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1、中南大学考试试卷2007-2008 学年一学期 时间120分钟翻译理论与实践 A卷课程64学时4学分 考试形式:闭卷专业年级:英语系041234567.8班 总分100分,占总评成绩70%【Give your answers on ANSWER SHEET attached!I. Judging the following translations with“Y” (good) or“ N20 ot good):1. 中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。译文: On two points China can be acco unt. First, it upholds prin c

2、iple and sec on d, it keeps its words.2. 青城山地质地貌独特,植被茂密,气候适宜,林木葱翠,层峦叠嶂,曲径逶迤,古观藏趣。译文.Endowed with special geological Iandforms and a mild climate, Qingcheng Mountain enjoys exuberant vegetations and forests through which the pathwind, as well as the ancient temples dispersing in ran ges ofmountains.3

3、. 一个人在原企业的优秀业绩可以为他今后求职提供敲门砖”。译文: An employee s previous outstanding performanee is a very important stepping stone to his or her job hun ti ng.4. My table manners are atrocious-n this respect I ve slipped back hundreds of years in fact, I have no manners whatsoever. If I feel like it, I eat with my

4、fin gers, or out of a can, or sta nding up-in other words, whichever is easiest.译文:我的吃相实在不雅,这方面一下就倒退了几百年,实在是一点规矩也没有。只要觉得合适, 我可用手抓着吃,直接拿着罐头吃,或是站着吃:反正怎么省事就怎么吃。5. When I rhaving trouble with a story and think about giving up or when I start to feel sorry for myself and thi nk thi ngs should be easier f

5、or me, I roll a piece of paper into that cranky old mach ine and type, word by painful word, just the way Mother did.译文:每当我写文章有麻烦想放弃时,或是开始为自己觉得遗憾和认为事情对我本应容易一些时, 我就往那台破旧的打字机里卷进一张纸,像母亲当年那样,打着一个又一个痛苦的字。II. Improve the following Translations:20%1. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are fre

6、sh today as when they first passed through their author s min ds, ages ago. What was the n said and thought still speaks to us vividly as ever from the prin ted page.译文:时间在伟大思想面前没有作用,这些伟大的思想仍像多年前初次闪现在作者心头时一样的 新鲜。当年说的和思考的东西至今仍生动地在印刷的纸上向我们诉说。2. Those who gain fame most ofte n gain it as a result of pr

7、ocess ing a sin gle tale nt or skill: singing, dancing, painting, or writing, etc. The successful performer develops a style that is marked aggressively and gains some popularity.译文:那些成名的人大多靠拥有某种单一的才能或技能而获得名声:唱歌、跳舞、画画,写作等 等。成功的表演者培养出了一种特色鲜明的风格,使他们获取了某些名声。3. 中华民族文化历史悠久,起源很早,内容极为丰富,是东方文明的主要组成部分,早在上古 时

8、期就已是人类文化的一个独立典型。译文:Chinese culture has a rich content, originating very early with a long history. As a main part ofthe Oriental civilization, it was an independent example of the human culture early in the Chinese ancient times.4. 琼岛东北部有“琼岛春阴”碑,为1751年建立。译文:In the northeast part of the Qiongdao Isla

9、nd there is a stone tablet engraved with 4 Chinese words “Qiong Dao Chun Yin ” , which set up in 175130%III. Tran slate the underlined partsnto Chin ese:The Weather in His Soul(英国人的内心世界)Let me come to the point boldly: what gover ns the En glishma n is his inner atmosphere, the weather in his soul.

10、It is nothing particularly spiritual of mysteri ous. In sti nctively the En glishma n is no missi on ary, no conq ueror. He prefers the country to the tow n, and home to foreig n parts. He is rather glad and relieved if only n atives remai n n atives and stra ngers stra ngers, and at a comfortable d

11、ista nee from himself. Yet outwardly he is most hospitable and accepts almost an ybody for the time being; he travels and conquers without a settled design, because he has the instinet of explorati on. His adve ntures are all exter nal; they cha nge him so little that he is n ot afraid of them. He c

12、arries his En glish weather in his heart wherever he goes, and it becomes a cool spot in the desert, and a steady and sane 理智的)oracle(神殿 / 圣贤)amon gst all the deliriums(谵妄 / 迷舌 L) of mankind. Never since the heroic days of Greece has the world had such a sweet, just, boyish master. It will be a blac

13、k day for the human race when scie ntific blackguards, con spirators, churls, and fan atics man age to suppla nt him.IV. Translate the underlined partSnto English:30%草儿似乎刚刚出浴。鲜嫩的叶片上溜滑着一滴两滴的露珠,在春阳的映照下,折射出一片耀眼的 晶莹,似一粒粒珍珠在熠熠闪光。微风清略湖畔的时候,露珠从叶尖上颤颤地滚落下来,使人想起杏 花春雨里的千点万点晶亮亮的檐滴,想起了生命成长的过程我久久地伫立于湖畔,聆听一种生命悄然拔节

14、的声音,心头如有暖流滚滚( I stoodfor a long time by the shore of the lake, listening to the sound of life, with warm currents filling my heart.)!杀U那间,心中 的春天已是万木竞秀,繁花缤纷。我强烈地感受到:禁锢了一冬的生命正在苏醒,心扉灵府里渗透了 一种全新的感觉,那些弱小但又顽强不屈的草儿,以其锲而不舍的执著,昭示出一种原始的壮美,使 我真切地感悟到人生的真谛和生命的意义!这以后,沉寂的万千生命开始喧闹起来。那片小草,也纷纷地擎起了一面面青春的旗幡,沐浴着 春风,欣欣然地

15、欢舞,自由自在歌唱。我的干涸已久的心田,被这一片碧绿种满了生机。答案I. Judging the following translations with“Y” (good) or“(N% (not good):NYYYNII. Improve the followi ng Tran slati ons:20%1. 伟大的思想不会因岁月的流失而消泯,前人的思想历久长新,其所言2. 凡成名者,大多有一技之长,或能歌,或善舞,或长于绘画,或精于写作,都因各自演艺中形成的强烈明风格而名声鹊起。3. As an importa nt comp onent of Orien tal civilizati

16、on, the Chin ese culture is rich and well-established with a long history,distinguished from ancient times by its characteristics in human culture.4. In the no rtheast part of the Qion gdao Isla nd sta nds a stone tablet, set up in 1751, which was en graved with 4 Chin ese characters “ Qiong Dao Chun Yin ”(Spring shades on the Qiongdand).III. Tran slate the un derl ined pa


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