五年级上册 Unit 8

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《五年级上册 Unit 8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级上册 Unit 8(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、五年级上册 Unit 8教学课时:第一课时教学内容:Read a storyAlice in Wonderland(含练习What happens next? Look at the picture and put the sentences in order.) 教学目标知识与技能:1.感知字母组合sl, sn和 sw在单词中的发音2.能听懂、认读、会说核心词汇find,key,think及短语run away/after, jump into,get through3.能理解并认读故事4.感知并能认读现在进行时的特殊疑问句Whats . doing?5.巩固运用一般现在时态中第三人称单数用

2、法 过程与方法:1.从文本及图片视频中提取关键信息。2.学习基本的阅读方法3.根据故事内容预测后续。情感态度与价值观:在电影视频与动画中感受英语文化,学习Alice敢于探索的精神教学重难点:重点:1.词汇:find,key,think2.理解、听读故事文本3.巩固一般现在时态中第三人称单数时的谓语动词的变化难点: 1.through、think的发音2.run away/after, jump into,get through的连读3.现在进行时态和一般现在时态中三单的区别使用教具准备:PPT 词卡 场景图 教学过程:Warm up1. Greetings.2. Listen to the s

3、ounds. Q:What are the four snakes doing? Whats the bird/rabbit/tiger/cat doing?3. Free talk. Do you like running/watching films?Pre-reading1. Watch.(预告片视频)2. 看海报 Q: What can you see? Wheres Alice?(In Wonderland.)Hows the wonderland?How can she get into the wonderland?While-reading1. 认主人公Q:What are t

4、hey doing?Lets watch!2. 看故事动画后给图排序。3. 图一,听读后提问What does Alice see? Whats the rabbit wearing? 4. Q:What are they saying? 请个别学生仿读。5. 猜Where does he want to do?后看视频,介绍:Then the rabbit runs away.Alice runs after him.The rabbit jumps into a big hole.Alice jumps into the hole too.6. 出示hole图,Q:How is the h

5、ole? PPT出示图二、三,填说后表演。7. 图四Q: Wheres Alice now? What does she find?听录音后答同时学习key,最后填说。8. Q: Can she open the door? 图五 She can open the door with the key.Can she get through the door? 动作释义get through并突破语音难点through,think。9. Q:What does she think? 填说。10. Watch and read.11. Pair work.Read.然后反馈。Post-readin

6、g1. Alice cant get through the door.Why? 猜What can she do?2. What happens next?排序。3. 看电影片段视频。4. 填说。5. 总结Now,Alice is in wonderland.6. Quick reading.7. 看板书复述故事。8. 根据故事内容填空。Homework: 1. Read and copy the story. ( P54-55 )2. Retell the story to your friends.3. Watch the film Alice in Wonderland at the

7、weekend. Board Design: Alice in WonderlandM3 U8课件教学反思:本节阅读课文本较难,难点较多,想要在一课时解决所有的难点非常不容易。经过两次试教,最后整理确定的重难点和教学活动较适合五年级学生学情。教学目标符合课程目标且基本达成,大部分同学能听懂、认读、会说核心词汇及短语;能正确认读故事;能认读现在进行时的特殊疑问句Whats . doing?;大多数同学能根据故事内容预测后续。教学活动能为突破重难点服务,但对于get through的发音难点仍有个别同学读音不准确。故事曾被排成动画片和电影,因此利用视频片段有效的帮助同学们理解并增加了趣味性。但是在课堂上感受体验的还不够到位,课堂氛围没有达到预期。


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