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1、如东县 凌河小学 英语二下Unit 1第1课时教学设计主备人:茅天怡二次备课修改人:岔河小学 石维维教学内容Unit 1 Do you like winter?教学板块Part A、B执教者教学课时第( 1 )课时教学目标(1) 能听懂会说Do you like ? Yes, I do ./ No , I dont.(2) 能听懂、会说、初步认读spring, summer, winter ,autumn发音准确。(3) 在游戏中培养学生的学习兴趣和合作意识。教学重点(1)能听懂、会说、初步认读spring, summer, winter和autumn ,发音准确。(2)能听懂会说课文对话。教

2、学难点(1) 能听懂会说Do you like ? Yes, I do ./ No , I dont.(2)能听懂会说课文对话。教学准备单词卡片,白板课件 教学过程二次备课Step 1: Warming up1. GreetingT:Good morningGood afternoon, boys and girls.S:Good morningGood afternoon, MissMr2. Sing a songSeasons song Step 2: Presentation1.Ask and answerHow many seasons in a year?(指图片加以引导)What

3、are they?2.揭题:Unit 1 Do you like winter?3. Happy reading学习对话,快乐阅读T: Boys and girls. Lets watch a cartoon and tell me what they aretalking about.(1)播放动画,让学生熟悉句子(2)听录音,学生尝试说听到的句子。(3)听录音,让学生跟读对话。(4)学生自读对话,尝试表演。3.T shows the picture.T: Now, boys and girls , look, what is this? S: Its a kite.T: Can you f

4、ly a kite?S: Yes, I can .T: In the spring, we can fly a kite.Show the picture and read the word” spring”. Yes, I do ./ No , I dont.呈现Do you like? Yes, I do ./ No , I dont. 学生读并操练用同样的方法呈现并操练。4. Learn to say1.出示白板,上面显示spring, summer, winter ,autumn,引出句型Do you like? Yes, I do ./ No , I dont.T: Look her

5、e.Can you ask and answer?(示范) T: Do you like spring ? Yes, I do ./ No , I dontS1: Yes, I do ./ No , I dont2.Learn a rhyme:Yollow autumn3.Try to say:出示四季图片,创编儿歌。Step 3: Production1.Happy to say用所学的新句型和新单词进行操练T: Boys and girls, lets use these sentences to say with your deskmate.T: Whod like to try?S:

6、2.Read and choose3.Summary:Our world is colorful and beautiful. So we should love the nature and love our colorful life.( 我们的世界是多彩又美丽的,我们应该热爱大自然,热爱我们多彩的生活。)Step 4: Homework(1)Listen and read Part A ,try to make dialogues with parents. (2)Copy the wordsspring summer autumn winter板书设计:Unit 8 Do you like winter?Yes, I do . spring summerNo , I don. autumn winter板书设计: Unit 1 Do you like winter?Do you like winter? spring summerYes, I do ./ No , I dont. autumn winter教学思路:教学反思:


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