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1、P-10Created by WordPower English House Cooking WordsKey Words:cookkJkn.厨师v.烹调, 煮, 伪造concoctkEn5kCktvt.调制, 炮制; 捏造, 编造; 策划, 计划decoctdi5kCktvt.煎, 熬, 煮effervesce9efE5vesvi.冒泡, 起沫; 泡腾; 兴奋; 愉快pantry5pAntrin.餐具室; 食品室; 配膳室; 美俚胃abradeE5breidvt., vi.擦伤,磨损,刮擦,擦去,研磨, 切除; 清除, 清理exciseek5saizn.(国产)货物税; 消费税 vt.收税,

2、 切除incisein5saizvt.切割, 切开; 雕刻bisectbai5sektvt.把.一分为二, 数二等分;与.相交叉横切vi.(道路等)分开segment5semEntn.段,片,部分,节;弓形,圆缺,球缺vt.分割成部分,使分裂vi.分裂Do you know the words:1)cooka)to wear away by rubbing ;2)concockb)to remove bycutting out3)decoctc)to prepare food for eating;a person who prepares food4)effervesced)to have

3、bubbles forming inside5)pantrye)to boil sth longtime in water6)abradef)to make sth by mixing7)exciseg)to cut into sth8)inciseh)sections;parts into which sth can be cut or divided9)bisectI)a small room for keeping food,dishes,glasses,ect10)segmentj)to divide sth into two equal parts.Do you understand

4、 these words1.When you cook a meal,you never use heating.TF2.If you concoct sth, you make it by mixing.TF3.The Chinese herb medicine is always taken by decocting.TF4.The sign of effervescence is the bubbles inside.TF5.A pantry is a place where people have meetings.TF6.An abrasive manner is rude and

5、unkind.TF7.The excise is a tax that goverment puts on goods for exportation. TF8.Something is bisected has three pieces.TF9.A segment of something is one part of it .TF10.To incise diamond needs much of precision.TFCan you recall the words:1)To cut into with a sharp tooli_2)prepare food by heatingc_

6、3)cut intoi_4)cut awayc_5)mixingc_6)a place where food is keptp_7)cut into two partsb_8)section,parts_9)rubbing ,wear off a_10)liquid with many bubbles insidee_Etymology:RootMeaningWord coctcookdecoctfervboileffervescentpanbreadcompanyrad,rasrub; wear away the surfaceabradesect, segcutinsectcid cisc

7、ut, killsuicideMore words:-coct-concoctkEn5kCktvt. 调制, 炮制; 捏造, 编造; 策划, 计划concoct a splendid meal 配制的佳肴 concoct a mystery story 编造一个神话故事concoctionkEnkCkFEnn.调合, 混合, 调合物concoctiveadj.捏造的, 策划的, 调合的cookkJkvt, vi 烹调;煮;烧(饭、菜)n 炊事员;厨师cook up伪造, 虚构cooker5kJkE(r)n.炊具, 蒸(煮)机,(非生吃的)为烹食所种水果a gas cooker 煤气灶cooke

8、ry5kukErin.烹调法 ;美厨房Chinese cookery 中国菜烹调法invalid cookery 病人伙食; 病人厨房cookiekJkIn.(苏格兰)甜面包,(美国)小甜饼,网络服务器传递给浏览器的信息cookiesn.饼干cookingkJkINn.烹饪cuisinekwi(:)5zi:nn.厨房; 烹调法, 烹饪菜肴Spanish cuisine. 西班牙烹饪culinary5kQlinEriadj.厨房的;烹饪的,烹调用的Lculina, kitchencoquere, cookculinary arts 烹饪术decoctdi5kCktvt.煎, 熬, 煮; 使浓缩;

9、压缩decoctiondi5kCkFEnn.煎, 煮 ;煎汤, 熬好的药kitchen5kitFinn.厨房;集合名词炊事员;炊事用具adj.厨房的;在厨房工作的;(语言)粗俗的ME kychene OE cycene VL cocina, cucinaa kitchen help厨房帮手kitchen appliances厨房用具kitchener kItFInE(r) n.厨师precocialpri5kEuFEladj.早熟的, 生下就有很高程度独立活动能力的precociousprI5kEJFEsadj育过早的,早熟的(人);少年老成的;行为、知识等)precocitypri5kCsi

10、tin.(人的)早熟, 过早发育; (植物的)早成熟-ferv-effervesce9efE5vesvi. 冒泡, 起沫; 泡腾 兴奋; 愉快febrifuge5febrifju:dVadj. 【医】退热药; 解热剂 adj. 退热的febrile5fi:brailadj.【医】热性的; 发热的febris n.发烧ferment5fE:mEntn.发酵, 酵母, 激动; 纷扰vt. vi.(使)发酵, (使)激动,鼓励, 酝酿adj.可发酵的be in a ferment在骚动中ferment trouble酝酿骚乱fervent5fE:vEntadj. 炽热的 热情的; 热心的, 热烈的,

11、 强烈的 a fervent desire热望fervent love热爱fervent hatred 强烈的恨fervid5fE:vidadj.诗炽热的; 似火的 热烈的, 热情的; 激烈的fervid loyalty 赤胆忠心a fervid orator 慷慨激昂的演说者-pan-companionkEm5pAnjEnn.伙伴, 朋友; 成双的东西之一; 最下级勋爵;(作书籍杂志名用)指南,手册; vt.陪伴,伴随; vi.(与.)同行;(跟.)结交companions in arms战友companion volume姐妹篇company5kQmpEnin.一群,一队;客人;同伴,交际

12、, 交往; 公司,商号; 【军】连;全体船员;聚会,社团; vt.陪伴; vi.作伴; 亲密交往(with)in the company of在.陪同下He kept me company.他陪伴我。I have company this evening.今晚我有客。accompanyE5kQmpEnivt.陪, 伴, 陪着;陪衬,伴随; 给.伴奏; 补充; vi.伴奏She accompanied me to the doctors. 她陪我去看了医生。Lightning usually accompanies thunder. 雷声常常伴随着闪电而来。accompanistE5kQmpEn

13、istn.【音】伴奏者, 伴唱者accompanimentE5kQmpEnimEntn.伴随物,附属物;音伴奏;跟踪;装饰物 vi.伴奏-rad-, -ras-abrade E5breid v.磨损, 摩擦, 折磨abrading agent磨料 研磨剂abradern.磨石, 研磨器abrase E5breiz v.(=abrade)磨损, 擦去abrasern.(=abrader)磨石, 研磨器abrasion E5breiVEn n.磨损abrasive E5breisiv n.研磨剂adj.研磨的erase i5reiz vt.抹去, 擦掉, 消磁, 杀死eraser i5reizE n.擦除器, 尤指墨水消除剂, 橡皮erasion i5reiVEn n.擦抹, 消除erasure i5reiVE n.擦除, 抹掉, 擦除(或删去)的字.记号等raze reiz v.夷为平地raze to the ground夷为平地razor 5reizE n.剃刀vt.剃razorstropreIzEstrCp



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