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1、有关预定的英语邮件范文有关预定的英语邮件(一) Dear Linda,Id like to have a table for four at six tonight. Id like to be near the window in order to enjoythe beautiful night. And please help us book a table as far as possible from the smoking section.The cost of food, gratuities, including drinks, for this occasion, will

2、be charged to my creditcard.Please confirm this reservation at 010-92756475.Yours sincerely,Tony亲爱的琳达:我想预订今晚6点的四人位。我希望是靠近窗口的位置,以便欣赏美丽的夜色。还有,请把我们安排在离吸烟区远一些的座位。包括餐费、酒水、小费在内的所有费用都可以用我的信用卡签账。请打电话010-92756475确认这个预订。托尼有关预定的英语邮件(二) Dear Villain,This week I will travel in Wuhan. Please reserve for me a doub

3、le room,from May 8th to 12th(including the night of May 12th), full pension included, and I should greatly appreciated it ifyou would like to e me including all the service charges. Please confirm this reservation inChinese as soon as possible. All charges are to be paid by myself directly.If there

4、is no room available for the above-mentioned period, please inform me ASAP so thatI have to look for another hotel. To trouble you, thank you very much.Yours sincerely,Tom亲爱的维林:本周我将来武汉出差。请为我预订从5月8日到12日(包括12日)的一间双人房,最好包含一日三餐。如果你能告诉我包括所有服务费在内的价格,我将感激不尽。请用中文确认这份预订,越快越好。所有费用将直接由我支付。如果在我预订的期间没有空房,请尽快告知我,

5、以便我寻找其他旅馆。麻烦你了,非常感谢。汤姆有关预定的英语邮件(三) Dear Lily,Yours,Cathy亲爱的莉莉:按照你的要求我查询了公司五一黄金游的具体线路,向你推荐几个不错又很实惠的景点,它们的总费用在20003000元之间,我随信附上具体的景点和价格供你们参考。另外提醒你们做好出行安排,做好决定后请尽快跟我联系,我会帮你尽快预订。凯西有关预定的英语邮件(四) Dear Tom,I have received your mail. you said in the letter that you want me to book a double room withthree mea

6、ls preferred. I am very pleased to tell you that the room had been booked inRiverside, not far from our pany. The total cost of the five days is 1,000 Yuan. If you stillhave time after your work, I expect to pay a visit to you.Yours sincerely,Villain亲爱的汤姆:我已经收到你的邮件,你在信上说希望我帮你预订一间双人房并且最好提供一日三餐。很高兴地告诉你,房间已经预订好了,就在离我们公司不远的晴川假日。五天的费用一共是1000元。如果你忙完工作后事情时间还比较充足的话,我期待我们能见一面。维林第 页 共 页



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