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1、2022年考博英语-沈阳药科大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题She is a very _ student. Shes always talking about traveling to outer space.问题1选项A.imaginaryB.imaginativeC.imaginableD.imagining【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析与上下文语义。A选项imaginary“虚构的,想象的”;B选项imaginative“富有想象力的;有创造力的”;C选项imaginable“可能的;可想象的”;D选项imagining“想象,动词imagine的现在分词形式”。句意

2、:她是一个非常_的学生。她总是说要去外太空旅行。根据她经常谈论的内容推断,她是一个充满想象力的学生,B选项最符合句意。因此,本题最佳选项为B。2. 填空题Directions: In this section there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words (not exceeding

3、 10 words).Higher education takes a hard look at the PhD and finds much that needs changing.Students entering doctoral programs in all disciplines in the U.S. often expect theyll one day devote themselves to research at a major institution, just as their own professors do. Its toward this end that m

4、ost doctoral programs gear their training.Thats why it can come as a shock when students learn that half of PhDs in the sciences and engineering work outside the academic world. Many of those who stay work at smaller, teaching-intensive universities, not at the major research institutions that train

5、 them.As a growing number of students see a mismatch between doctoral training and job opportunities, theyre sounding an alarm that their training needs to change.“There are fewer and fewer opportunities to become an academic. Because of that, students need preparation to be something other than aca

6、demics,” says Kristi Lemn, who recently earned her doctorate from Yale University. “Its not that students should all come in not expecting to be academicsits more that they need more options for a tough job market.”A growing crop of educators agree that PhD training needs close scrutiny. “Its time t

7、o take stock of what were doing in doctoral training,” says Cynthia Belar, the American Psychology Associations executive director for education.“We may at times be too narrowly focused on training for particular career paths. We must foster the critical thinking and adaptive skills required for a c

8、hanging world, or we risk failing our students.”A focal point of the movement to scrutinize doctoral training has been “Re-envisioning the PhD, a large-scale project funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts. Heading the project is the University of Washingtons (UW) Jody Nyquist.“Were looking at how we ca

9、n get the PhD experience to include a wider range of professional preparation,” says Nyquist, associate dean in the UW graduate school.Lee Shulman, president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, said all fields ought to more strongly emphasize that “being a doctor means being

10、steward of ones discipline, whether that be in industry, government or academics. A couple of decades from now there will still be something called the PhD in every field,” predicts Shulman.Questions: (注意:答题尽量简短,超过十个词要扣分。每条横线上限写一个英语单词,标点符号不占格。)41. What drives students to enter doctoral programs? _ _

11、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42. According to the passage, whats a shock to students? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43. Increasing students are sounding an alarm that doctoral training is in need of changes because _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44. Why should the students prepare something other than academics? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

12、_ _ 45. According to the passage, what kinds of people are required for a changing world? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 【答案】41. The expectation of researching at a major institution.42. Many PhDs work outside the academic world.43. they see a mismatch between doctoral training and job opportunities44. There a

13、re fewer and fewer opportunities to become an academic.45. People with critical thinking and adaptive skills.【解析】41. 事实细节题。题干“是什么促使学生攻读博士学位”可定位到第2段第1句Students entering doctoral programs in all disciplines in the U.S. often expect theyll one day devote themselves to research at a major institution.(在

14、美国攻读所有学科博士学位的学生通常希望有一天他们能在一个主要机构从事研究。)由此可知,促使学生攻读博士学位的原因是他们想在一个主要的研究机构奉献自己。42. 事实细节题。题干“根据文章,什么是学生的震惊”可定位到第3段第1句Thats why it can come as a shock when students learn that half of PhDs in the sciences and engineering work outside the academic world.(这就是为什么当学生们得知有一半的科学和工程博士在学术世界之外工作时,可能会感到震惊。)由此可知,学生们震惊的是有一半的科学和工程博士在学术世界之外工作。43. 事实细节题。题干“越来越多的学生发出警报,博士培训需要改变,因为_。”可定位到第4段As a growing number of students see a mismatch between doctoral training and job opportunities, theyre sounding an alarm that their training needs to change.(随着越来越多的学生看到博士培训和工作机会之间的不匹配,他们敲响了警钟,即他们的培训需要改变。)由此可知,学


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