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1、2023年园艺中英文自荐书 自荐书 尊敬的领导: 您好! 首先真诚地感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的自荐书,我是XXXX大学园艺专业即将毕业的学生。再扣响社会这扇大门时,我怀着年轻人特有的激情和对工作的渴望,急于想让自己经历社会这个大熔炉的磨练。 我来自农村,贫困的生活使我变得吃苦耐劳,勤奋上进。我希望通过自己的努力来改变自己和家庭的命运以及和我一样家庭困难的学生。四年的大学生活使我树立了正确的人生观,价值观,形成了热情、上进、不屈不挠的性格和诚实守信、有责任心、有爱心的人生信条。我的座右铭是“有预算不穷,有计划不忙,有原则不乱”。它使我时刻淡定、从容不迫。 多一分耕耘,多一分收获。在将近四年的学习生

2、活中,我不紧很好地掌握了本专业的相关知识和实践技能,也学会了会计学、管理学、计算机办公软件等方面的知识。现在我已通过了大学英语四六级考试,计算机三级网络证书,会计从业资格证书,普通话二级甲等证书等。不仅如此,从大一开始我就积极参加学校的各种活动,也参加校外的各种兼职来锻炼自己的胆量,积累实践经验。在此期间,做够小学生的家教,发过传单,还有手机、食品促销,也参加了中国移动云南分公司的“橙人行动”校园营销活动。这四年,我从稚嫩走向成熟,从懵懂变得坚强。而且,从心理上我也明确了自己强烈的工作意愿。 我作为一名刚从象牙塔走出来的大学生,我不足的经验或许会让您犹豫不决,但请您相信我的干劲与努力将会弥补这

3、暂时的不足。在众多的求职者中,我并非最好,但我拥有不懈奋斗的意志,愈战愈强的精神和踏实肯干的作风。我相信:只要用心就一定能赢得更精彩! 相信您的选择与我的实力将会为我们带来共同的成功! 最后,祝贵单位事业蒸蒸日上,全体员工健康进步! 此致 敬礼! 自荐人:XXX Dear Sir or Madam, I am sending you my resume in response to your ad in the XXXXX university employment nets for a production management intern (personnel management ).

4、I believe I have the skills that your company is seeking, and would like to be considered for the position. Owning to our course have not over, I have to start this job in the middle of January.In my learning career, I am keen on English all the time.In addition to my English courses, I often browse

5、 some English learning websites in my spare time to enhance my English knowledge.Such as listening to the VOA standard English to practice listening, reading a few English articles to expand my reading ability.I have good English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability, which can help me to

6、 communicate with foreign manegers.I can keep positive attitude when I am working, and then finish it smoothly.Of course, for four months of internship, I can make it.In my previous learning career, I overcome many difficulties with it and won some succe.I have a strong adaptive ability that can get

7、 a long-term high strength and high preure work.I take an active participate in school activities and social activities since my university for enhance my experiences.My major is horticulture, I love it, and want it to be my career. If you think I can get a chance for interview , please contact with me.If can get a further discu with you , I will be very grateful. Thank you for your consideration.You can reach me by xxxxxxx. Sincerely, XXXX 园艺中英文自荐书 管理专业中英文自荐书 英语自荐书(中英文对照)医学专业 中英文自荐书:网络技术专业定稿 园艺自荐书 园艺中英文对照表 自荐信(中英文) 中英文自荐信 自荐信 中英文 英文自荐书



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