our gratitude. For their triumphs put our own struggles in perspective and

4、inspire us to rise above our own weaknesses.我们都知道,克服障碍不仅仅是艰难的旅程,它还是自豪和自我满足的一大来源。尤其对于那些残疾人来说更是如此,我们将在这单元中了解到这一点。我们将了解到那些身体残疾的人面对挑战是如何奋起的,这些展示了他们的勇气和毅力,并且将为我们所有人树立榜样。他们这样的行为不仅值得我们的帮助和鼓励,而且还让我们感动。为了胜利,他们努力向前进,这就鼓舞了我们去超越自己的弱点。1. overcome obstacles2. hard going 艰难旅程;进展困难 cf. easy-going 随和的3. all the more

5、 越发;更加4. suffer from a handicap5. physical disabilities6. rise to the challenge cf. rise to the occasion7. present sth to sb cf. present sb with sth8. set an example to sb9. in terms of courage and endurance10. deserve our help and encouragement11. deserve our gratitude12. rise above our own weaknes

6、sesText A13. bear out: justify: prove that sth is true14. make the point: make the sense15. What does the text title True Height mean?(=It has more than one meaning (pun). They are:1) the new bar heights that Michael cleared one after another. 2) the tremendous obstacles Michael had overcome in atta

7、ining his goal.)16. sweating palms17. dry his grip18. the hot competition19. set the pole at 17 feet20. his personal best21. confront sth= face sth22. the most challenging day of his pole-vaulting career23. the stands 看台 cf. bookstand24. sth be truly the highlight of sth25. track and field competiti

8、on cf. track events field events26. It combines the grace of a gymnast and the strength of a body builder.27. cf. with bad grace 勉强的28. It has the element of flying.29. the thought of doing sth is a mere fantasy to sb/nothing more than a fantasy to sb30. cf. take a fancy to sth 爱好sth31. As long as s

9、b could remember, sb had always dreamed of doing sth.32. numerous: innumerable33. describe sth from a birds-eye view34. Her excitement and passion for details made Michaels dreams full of colour and beauty. cf. go/enter into details 详细说明in detail 详细地35. cf. The salary is a detail; the main thing is

10、to find a job. (sth unimportant)36. have this one recurring dream (repeated)37. run down a country road38. A outrun B cf. outnumber outweigh outwit outgrow39. take a deep breath40. lift off the ground 从地面一跃而起41. begin soaring like an eagle42. A coincide with B cf. coincidence 巧合43. have a keen eye f

11、or detail cf. have an eye for beauty44. sb be a hard-core realist45. believe in hard work and sweat (support the idea of)46. his motto47. begin a very careful training program48. work out: exercise49. every other day50. with weightlifting and running work on alternate days51. monitor the program car

12、efully52. dedication, determination and discipline53. help sb with ones farm chores cf. house chores54. All of his today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.55. sb be vain about doing sth56. clear the bar at 17 feet 越过横杆57. You couldnt tell: You never know cf. Who knows?58. land on the inflate

13、d landing mat59. With the crowd on its feet, 观众还没有坐下,60. begin preparing for his next attempt at flight61. seem unaware of the fact that62. beat his personal best by three inches63. one of the final two competitors in the pole-vaulting event at the National Junior Olympics64. show no emotion65. lie

14、on his back仰面躺着 lie on his stomach 趴着66. hear the crowd groan 听到观众叹息67. miss his final jump68. have fewer misses 失误次数较少69. A miss would get him second place70. Nothing to be ashamed of,but sb would not allow himself the thought of not winning the first place.71. roll over 翻身;打滚72. do ones routine of

15、 sth 照例做sth73. three finger-tipped push-ups 三个指尖撑地俯卧撑74. step on the runway75. for a brief moment76. it all hit him like a wet bale of hay 一种惶惑不安的感觉向他袭来77. Thats only one inch off the National record.78. The intensity of the moment filled his mind with anxiety.79. shake the tension (from his legs)80. would be a more accurate description.81. Out of nowhere, and from the deepest depths of his soul, he pictured82. lay his pole at his feet83. stretch out hi



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