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1、中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: The Use of English Film in College English Learning 姓 名 : 00000 班级、学号 : 0000000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务 英语 指导教师 : 00000000 开题时间: 2009-4-10 完成时间: 2009-10-29 2009 年 10 月 29 日1目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-4正文5-19答辩委员会表决意见20答辩过程记录表21课 题 The Use of English Film in College Engli

2、sh Learning 一、课题(论文)提纲0 引言1 汉语环境通过看英文电影学习的必要和优势. 1.1 提高大学生的听说能力,提高我们大学生的学习兴趣 1.2 促进对语言的表层和内涵之间关系的细致体会 1.3 掌握一定的句子,提高写作能力. 1.4 了解外国的文化的背景更加有利于了解语境改善语音语调2 我们在选择电影时注意的问题 2.1如何选择适合学习的影片. 2.2如何运用英文电影真正培养我们大学生的交际能力. 3 英文电影教学加入大学英语学习中的作用和意义 4 总结二、中文摘要世界各国的文化交流日益频繁的今天,大学生想要提要英语学习效率,电影学习法是一种有效的途径.汉语环境通过看英文电影

3、学习不仅能提高大学生的听说能力,提高我们大学生的学习兴趣而且能促进对语言的表层和内涵之间关系的细致体会,更容易掌握句子,提高写作能力.以及了解外国的文化的背景,了解语境改善语音语调,但是要真正能让电影在我们学习中起到作用,我们在选择电影时注意好选择适合学习的影片,及运用英文电影真正培养我们大学生的交际能力以及提高英语水平三、考文献【1】Stoller,FL “Films and videotapes in the ContentBased ESLEFL Classroom”A,English Teaching Forum,Vo128,1990,No4【2】VoUer,P,Widdows,S “

4、Feature films as text:a framework for classroom ose”A,ELTjoumal,Vol,47,No4Londoa Oxford University Press(1993)【3】李月林英语电影欣赏学习初探U】,四川外语学院学报,2003,(3)148【4】王朝英,电影语言情景学习与学生英语交际能力的培养U国际关系学院学报,2001(2)【5】李艳,英文电影在大学英语学习中的应用U】 电影评介,2006The Use of English Film in College English Learning000000Abstract:The incr

5、easingly frequent cultural exchanges between countries in the world today, students want to learning English efficiency, learning English from film is an effective way,Chinese environment, watching English movies to learn English not only can improve listening and speaking ability of students , and

6、raise our interest in learning but also can promote understand detail of language relationship between surface and heart, to Master sentences to improve writing skills and to understand foreign cultures are more conducive to understanding the background context to improve pronunciation and intonatio

7、n。However, to really let the film play a role in our study, we should note that choosing a good movie to study , and using English film truly nurture our communicative competence, and the standard of EnglishKeywords mprove:English films;Communication; English learning0 .IntroductionsChinese environm

8、ent for learning foreign languages, how to create a language environment is the key. 原版英文代写论文电影语言真实、诙谐,且有生动的有声画面。 本文作者结合自身经验,对教师应如何把握电影教学,提出了几点建议。.【关键词】英文电影语言环境听说能力中国已经加入世贸组织,与世界各国的文化交流日益频繁,对外语人才培养的要求越来越高。 China has joined the WTO, and the countries of the world have become increasingly frequent cul

9、tural exchanges, personnel training of foreign languages have become increasingly demanding. 但我国的英语教学,历来注重知识的传授,使得学习者的知识储备充沛,但技能却滞后。 However, Chinas English teaching has always been focused on imparting knowledge, making knowledge of the learner ample reserves, but the skills are lagging behind. “能看

10、懂却听不懂,能听懂又说不出”是当代大学生英语水平的充分体现。 Can read but poor in listening, can understand but do not good at speaking is a contemporary college students English proficiency a reality. 为了真正提高学生的听说能力,培养英语的交际能力,同时又不使学生感到枯燥、单调,提高他们的学习兴趣,引用电影教学是一种有效的途径。 In order to truly improve the listening and speaking ability ,T

11、o develop communicative competence in English, without making us feel boring, monotonous, to enhance interest, learning from film is an effective way.提高英语口语、 听力有很多种方法:听广播新闻(BBC,VOA等)、看电视新闻、听各种磁带,但最能吸引学生注意力的是原版英文电影。1 .Chinese language learning environment, the advantages and necessary of leaning Engl

12、ish through watching English movies 1.1 Improve university students listening and speaking ability and our interesting in learning. Improve English speaking, listening, there are a number of ways: listening to the radio news (BBC, VOA, etc.), watching television news, listening to all kinds of tape,

13、 but the most able to attract students attention is the original English movies. 因为原版英文电影有完整的故事情节,体现出人的工作、生活、学习、休闲、交流等社会活动,也体现了“跨文化交流”的作用。 Because the original English films have a complete story, reflect the peoples work, life, learning, leisure, communication and other social activities, and also

14、act as the cross-cultural communication role.English film is conducive to grasp the authentic, colloquial English expression. Our domestic are generally spoken in terms of the teachers on the podium, and students in the following or imitation are discussed below. We often met to discuss the half, or no, when we will always be in Chinese instead of English. Discussion of the English language has become in Chinese discussion class. Such courses often can not afford to stimulate the learners interest, but also not conducive to college school students develope


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