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1、Unit 2 King Lear单元学案出题人:李昊 出题时间:2014年7月22日Section 1:1. respectful adj. 恭敬的,尊敬人的We should be respectful _tradition. 我们应尊重传统。The students are respectful_Mr. Wang. 学生们都尊敬王老师。尊敬某人 be respectful to sb. 尊敬某人have / show respect for sb. 关于,就.而言 in respect of sth. respect vt./n. 尊敬,尊重 respects 请安,问候,问好I have

2、 a deep/great respect _ him. 我对他非常尊重。Children ought to respect their elders. 孩子们应该尊敬长辈。Please _ your sister. 请代我向你姐姐问好。The _young man visited the_novelist yesterday.昨天那个充满敬意的年轻人拜访了那位受人尊敬的小说家。_this problem, well discuss it further at the next meeting.关于这个问题,我们下次会议上再进一步讨论。2. burden n. 担子,负担,义务, 烦恼 v.

3、加负担于,装载, 使.负重担burden sb. with. 让某人负担. be burdened with. 负载,负担. He was always a burden_ his parents. 他一直是父母的负担。He could not carry the burden alone. 他一人挑不起这副担子。He burdened the horse _a load. 他使马负载。I dont want to burden her _ my troubles. 我不想以我的苦恼来加重她的负担。She is always burdened with worries. 她总是忧心忡忡。(bu

4、rden)3. hand over 移交(权利,责任)The UK handed over Hong Kong to China in 1997.英国在1997年向中国移交香港。The pickpocket was handed over to the police. 扒手被送交警方。Our fathers handed down the customs to us.我们的父辈把这些习俗传给了我们。The teacher handed out books to all the pupils. 老师把书发给所有学生。传下来_hand down 交上_ hand in 分发_ hand out用适

5、当的介词或副词填空We should hand _ the revolutionary tradition from generation to generation. Tom, hand _your homework before Friday, please. The teacher is handing _ the papers. The government was handed _ to Obama, the new president.4. responsibility n. 责任,负责,责任心,职责,义务have a responsibility to / towards . 对

6、.有责任 take / accept responsibility for. 对.负责 on ones responsibility 自己负责be responsible for (doing) sth. 对.负责 be responsible to sb. 对某人负责I think we have a moral responsibility towards/to these countries. 我任务我们在道义上有责任帮助这些国家。He agreed to _organizing the party. 他同意负责组织这次聚会。I did it _. 我做的这件事我自己负责。Nobody

7、has claimed responsibility for the bombing.没有人声称对爆炸负责。responsible adj. 有责任的,负责的 responsibly adv.认真负责地,可信赖地a responsible person 可信赖的人,可靠的人Our department manger is directly responsible to the president of sales.5. pray v. 祈祷,祷告,衷心愿望,祈求.pray (to sb.) for sth. 向(某人)祈求某物 pray that从句pray sb. to do sth. 请求

8、某人做某事 pray to do sth. 祈求做某事He prayed _ God _her safety. 他向神祈求她平安。She prayed that her son would be admitted to university. 她祈祷她的儿子能被大学录取。I _ my faults. 我请求你容忍我的过错。(bear)He prayed _. 他祈求宽恕。(forgive)6. care for 关怀,喜欢,照顾,计较在乎,关心_ care about 小心,留神_ take care照顾,照料_ take care ofHe cared for her more than s

9、he realized. 她不知道他是多么喜欢她。Who _the sick? 谁照顾病人?Who _the pet? 谁照顾宠物?I dont _whether it rains. 我才不在乎下不下雨呢。Einstein who cared little _ money never cared _his salary.爱因斯坦对金钱不感兴趣,他从不在乎薪水多少。I dont _ that colour. Please show me the red one.A. care about B. care for C. care D. take care7. distribute vt. 分发,分

10、配;分布 distribution n. 分配,分布,分发distribute sth. to / among sb. / sth. 把.分配给. ; 在某人(事)分配The firm distributed its profits among its workers. 公司将利润分给了工人。The headmaster distributed the prizes _ the winners at the meeting.校长在大会上把奖品颁发给优胜者。Our chain stores_. 我们的连锁店遍布全国。The cherry tree has a wide _ in Japan. 樱

11、花树在日本分布很广。8. contradict vt. 否定, 否认, 反驳,与矛盾(抵触)contradiction n.矛盾,不一致;否认,反驳 contradictory adj.互相矛盾的,互相对立的be contradictory to 与.相矛盾,不一致The witness contradicted the drivers statement. 目击者否认那名司机的陈述。The books contradict each other. 这些书彼此矛盾。The speaker has got confused and _.演讲者弄糊涂了,说话开始自相矛盾。What he did w

12、as_what he said. 与相矛盾。Their interests are not _what we will do. (n.)他们的利益与我们要做的事没有抵触。His public speeches are _ his personal lifestyle.A. contradict with B. contradictory to C. in contradiction with D. B and C9. hear out 听完Dont make hasty conclusion; hear him out first. 不要匆匆下结论,先让他说完。副词out在此处有“到最后,彻底地,完全地;完,尽”之意。Lets play the game out. 让我们把比赛进行到底。Our food supply is running out. 我们的食物供应快耗完了。听说/到 hear about/of 收到某人的来信 hear fromIve never _ him. Who is he? 我从未听说过他这个人,他是谁? Do you often _(收到你弟弟的来信吗)? Stop! _(听老师讲


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