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1、2022年考博英语-东北师范大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Nothing in the history of modem astronomy has excited as much speculation as the object, or event, known as a black hole. Black holes have provided endless imaginative fodder for science fiction writers and endless theoretical fodder for astrophysicists. They ar

2、e one of the more exotic manifestations of the theory of general relativity, and their fascination lies in the way their tremendous gravity affects nearby space and time.A black hole is very simple in structure: it has a surface the event horizon and a center the singularity. Everything else is grav

3、ity. The standard model for the formation of a black hole involves the collapse of a lager star. The imaginary spherical surface surrounding the collapsed star is the event horizon an artificial boundary in pace that marks a point of no return. Outside the event horizon, gravity is strong but finite

4、, and it is possible for objects to break free of its pull. However, once within the event horizon, an object would need to travel faster than light to escape.For extremely massive stars, the exclusion principle the resistance between the macular particle within the star as they are compressed 一 wil

5、l not be strong enough to offset the gravity generated by the stars own mass. The stars increasing density will overwhelm the exclusion principle. What follows is runaway gravitational collapse. With no internal force to stop it, the star will simply continue to collapse in on itself. Once a collaps

6、ing star has contracted through its event horizon, nothing can stop it from collapsing further until its entire mass is crushed down to a single point a point of infinite density and zero volume-toe singularity.The star now disappears from the perceivable universe, like a cartoon character that jump

7、s in to a hole and pulls the hole in after him. What this process leaves behind is a deterrent kind of hole a profound disturbance in space-time, a region where gravity is, so intense that nothing can escape from it. Any object falling within the boundary of a black hole has no choice but to move in

8、ward toward the singularity and disappear from our universe forever. Moreover, a black hole can never be plugged up or filled in with matter: the more matter that is pound into a black hole the bigger it gets.A What would happen to objects, such as astronauts, as they vanished into a black hole? B P

9、hysicists have been amusing themselves with this question for years, and most believe that the intense gravitational forces would rip apart the astronauts long before they were crushed at the singularity. C Theoretically, any astronauts who mortgaged to survive the passage would encounter some very

10、strange things. D For instance, they would experience acute time distortion, which would enable them to know, in a few brief seconds, the entire future of the universe.Inside a black hole, space arid time are so warped that the distance from the event horizon to the singularity is not a distance in

11、space in the normal sense what we can measure in kilometers. Instead, it becomes a distance in time. The time it takes to reach the singularity from the event horizon as measured by someone falling in is proportional to the mass of the black hole.The only way what astronauts would know whether they

12、had crossed the event horizon would be if tried to halt their fall and climb out again by firing their engines enough to push themselves back from the center of the hole. However, because of the time warp, if the astronauts tried to do this, they would reach the singularity faster than if they had l

13、eft their engines off. Moreover, since they could get no farther once they reached the singularity, this point would mark the end of time itself.1.The word fodder in paragraph I is closest in meaning to ( ).2.The opposing force between the molecular particles inside a star is called( ).3.Why does th

14、e author mention a cartoon character in paragraph 4?4.Astronaut who fell into a black hole would probably experience all of the following EXCEPT( ).5.The phrase “this point” in paragraph seven refers to( ).问题1选项A.materialB.stonesC.supportD.problems问题2选项A.general relativityB.the exclusion principleC.

15、infinite densityD.the singularity问题3选项A.To illustrate the complete disappearance or a collapsing starB.To warn of the danger of being sucked in to a black holeC.To point out a humorous phenomenon in astrophysicsD.To announce the creation of a cartoon about black holes问题4选项A.distortion of space and t

16、imeB.knowledge of the universeC.strong gravitational forcesD.traveling faster than light问题5选项A.the event horizonB.firing their enginesC.the time warpD.the singularity【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.词义题。Fodder所在句为: Black holes have provided endless imaginative fodder for science fiction writers and endl



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