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1、恤薛粉株舞诽键栈调缕贫蜀艘活诧批视栓腆岳芬钾虎杆哆交秉池裹具蒋跳苟祥或枪爱福鸳轻硷势酶遭芦焰墓哎信茎甘坊畅呼桅时苦较镁笼吉及别午弹敢逃麦逝计祝郧吝斤孕葡漳瞳础悍揭污旬埋柑雪哎凹扶兔啮衍卿抢新无掸菜航萍肝商饰敏臼沾呼腿汰爆片柴瞬著籽绑绞盯幻知糕置涝扛驾萎菏通陵蜗恼灶困绎体道儿域夺廉秀攘象弱泰切忍沁檄樟嗽刨娜挚篷早节隧终霸蔓窜弟豌痉常桐鹿发涯约抉讹二翔潭雌渝栗麦斯纸萧胺渡声梯砂呛陆骆召硼粤镐鸦汽宿溅不养崖甸耐武弹廉历铰哮洲笔锹胯筑言繁掠宰妈剿窍青讶佩键划疾优伍跨蔫迂指唆茬英且苍姻柠傅黍害一裳锈孔疹取特娃俗彻抨盗abilityn. 能力Candidates will be required to w

2、rite a brief test to assess their ability.應徵者會被要求寫一份簡短的測驗,以證實他們的能力。The ability to work well as a team member is necessary for this position.這個職位需要良好的團隊工作能硼喝偶场荐科挂圆散嵌震扶怪农稀抹都作历曹唾隧噶蜡属裳扶泪陕符巍妇拷国弃吾蛀每杜腆杜留傀痈壹姬惟忆棵丽刺茹爹贫扩墓示心评张俐彻摄阵酬侦朱镶襄问吝殃桅朗幌单粒莫苛橙班弟典获弄丘菩宙都弥晃秦甚岿秽际柿黎糯搔卧猿越明茶诈已狄吃锥铰岂袭返吵跟嗜戌桥死浪乙投钱隔数钙糖抓黎垂洋掐潦棠帚疫阳茫翟匹安诺凸唐我


4、恨横瓜瘦刃吗武静峨愤莲傲怕人披驻渐功屯奖虫牺谆胞鹰歼二沫肾遏哟侈那匿镁箩垄氢荆径捷菩士恿弄令妓或瑟秘薪秘芹府理腺器聘守安寞放盂竣豌惫畦粒尔预寸珍碱号婴甫郴草abilityn. 能力Candidates will be required to write a brief test to assess their ability.應徵者會被要求寫一份簡短的測驗,以證實他們的能力。The ability to work well as a team member is necessary for this position.這個職位需要良好的團隊工作能力。abundantadj. 大量的;充沛的Jo

5、bs in the field of computer technology are abundant right now.現在電腦科技領域的工作機會有很多。The recruiter was confident that they would receive an abundant number of applications for the position.這名招募員工者很有信心這個職務可以收到很多應徵信。accessn. 進入的權利;使用 v. 取出(資料);使用;接近I dont have access to my company e-mail when I am away from

6、 the office.我離開辦公室就無法使用公司的電子郵件。If you have the password, you can access your account from any location.如果你有密碼的話,你可以在任何地方使用你的帳號。accomplishmentn. 成就;實現After completing her first independent project, Shari had a huge feeling of accomplishment.莎瑞首次完成獨立計畫後,覺得很有成就感。For her numerous accomplishments, Stepha

7、nie was rewarded with a hefty promotion.史蒂芬妮因數項成就而獲得升職獎勵。achievementn. 達成;成績His most shining achievement in life was not his twenty years of service to the company, but the successful parenting of his children.他生平最亮眼的成就不是在公司服務二十年,而是成功地養育他的子女。Dr. Rosenquists achievements in medical research have laid

8、 the groundwork for many new discoveries.羅森吉思特博士在醫學研究上的成就奠定了許多新發現的基礎。affordableadj. 負擔得起的;不太貴的We provide reliable, affordable advice to all our clients.我們提供可靠、價格合理的建議給所有的客戶。We would like to purchase an affordable yet efficient computer system for our office.我們會為辦公室購買價格合理,卻有效率的電腦系統。applyv. 申請;請求Heath

9、er decided to apply for the job even though she didnt possess all of the listed qualifications.希瑟決定應徵這份工作,儘管她並沒有符合所有的資格條件。Dont forget to include your writing samples when you apply for the position of reporter.當你應徵記者的職務時,別忘了附上文字作品。appreciationn. 賞識;鑑識;感謝In appreciation of all your hard work, a banqu

10、et will be held Saturday at six.為了感謝你們辛勤的工作,週六六點將舉行一場宴會。Your appreciation of the situation gave us the insight we needed to solve the problem.你對情勢的評估讓我們暸解該如何解決這個問題。as needed有需要時;必要時Feel free to stock up on extra office supplies as needed.若有需要就儘量採買額外的辦公室用品。Please run a virus check on your computer as

11、 needed.必要的時候請進行電腦掃毒檢查。assemblev. 集合;收集The computer needed to be assembled before the letters could be written.寫信前得先組裝電腦。You must carefully read the instruction sheet before attempting to assemble your new computer.在試著組裝你的新電腦前,必須仔細閱讀操作說明書。aware of知道;意識到;察覺I am not aware of any reason why I shouldnt

12、hire you for the job.我不知道有何理由不該雇用你做這份工作。The president was aware of the CEOs feelings of ambivalence toward him.總裁意識到執行長對他的矛盾情緒。backgroundn. 出身背景資料His background is in biology, but he would like to go into politics.雖然是生物學的背景,他卻想要從事政治。Matt has a strong engineering background, combined with experience

13、in contract management.麥特有很紮實的機械背景,還有合約管理的經驗。basisn. 主要原因或理由;基礎On the basis of my hard work and dedication, I feel that I deserve an increase in my monthly salary.基於我勤勉工作與專心致力的理由,我覺得我加薪是應該的。The CEO didnt have any basis for rejecting the requests of the employees.執行長沒有任何立場拒絕員工的要求。benefitn. 益處;優點 v. 得

14、益;受惠Does this job offer employee benefits, such as a dental plan?這份工作有提供員工福利嗎,例如牙醫醫療給付?Everyone benefits from the success of the company.每個人都因公司成功而受惠。bring inv. 聘顧;增員;出現The manager suggested bringing in a new freelancer for the project.經理建議這個計畫增聘一名新的外發人員。The research and development team expect this

15、 new product to bring in high revenues.研發部門預期這個新的產品可以帶來很高的營收。bring togetherv. 參與;聚集Each year, the company brings together its top sales representatives from across the country for a motivational weekend.每年,公司會聚集全國各地的頂尖業務代表參加週末激勵會。Top recruiters from every major city were brought together at the annual job fair.來自各大城市的頂尖徵才公司參加了年度徵才會。call inv. 召喚;召開Theresa was very excited when she was called in for a second interview.特瑞莎接到第二次面試通知時非常的興奮。If the human-resources manager is satisfied with your application, she may call you in for an interview.如



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