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1、 Part Writngasc (15%)Diretns: Tereare15 ncoplet statts n this pat. Fr ech sttemen thee ar fou chices marked , B, D.Choose he bes OEtocmpte he saemt. hicho the olowing snensis correct wipuncution?A My ise bua of fruits for m,uch as banana、ane、apple and par.B.We willg tere, iitsfin trrowC. y s sohppy

2、toy? caueh haswo tlot.D. H asked, “Whe are youfro?”2. Accodin the rules of writinatle, “_” is rect.A My Vie onthe NgatieEfes fSmokingB.h W mprOurEnglish-Seakin AbiC. the war ofIdepenenceD.te MythofChinese iteratur3._ does not oti th priciles of “choic owrd”.A. CocisenessB. AppropiatesC. Aritrarines

3、. Accucy4 A itroductory ragrapshould arouse the rditerest and _ the mn idea f the esay.A. in B nrouceC. devlop D emphsize5 What kn of figures of speec(修辞格)is ued inte entnce “Thuder roed and a puring ri arted.”? A. MtphoB. Personificionimie . Hypebe eatyagitate, Irudo theapartmntand tred the oo, _ f

4、i locedAnly . ju C. hence D.u7.e ried lien refuly butsll couldnt _wha hey ere akngbout.Amakovr B. meoutC ke upo D. make u . uing the Tntrview, te sirannoune hat a goito _hs new lumsoonA. rlee B. en relieve D. rears9Whch of e ollwngentcesd nt contais grmar rrr?A. Tember o pplewh on crs ar inceasinB.W

5、hen suden ned tremmber is thatwen kinxm, houd not chtC.a coge studnt, e sold usepersonal ompuersin arop wy.D.Maryikshikn, swimmin, nd ridin abcycle.10.Whle makin agod sentnce, thepncipleoot contain _.A. aret B. coherenceC. nity . duality11 hichone no used a trantion ord t gi exples?. fo xample B. uc

6、h asC. ikewseD.fr nsan12.“_” is a compund setence.A. er moth wouleindher.B.The ran felfr aweek;therfoe,eey treet in he it as flod.C Because te rain fell fora week, eery sre n teci ws floded Se wnte t make su tht hermother wasnt watching.13._ te coe entence a pragapA. Tpi sentc B. Th fist ncC Support

7、ng senenc oncudn seen4 In rto keep a pargrapcohern,we fen use th organizatonal tens:_.1)timeorde)space orr3) orer o mpranc)rderf gnerlt.1), 2), nd 3) B 1), 2), and4)C ), 3),and ).1), 2), 3), and4)15 n theentee “After thelanetok off, Jssica still sto ther cryin.”, wha is th function of te ndrie part?

8、A Is a prepotional phrase,funcioning as a adver.B Itsot phras, but n averbl claue Its no a hra, but an indennclase. Is preoitional pra, unctoning as th subject. PartIICorrectentes (1%)Drctions: Te follosntncs ave some alts andcor them. (x 5 = 1) . Ithnthere arestilse sudntsavet known the asgnet. 2.

9、Luxun wrte mny fao novelsnd did in 1936 3 drier shuld ner rayur oor withou a warm-up. 4.Those howants to hmenewek nee to get his eachers perission first 5 est wy overome the diffiulty s wok togethe. PartIII raniton(1)Direcios:d th folowing pasage n choean pprpate transtiood orphrseinthe box. W the crepondin word r phrasinth blan. (2x5=10) So fr xample as a rsul ten bu ife i awn canbe cfusng. , oe y I anted to go th conslate(领事馆) t renew sun isa. myant gav e te sulates adres hen I arivd dtw, I o t. rt, wen t ab. A dy here told m alk hre bloks suh I alkd three b


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