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1、陕西师范大学大兴新区小学授课教材:(供三年级起始用)六年级上册授课内容:Unit 6 How do you feel? (Part B Read and write)授课年级:Grade 6授课类型:新授阅读课授 课 人:刘 清教学设计PEP小学英语六年级上册 Unit 6 (A) Read and write (Part B)设计思路本节课是一节阅读课,通过机器人Robin和蚂蚁互相帮助的故事,讲述助人为乐会给别人和自己都带来快乐的故事。其中渗透的情感教育是让学生明白团结的力量,以及应当乐于助人的道理。英语课程标准对小学英语阅读教学目的提出了明确的要求,使阅读在听说读写四项技能中占有很重要的

2、地位。作为一名小学英语教师,我们的任务就是激发学生的阅读兴趣,交给阅读的方法,使学生形成一定的阅读策略。本节课采用3P教学,以整体输入为原则,以歌曲热身自然导入本课话题,进而呈现文本。学生通过不同层次,不同方法的阅读学习,在语篇中捕捉不同类型的信息,提炼出文章的主旨大意,并完成练习题目。通过合作阅读进行语音、单词、短语和句子处理;通过阅读进行意义建构,在与文本相互作用的过程中,在理解、思辨的过程中培养学生的语言输出能力,即说话能力和写话能力。使学生在学习的过程中,不断巩固所学新知,融会贯通地运用已知,达到综合运用的目的。教学目标1. Language Knowledge 语言知识a. 能够理解

3、重点单词及词组: afraid, wont , stuck, mud, worried, pull, strong。b. 能够理解故事,并正确、流利,有感情地读出短文。 c. 学生能够通过阅读,理解文章内容及主旨大意。2. Language Skills 语言技能a. 能够将重点词汇运用于生活交际中。b. 能够对故事内容进行总结,并复述故事。c. 能够运用所学在生活中帮助他人。3. Affective Attitude 情感态度a. 渗透帮助他人就是帮助自己的情感态度。b. 明白“团结就是力量”的道理。4. Learning strategies 学习策略a. 通过看图捕捉重要信息,并根据提示

4、做出听前预测。b. 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。并能对故事进行推理判断。5. Cultural awareness 文化意识了解与蚂蚁相关的基本科学知识。教学重点、难点Important Points 教学重点a. 单词及词组: afraid, wont , stuck, mud, worried, pull, strong。b. 理解故事,并正确、流利,有感情地读出短文。 c. 通过阅读,理解文章内容及主旨大意。d. 渗透帮助他人就是帮助自己的情感态度。明白“团结就是力量”的道理。Difficult Points: 教学难点1. 激发学生打开思维,能够对故事内容进行概括,并能用英文复述

5、故事。2. 能够将关心他人,团结等优良品质运用于生活并感染身边人。Teaching Aids: 教学准备Video, PPT, word cards, sentence cards, pictures.Teaching Procedures: 教学过程/步骤教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图时间Warm-up& lead-in1. Sing a song: If you are happy2. Divide groups and introduce the assessment.3. Play the video of the ant.Students sing and dance with t

6、he musicListen to the details about the competition.Watch the video carefully. Try to get more information.联系课题进行热身,活跃气氛,学生初步感知本节课话题内容。激发学生学习兴趣。激活学生现有的知识,引发思考。211Presenta-tion1. Pre-reading.(1)Ask questions about the ant. Let the students know more about ants. (2) Show the title of the story.2. Whil

7、e-reading. (1)Ask the question: What is the story about? (2) Walk around the classroom and help the students. (3)Teach paragraph 1 & 2. (4)Teach paragraph 3.(5)Teach paragraph 4.(6) Teach paragraph 5 & 6.(7) Play the recording and stress the loss of voice blasting.(8) Listen and correct mistakes.3.P

8、ost-reading (1)Help the students with their retelling. (2)Help the students. Answer questions and talk with teacher. Spell the word “ant”. Guess what is the story about?Skim the story and choose the best answer to the question.Group work to read the story and help each other with their new words, se

9、ntences or pronunciation.Read with desk mate loudly. Talk about the three questions and answer.Read the sentence together. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Read paragraph 4 by their selves and choose the best answer.Read in groups. Fill in the blanks.Listen carefully. Pay much attention to

10、the key words.Read the story together.Prepare in groups and retell the story. Work in groups to make a new story.渗透文化教育。将学生带入故事中。增加学生对故事的好奇心,为进一步阅读奠定基础。初读故事,感知文章的主旨大意。通过小组合作大声朗读故事,增强学生的自信心和合作意识。同时检测对于文章的理解程度。培养学生自主学习意识,小组合作能力及互相帮助的良好习惯。加深故事理解。通过模仿提升学生的语感,同时增加读故事的流利程度。通过图片选择考察对于新词及故事内容的了解情况。了解故事内容的同时

11、,练习重点句的书写。通过整体听故事。总体感知文章内容。了解失去爆破现象。复习故事内容,为下一步复述做铺垫。同学间互相激励,练习文本内容,同时增加了学生的合作及竞争意识。学以致用112332233258Practice1. Read the story.Read the story in different ways. (1)Individual work(2) Pair work(3)Group work(4)Whole class work. 2. Lead the students understand the meaning of the story by videos, picture

12、s, questions. etc.3. Collect pictures about ant and share with others.Listen and read under teachers instruction.Follow the teacher to understand the story.Do the activity in groups不同方式的操练,增加了趣味性,将灌输式的教学转变为学生的主动性学习。培养学生边学习边思考的良好习惯。了解有关蚂蚁的基本科学知识251Production1. Retell the story.2. Show the two sentenc

13、es. (emotion sublimate)Prepare in groups and retell the story.Follow the teacher to read the sentences.激发学生的创新意识,巩固重点句型。渗透团结互助的情感态度。51Homework1. Retell the story to your parents. 2.Help someone to do something.Listen to the T.将本节课学习的知识通过作业形式延伸至课堂外。1板书设计Unit 6 Robin and the Ant (Part B) afraidwontstuckworried Union is strength. Help others is helping ourselves.2


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