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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一、 选出单词中所缺的字母或字母组合,将序号填入题前括号内。(5分)( ) 1. s_ _ ool (学校) A. ck B. sh C. ch( ) 2. pen_ il (铅笔) A. c B. s C. z( ) 3. rul_ _ (尺子) A. er B. or C. ar( ) 4. h_ m_ (家) A. oa B. oe C. on( ) 5. stud _ _t (学生) A. e n B. an C. un二、 选出下列每组单词中与其他不属于同类的一项。(只填序号) (10分)( ) 1. A. thin B. tall C. eye D. sh

2、ort( ) 2. A. driver B. doctor C. music D. nurse( ) 3. A. window B. math book C. door D. floor( ) 4. A. teacher B. sister C. brother D. mother( ) 5. A. rice B. noodles C. plate D. beef三、.单项选择(10分)( )1. How many _ do you have? A. pencil B. pencils C. ruler( )2. _ are you ? I am in the living room. A.

3、What B. Who C. Where( )3. Everything ready. A. at B. is C. are( )4. He has _ hair, big eyes and small ears. A. small B. big C. long( )5. Let clean the door. A. me B. my C. we四、根据图画提示,把下列句子补充完整。 (10分)1、 What can you see in my room? I can see a and a 2、What would you like for breakfast? Id like two an

4、d a glass of 3. My father. is a 五、找出下列句子正确的答句, 并将其序号填在题前括号内。( )1. May I have a look? A. She is a teacher.( )2.Whats her name? B. Three.( )3. Is this your bedroom? C. Sure. Here you are.( )4. Whats your mother? D. Yes, it is.( )5. How many people are there in your family? E. Her name is Amy.六、阅读理解。阅读

5、短文,判断下列句子正误,正确 ( T ) 错误 ( F )(10分)My name is Amy. Im a thin girl. There are three members in my family. My parents and me. I have a good friend. She is Miss Liu, my Chinese teacher. She likes music. She is from China.1. Amy is strong. ( ) 2. There are 4 members in Amys family. ( )3. Miss Li is Amys

6、friend. ( ) 4. Miss Liu likes music. ( )5. Miss Li is from China. ( )一、选出每组单词中与其它三个在意思上不同类的选项。( )1、A、picture B、board C、thin D、wall ( ) 2、A、music B、sports C、painting D、quiet( )3、A、plate B、spoon C、baby D、knife ( )4、A、table B、nurse C、teacher D、driver( )5、A、kitchen B、soup C、fish D、noodles ( )6、A、uncle B

7、、mother C、brother D、bed( )7、A、fridge B、shell C、sofa D、egg ( )8、A、family B、fan C、window D、door( )9、A、fifty B、twenty C、baby D、thirty二、选择题。( )1、This is _ English book. A、a B、an C、the( )2、She has a _ mouth A、thin B、strong C、small( )3、My father _sports and music. A、likes B、like C、is( )4、Please listen_ mu

8、sic A、at B、in C、to( )5、What would you like_ dinner? A、to B、for C、at三、情景反应。( )1、What colour is your school? A、No,I dont.( )2、Whats her name? B、She is Miss White.( )3、Whats your mother? C、Black and white( )4、Is it in your desk? D、She is a nurse.( )5、Whos this woman? E、Thirty-one( )6、Where are the book

9、s? F、They are on the desk.( )7、Do you like sports? G、Her name is Lily.( )8、How many crayons can you see? H、Yes,it is.四、连词成句,首字母已给出。1、I some vegetables would like 2、crayons are where myI _。 Where_?3、has he two ears big 4、family my six has membersHe_。 My_。5、me let clean board theLet_。六、排列顺序。( )Yes, yo

10、u are right. ( )Is she Bai Ling?( )Hi, Zhang Peng. I have a new friend. ( )Guess!( )Who is she? ( )No, she is not .She is tall and thin.( )Oh, she is Amy.一、请同学们进入书写训练营。(共17分) A.首先让我们帮字母找到自己的左邻右舍.(12分) 1. Pp 2. Ii 3. Mm 4. Ff 5. Yy 6. Ss B.拿出你的实力吧!按书写要求把句子写在下面的四线三格里吧!记得要漂亮啊!(5分)1)I can see a bedroom

11、and a living room.2)How many people are there in your family? 二火眼金睛,情景选择,将最合适的答案填在提前括号内.(7分)( )1到了新教室,你找不到自己的位置,你可以这样问其他同学:AWhats my seat? B. Hows my seat? C. Wheres my seat? D. Whos seat? ( )2你们把教教室打扫的干干净净,你觉得老师会怎样夸奖你们:A. Thanks. B. Good job! C. Good idea . D. Great。 ( )3你看见商店里有一个漂亮的书包,想询问一下价钱,你可以这样问售货员:A. How many? B. How much? C. What yuan? D. How yuan? ( )4晚上10:00你想睡觉了,应先对mother礼貌地说声“ ”,再去睡觉A. Goodbye, Mom.


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