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1、http:/ 永久免费组卷搜题网202年杭州市各类高中招生文化考试英 语考生须知:1、本试卷满分1分,考试时间0分钟。2、答题前,在答题纸上写姓名和准考证号。、必须在答题纸的对应答题位置上答题,写在其他地方无效。至60小题在答题纸上涂黑作答,答题方式详见答题纸上的说明。 4、做听力题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有一分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。5、考试结束后,试题卷和答题纸一并上交。试题卷I 听力部分 (25分)一、听短对话,回答问题(共5小题,计分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置。听完每段对话

2、后,你都有0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Wt ind o frde ucy lkeA. OrangesB. Peas.C. Bananas.2Whats Nancy probablding o. Shis leavn homB. She i pyig tenis.C.hes doinghmerk3. ha oes e won man wll rbby i toorrow.B. It wl rai muchltr inth we.C Shneds to uyaoter umbrell4. en des he mvie beinA A 7:10 At7:20.C

3、. At :05. Where dosthionersaion ost pobalakeplaceAIn a libary. Bn restauan.C. na hspial.二、听较长对话,回答问题(共小题,计0分)听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。. ow oes Bety fel atrst.Happy.B n. C.Worid. hi i helast adcehe mnpek gies he. ocall e pBTwrite hr letteC. To send hr a tet mssge.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第1三个小题。现在

4、,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。8. Where ar te to speakes taligA I rain tation.On hphn. C theirpr 9.Howis the man ging torot yai.B. Bysa.C. By land. much ill th py $400 B. $. $60.三、听独白,回答问题(共5小题,计分)听下面一段独白,回答第1至第15五个小题。现在,你有25秒钟的时间阅读这五个小题。11 Whic of thefolwngpicues betdesribe thexpemen you hearAB. C. . 1. Wat o y

5、do it tesalt when you hve stood the eg p Moe it way.Wh it away C. Blow itawy.13. ha teueof sat in h experimnA. Itmake the ggtse bete B. It hesstand the eg up. C. tmaes thegg vier.4. Whih month is thesecal ate in.Mh.B. Aril. My 15. Wht can help keepn egg andg on its en on that dayAThe puof e sun. . T

6、he pull ofh earthC. Te pul f n. II.笔试部分 (95分)四、单项填空(共5小题,计1分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. T unerlied rt hew “livd” i pounced a _.A tdC Id. It17. Ieedy No,mothris _ t ready no.A. doingB. ckngCburinD. getting18.Alic ad awonderutim eserday, _A. hadntheB. wasntheC.didn sh.wodnt s19. _w deal ith our

7、problems,e can easily becomeappy A.UlsB UntiC.ThoughD.Whether0. There are any poplwnsaisWatdo yo ik _A.tohapenB. hppeninC is hp. hs hpened 21. _ iser daughter The g on the ight weang buejeans. WhoB.WhtC.Whi. here22. I feeling muh bete wsoy _ cal th doctor. cldBwulCcantD. ednt 2.I mtrty.Culd yo le m

8、hve_ cokeA. litlB. nyC. soD other24 Rmember tosed som tie_ yur lovees, becue theyre no ging to earound forver.A. romB.withC. nDon5.to Clg in nand was _ in 1440 byKng HnryVIo iefree education toorstdnt.A. cleanedupB. sup fixedupD. ceedu26.You cant wake a pers_is preenin t be asleep A. hoB hihChD.不填27

9、.Im lavignw _ u trn off he ight.To mke sure. Make surC Mae re.kng ure28. Man teenager have obbies. u smetms ese hobb can get _ of schoork. the yB. bthe wy. n the way. out of he way29. How log hav uen cllecnshell _.A. er leftschool B. BeforI movd ere. Wen I wen to the bech D Sine wa teyas d3. Wilyou

10、beleto come ad el us clan the rom_, butI doin myhomewrk.A. Ilve oB. I ope noC. I d care D. Im aaidnot 五、完形填空(共小题,计15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。Aout wek ago, wen Iwa pyinbasketbll ator cal prk, Iticed a sl gou of ys pckingon a salle,skier y. They were 31 him nmes andven used io the

11、 grond and kiked dirtin hfae 32 I saw a, I wakedvetothe group.I tpp 33 the ane smler boy,an ased them pltely hatthis boyhaddone wot of 34 they were ding to him. Oe of thboy relie,“Hs weid.” At tat, asked nef theboy i he thout hifrind a wr, and he 35 was “o.” o, Ikenohe boy what te word “wed” 36 , an he sd, “Diferent” t wa cue(暗示) I tol tem haeryne is 7 , a tat ey all lookd us as ifferent to te terby aseidto he. The ll stood 8 for a moment,ad


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