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1、How Structure Adds toArchitectural Beauty结构如何提升建筑美感gmp + sbpNikolausgoetzeSvenPlieningergmp(冯格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所)合伙人。德国sbp结构事务所合伙人。德国斯图加特大学建筑工建筑设计代表作品:上海东方体育中心、德国奥迪设计和程硕士,德国注册结构工程师。模型大楼、越南公共安全部总部、越南河内历史博物馆、结构设计代表作品:莱比锡图书馆、上海东方体育中西安曲江国际会展中心、大连期货大厦、上海临港新城规心(跨度150m钢结构)、诺华制药盖里大楼、法兰克划、深圳会展中心、广州发展中心大厦、南宁国际会议福

2、A380飞机库(跨度180m钢结构)、深圳会展中心、展览中心。近期竞赛项目包括深圳宝安国际机场第3航站莱比锡A380飞机库、尼日利亚国家体育场及体育馆楼、迪拜火车东站、上海临港航海博物馆等。(250m大跨度索膜结构)、汉诺威世博会4,13 及26 号展厅(德国钢结构设计金奖)。58 Introduction引言gmp - Nikolaus Goetze: We would like to present the design of Shanghai gmp-Nikolausgoetze:在介绍上海东方体育中心(SOSC)的Oriental Sport Centre, so called SOS

3、C. Before introducing our general ideas 设计方案的总体思路和概念之前,首先要说明的是:上海东方体育and concept of SOSC to you we also would like to point out that the realization of a landmark building like SOSC is a result of teamwork of many disciplines.中心这一地标建筑设计的实现,是各个专业团队共同努力的成果。Architects, landscapers, lighting designers,

4、engineers for sustainability and 建筑师、景观设计师、灯光设计师、可持续设计工程师等,特别是especially the structure engineers are part of a design orchestra which has the 结构工程师,在设计团队中发挥了重要作用。ambition to create an outstanding, complex, unique and sophisticated design for a building like SOSC, which you will see tomorrow in the o

5、riginal. 当今世界,全球各地对优秀建筑的需求始终保持逐年攀升。考The demands towards an outstanding building are rising year by year 虑到各种影响,城镇规划已要求需将建筑综合体融入现有的城镇结worldwide:-The town planning asks you to integrate a building complex into a given town 构。一个高品质的建筑设计必须保证持久的可识别性、高度的灵活structure considering a huge amount of influences.

6、性和最合理的利用程度。设计中融入的可持续理念应能减少未来的-The quality of an architectural design must guarantee a long lasting identity, 能耗,同时提升建筑内用户的幸福感。而作为结构工程师应考虑以high flexibility and optimal use.-The input of sustainable philosophy has to decrease future energy 下几点:1)建筑和结构的统一;2)通过采用创新结构系统,确保consumption and increase the sen

7、se of well being inside a building.稳定性;3)建筑造价;4)通过设计高效的建筑系统,优化建造时And last but not least the structure engineer has to consider: 间。因此,应尽早组建一个完整的团队开始设计过程。-the unity of architecture and structure-the guarantee of stability by innovative structural systems设计团队应承担以下责任:1)紧锣密鼓地开展设计,制定出比选-the building costs

8、 方案;2)参与建设性批评;3)组织设计评估、讨论和各种研讨会,Optimization of construction time by designing effective building systems.并快速做出决策。在各方努力下,我们最终完成了这一独特的设计。Therefore a holistic team has to be set up as early as possible to start the design process. The team undertakes:sbp-SvenPlieninger:不管是现代建筑,还是体育设施,其目标a fast track a

9、nd intensive design process working out alternatives都是成为一个引人注目的地标性建筑。getting involved into constructive criticismevaluation & discussion & think tank moments and 在设计上海东方体育中心这一体育设施时,我们面临了各种fast decision making各样的复杂问题:将现代建筑技术和赛事本身的巨大使用需求相结Finally a unique result comes out and everybody hopes t

10、hat the design 合,同时最重要的是,实现向全球直播这些赛事的需求。这尤其convinces the judges of the competition.sbp Sven Plieninger: As explained, a contemporary building or sports 要求我们打造一个现代化的有特色的建筑,以便形成出色的建筑facility aims to be an outstanding landmark. 外观。而对于大跨度结构的要求也至关重要,这有助于满足建筑简In a sports facility like SOSC we are facing c

11、omplex problems of integrating 约、轻盈、生态和经济性的要求。从这一方面讲,我们在实践中的modern building technologies with huge demands concerning the usability for the event itself and foremost the ability to broadcast these events worldwide. 基本目标之一就是:打造一个能够向来宾展示其“结构/工作原理”This in particular requires a modern and unique archite

12、cture which gives an 的建筑。outstanding appearance. 由于不同情况下边界或限制条件均各不相同,我们针对这一Crucial requirements of long spanning structures are to fulfill the demands of simplicity, lightness and thus being ecological and economical. 问题可提供多种解决方案,这为每个项目都提供了不同的机遇和挑In this regard the idea of having a building which is

13、 able to tell the visitor: 战。基于gmp和sbp双方的长期合作关系,我们认真分析了项目的"what is the structural principle- how does the building work" - is one of the fundamental goals in the work of our practices. 任务,找出项目的主导条件,经建筑师和工程师共同研究后,将其The solutions which can be achieved are varying because the borderlines or 转

14、化为建筑的设计理念。given constraints in each case are different, creating different opportunities and challenges for each project.Based on our long-term cooperation (gmp + sbp) we start to analyze the given 企业历程tasks very carefully to find out the governing conditions and transform them via a gmp-Nikolausgoe

15、tze:gmp和sbp有众多共同之处,两家事务mutual discussion between architect and engineers into an idea for the buildings. 所都起源于德国,gmp的总部设在汉堡,sbp的总部设在斯图加History特。两家事务所都有着50多年的历史,成立事务所的创始合伙人至gmp - Nikolaus Goetze: There are many similarities among our offices of 今仍在所内任职:Meinhardt von Gerkan和Volkwin Marg于1965年gmp and s

16、bp. Both offices have their origin in Germany. 创立了gmp;Jrg Schlaich和Rudolf Bergermann于1980年创立了The headquarter of gmp is placed in Hamburg while the headquarter of sbp is sbp。此外,双方还存在其他合作的共同基础:双方的大部分项目placed in Stuttgart.都是从设计竞赛中脱颖而出的;双方都重视概念研究;双方的设计Both offices were founded almost 50 years ago by our still active senior partners: 团队均执着于每个细节的完善;双方的专业面均非常广,能够胜任Meinhardt von Gerkan and Volkwin Marg founded gmp in 1965 文化建筑、交通、办公、高层建筑、体育场、住宅等各种专业;双while J?rg Schlaich and Rudo


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